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2、的增长必需要与经济的增长相适应。并通过分析人口数据图,造就学生利用数据分析问题、解决问题的实力,进一步造就学生科学的人口观;【教学重点】1.印度的地理位置 2 . 印度的人口问题【教学难点】 英语语言环境与地理学科教学相结合【教学手段】自制地理多媒体课件【教学方法】1.英语沉溺法 2.探究式 3.谈话法【教学课时】1课时【教学过程】导入新课影片西游记剪辑片放映, 引出主题“印度”老师提问 have you ever seen this tv plays? what is it about? can you tell me the story of “trip to the west”?学生活动

3、 学生用英语讲解并描述西游记的故事老师承转 in the story, where does west really mean?西游记的放映,一方面吸引学生的留意力和爱好,“西游”的目的地是印度,可以自然而然的引出主题;另一方面,由于西游记的故事学生特殊熟悉,老师用英语与学生交谈西游记的故事,学生简洁承受,并能激发学生应用英语的动机,用英语表达自己思想感情的踊跃性,并在心理上消退学生语言障碍,克制学生不敢用英语表达,怕说错的心理,在轻松快乐的环境运用英语表达思想;再次,学生讲西游记的故事的活动也供应了一个呈现自己英文水平的平台。讲授新课老师引导 we have heard of india,

4、and we know its one of four ancient nations of civilization, what do you know about india ?图片展示 pictures of indian girls and women (including the charming pictures of the miss world title-holders from india in 1966, 11014, 11017, 11019 and .)老师介绍 indian girls are very beautiful. they are so beautifu

5、l that they have won the miss world titles more than once. not only are indian girls beautiful but also they are good at singing and dancing. lets enjoy an indian song and dancing.影片放映 印度歌舞欣赏 在漂亮欢快的印度音乐观看印度舞蹈,让学生感受印度风情文化,承受美的熏陶图片展示 a few more pictures of indian little boys. 学生活动 students talk about

6、what they saw from the picture. some students say they are black and they say its because it is hot in india, some students say they are poor because there are too many people in india and so on. (学生发言中,老师在旁边刚好鼓舞和引导,改正学生表达的错误,帮助学生表达,形成一种和谐的气氛,让学生更加情愿说英语,用英语。)图片展示 在印度首都新德里自由闲逛的牛和两牛打架而造成交通堵塞的场景老师讲解并描述

7、 cattle are looked as god in india, especially white cattle. they dont have to work hard, and people take good care of them. people dont kill cattle and they dont eat beef. there are so many cattle in india that the amount of cattle has reached 0.3 billion. you can see lots of cattle walking here an

8、d there in the india capital, new delhi, as the pictures show. what are the two cattle doing? yes, theyre fighting on the crowded street. when the gods are fighting, drivers in cars and buses must drive very carefully in order that they will not hurt the cattle. as a result, there is a traffic jam.

9、(老师的讲解并描述中,多用一般此时此刻时态和此时此刻进展时态,这两种时态正是初一学生已经学过的,这样,通过老师的讲解并描述,学生不仅了解了印度的文化,还在实际情景中,自然应用了这两种时态。)地图展示 印度在世界中的位置 question: where is india?老师引导 weve known china and japan. they are in east asia. and we have learnt indonesia, vietnam, thailand, they are in southeast asia. what about india? 学生答复 its in so

10、uth asia. 学生活动 把全班学生分为五大组,分组活动,小组合作找出印度的主要的陆上邻国和隔海相望的斯里兰卡,以及印度所面临的海,并能用英语说出它们相对印度的方位。老师帮助 订正学生表达的错误,引导学生正确的用英语表达方位。并总结在表达方位介词 in, on 和 to的正确用法和区分。图片展示 印度众多的人口及课本图7.35 “印度人口的增长”老师提问 how many people are there in india in ? how many were there in 1951? and how many there are increased during fifty year

11、s from 1951 to ? 学生答复 略总结 india is the second populous country in the world, only after china, with a population of over 1.01 billion in . its also the second country whose population reached one billion. not only does india have a large population, but also its population is growing fast. it grows

12、so fast that scientists say india will become the first populous country in 20 or 30 years, exceeding china.学生分组探讨 is it good to have as many people as we can? how to solve the population problem? ( 学生探讨后,以抢答的形式来发表自己的看法,每位学生的发言将给所在的组加10分)活动总结老师确定胜出的小组,确定学生的发言,并一起得出人口的过度增长对一个国家的资源、环境及经济开展会产生负面影响的结论。课

13、堂练习 以下为我设计的有关上课内容的练习,用英文设计练习,有利于学生在练习中训练阅读理解,提高阅读理解实力,让学生全面“暴露”英语中,与英语有亲近接触。choose the right answer (only one) from a, b, c and d.1)which is the largest country in south asia?a. pakistanb. bengalc. indiad. china2) what place does india take in the worlds population?a. the firstb. the secondc. the thirdd. the fourth3)what animal is looked as god in india?a.cattle(牛)b.catc.dogd.horse4)what country has a larger population than india?a.the u.s.ab.chinac.franced.england 5what is not the result(结果) from overpopulation?a.no foodb.traffic jamsc.environmental pollution(环境污染) d.short of soldiers(兵员缺乏)


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