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1、XX High Level Design SpecificationPlease input confidentiality levelXX概要设计说明书请输入密级产品名称Product name密级 Co nfide ntiality level产品版本 Product versionTotal 16pages 共 16 页XX High Level Desig n Specificati onXX概要设计说明书Prepared byName+IDDateyyyy-mm-dd拟制姓名+工号日期Reviewed byDateyyyy-mm-dd评审人日期Approved byDateyyyy-

2、mm-dd批准日期XXXX Co., Ltd.XXXX有限公司Revision Record 修订记录Date日期Revisio n Versi on 修订 版本CR ID/Defec t IDCR号SecNo. 修改早节Change Description修改描述Author作者Page 10 , Total 16 第 # 页,共 16 页XX High Level Design SpecificationPlease input confidentiality levelXX概要设计说明书请输入密级Catalog 目录1 In troduct ion简介61.1 Purpose 目的 61

3、.2 Scope 范围 61.2.1 Name软件名称 61.2.2 Functions 软件功能 61.2.3 Applications 软件应用 62 High Level Design 概要设计 62.1 Level 0 Design Description第零层设计描述 62.1.1 Software System Co ntext Defi nition软件系统上下文定义 62.1.2 Desig n Con siderati ons (Opti on al)设计思路(可选) 72.2 Level 1 Design Description第一层设计描述 82.2.1 Decompos

4、ition Description 分解描述 82.2.2 Dependency Description 依赖性描述 92.2.3 In terface Descripti on 接口描述 1 02.3 Level 2 Design Description ( Optional )第二层设计描述(可选) 122.3.1 Module n ame (1) 模块 1 名称 122.3.2 Module name (2) 模块 2名称 132.4 Con figuration and Co ntrol( Optio nal )配置和控制(可选) 142.4.1 Startup启动 142.4.2 C

5、losing关闭 142.4.3 CreatingMIB TableItemMIB表项的创建 1 42.4.4 DeletingMIB TableItemMIB表项的删除 1 42.4.5 Modifying MIB Table Item MIB 表项的更改 142.5 Database( Optional )数据库(可选) 142.5.1 En tity, Attributes and their relatio nships实体、属性及它们之间的关系 14E-R diagram实体关系 图 14Page 3 , Total 16 第 # 页,共 16页XX High Level Desig

6、n SpecificationPlease input confidentiality levelXX概要设计说明书请输入密级Page 10 , Total 16 第 # 页,共 16 页XX High Level Design SpecificationPlease input confidentiality levelXX概要设计说明书请输入密级Table List 表目录Table1* 表错误!未定义书签。表1 *表错误!未定义书签。Figure List 图目录Figure 1* 图错误!未定义书签。图1*图错误!未定义书签。Page 10 , Total 16 第 # 页,共 16

7、页XX High Level Design SpecificationPlease input confidentiality levelXX概要设计说明书请输入密级XX High Level Design SpecificationXX概要设计说明书Keywords关键词:Abstract 摘 要:List of abbreviations缩略语清单:对本文所用缩略语进行说明,要求提供每个缩略语的英文全名和中文解释。Describeabbreviationsin this document, full spelling ofthe abbreviati on and Chin ese exp

8、la nati on should be provided.Abbreviatio ns缩略语Full spelli ng英文全名Chin ese expla nati on中文解释Page 10 , Total 16 第 # 页,共 16 页XX High Level Design SpecificationPlease input confidentiality levelXX概要设计说明书请输入密级1 Introduction 简介1.1 Purpose 目的This secti on should state the purpose of the docume nt. It could

9、 also specify the inten ded audie nee.这部分要描述文档的目的。应该指明读者。1.2 Scope 范围1.2.1 Name软件名称Ide ntify the software by n ame对软件命名1.2.2 Fu nctio ns 软件功能Explain what the software product(s) will and will not do (either directly or by refere nee to ano ther software docume nt).解释软件产品将完成或不完成的功能(可以直接描述也可以参考相关文档)1.

10、2.3 Applicatio ns 软件应用Describe the applicati on of the product (either directly or by reference to ano ther software docume nt)描述软件的应用(可直接描述也可以参考其它软件文档)2 High Level Design 概要设计2.1 Level 0 Design Description 第零层设计描述2.1.1 Software System Co ntext Defi niti on 软件系统上下文定义Describes the n etwork orga nizin

11、g mode of the software system in actual environment (usually in draw in gs).Describes how the software system forms a fun ctio nal en tity with other exter nal en tities (usually in draw in gs).首先描述本软件系统在实际环境的组网方式(一般用图描述)描述系统如何与外部实体一道组成功能实体(一般用图描述)This secti on describes relati on ships betwee n the

12、 software system to be developed and exter nal en tities. Architecture Diagram, Top level DFD (Data-Flow-Diagram) or tran sacti on diagrams can be used to describe architecture and in teracti on.本节还要描述待开发软件系统与外部实体的关系.,可以使用系统架构图、顶层数据流图、事 务图等来描述系统结构和交互关系。All exter nal en tities of the software system

13、(defi ned in Procedure of Desig n Specificati on) that in teract with the software system, or affect the software system in a certa in mode, for example, OS, driver, hardware, in terrupt or other software systems.The property (such as message, library in vok ing) and type (such as OS service,com mun

14、i cati on service, system tools, etc.) of the in teractio n betwee n exter nal en tities and this system. Only the contents that are helpful in the software desig n should be in cluded while describ ing the features of an exter nal en tity .In stead of a complete descriptio n in this specificatio n, you can make in dexes to refer to the relative docume nts that describe the software desig n. For example, an in dex can be made for the program ming guida nee of the OS.所有系统外围实体(在设计规格流程中有定义),这些实体与软件系统发生交互作用或以某种方 式影响软件系统,比如,操作系统,驱动程序,硬件,



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