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1、外贸订购条约状师专业版外贸订购条约模板状师专业版 买方(Buyers): 地点(Address):卖方(Sellers):地点(Address):经交易两边确认,同意根据以下条款,由买方购进,卖方售出以下商品,特订立本条约:(This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers,whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and cond

2、itions stipulated below):1、品名(Name of Commodity ):规格型号(Type & Specification):数目(Quantity):单价(Unit Price):总价(Total Price):条约总值(大写)(Total Value of Contract)(in capital):风险提示:要求商家在订购条约上注明产物的品牌、型号、单价、数目,品牌型号必需是尺度用名,不克不及产生歧义,前后名称必需保持同等;在标注产物的数目时,最好将产物的平米数和片数都标注清晰,便利验货时查对产物的数目。别的,标的物必需是正当物品,违规那么条约无效。2

3、、技能条件(Technical Requirements):3、包装和唛头:每件货品上标记毛重、净重、编号、尺码、目标口岸,原产地并列明以下唛头(Packing and shipping Mark: Each Package shall be stencilled with gross and net weights ,package number Measurement ,port of Destination , country of origin and the following shipping mark):4、交货限期(Time of Delivery):风险提示:运输方法一样平常

4、由需方提出,也可协商约定运输方法、运输门路、运输东西。总的要求是运费低、运速快、货品宁静到达。留意,要明白约定假设由于供方缘故原由,选择了不公正的运输门路和东西,由此造成的丧失,就包袱补偿责任。别的,运输用度的包袱,应联合货品价款思量,要明白约定清晰,以制止争议。5、装运口岸(ort of Loading):目标口岸(Port of Destination):7、生产国别和制造厂(Country of origin and Manufacturers):_。8、保险:由卖方按发票总值的_%投保险。(Insurance:To be covered by the Sellers for_% of

5、the total invoice value against. )9、付款条件:名誉证项下:买方接到卖方根据第十三条划定所发出的装运照顾后,在装船前天内,开出与条约总值等值的以卖方为受益人的不成撤消的即期名誉证。(Under Letter of Credit: The Buyers upon receipt from the Sellers of the delivery advice specified in Clause 13 hereof .shall days prior to the date of delivery. Open an irrevocable letter Of c

6、redit at sight with in favor of the Sellers ,for the total value of shipment. )直接付款:买方收到卖方根据第十条划定所发出的装船票据后天内,将货款电汇或信汇给卖方。(By Direct Remittance: Payment shall be effected by the Buyers ,by T/T or M/T, with in days after receipt from the Sellers of the shipping documents specified in Clause 10 hereof .)卖方(Sellers):日期(date):_年_月_日买方(Buyers):日期(date):_年_月_日


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