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1、第 1 页 共 1 页奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞书目第一篇:奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞其次篇:academy awards speech奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞第三篇:奥斯卡颁奖典礼舞台剧第四篇:奥斯卡颁奖典礼第五篇:1941年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上更多相关范文正文第一篇:奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞academy awards speech奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞im very grateful to receive this award for best actress. i cant begin to tell you how much i appreciate this great honor.there are many pe

2、ople id like to thank. first of all, i want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. i also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher, jim jones. who taught me everything i know.i want to thank my husband for his understanding

3、and kindness. and finally, i want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to martin miller, for being there when i needed him.this award means a great deal to me. s cant express how honored i feel at this moment. i will remember this night for the rest of my lif

4、e! thank you very much.获此最佳女主角奖的荣誉,我深表感谢。这种感谢之情实在是无法用语言来表达。 我想感谢许多人,首先我想感谢我的父母把我带到这个世界上。另外,我还要对这么多年来教过我的老师说声感谢,更要感谢我的表演老师吉姆琼斯,他教会了我所知道的每一件事。我要感谢我丈夫对我的理解与支持,最终,我想感谢全部支持过我的挚友,特殊感谢马丁米勒,每当我须要他时,他总在我身边。这个奖对我来说意义重大。任何话语也表达不了此时我所感到的万分荣幸。我今生将恒久记住今晚的美妙时刻!特别感谢。关于学习英语的演讲致辞mere exposure to english will not enab

5、le you to speak english. if you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive, if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance, if you want to swim you have to jump in the water and swim. in fact, swimming is the perfect parison to learning english.you cant learn to swim by sitting

6、 in a room and reading books about swimming skills. in order to be a swimmer youve got to conquer you fear, youve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, youve got to lose face many times before you can make it. but, to be a good swimmer youve got to practice again and again. to be a great

7、swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.lets do it! lets yell together! speaking english is a piece of cake! make your chinese muscle international!仅仅浸泡在英语书堆里是不能帮你说英语的。假如你想学会开车,你就要钻进车里,开起来;假如你想学跳舞,你就要打开音乐,跳起来;假如你想游泳,你就要跳进水里,游起来。事实上,把学英语比作游泳是最恰当

8、不过了,光是坐在家里,阅读一些有关游泳技巧的书,这样是学不会游泳的。为了学会游泳,你必需战胜恐惊,你必需求生存,呛水,喊救命,丢多数次的脸,这样才能学会游。但是,要想游得好,你必需不断地训练,假如要成为精彩的游泳能手,你必需练上好几年,直到你大脑和身体的各部分变得特别和谐。 让我们马上行动,让我们一起大喊,说英语是小菜一碟,把你的中国肌肉变成美国肌肉!其次篇:academy awards speech奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞academy awards speech奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞academy awards speech奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞颁奖年年有,谢辞总相同此短文是1995-XX年“疯狂英语学

9、习者”(crazy english learner 简称cel)最喜爱的文章,全国成千上万的挚友都能脱口而出!吃掉它!消化它!你走到哪里都用得着。当你取得成果时,只要将下文中的人名换一换,然后拿它跟你的老师、同事、挚友、上司卖弄,他们肯定会为你的“感谢”风格叫绝!kims notethis is a classic acceptance speech. you can hear this type of speech every year during the academy awards. actors and actresses give wonderful speeches becaus

10、e they are trained to deliver lines in a powerful and emotional way. follow the speech below until you are deserving of a world-class english award!im very grateful to receive this award for “best actor”. i cant begin to tell you how much i appreciate this great honor. there are many people i want t

11、o thank for; first of all i want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. i also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher, jim jones, who taught me everything i know. i want to thank my wife, for her understanding and kindness

12、. and finally, i want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to martin miller, for being there when i needed him. this award means a great deal to me. s cant express how honored i feel at this moment. i will remember this night for the rest of my life! thank yo

13、u very much.【参考译文】获此“最佳男主角”奖的荣誉,我深表感谢。这种感谢之情实在是无法用语言来表达。我想感谢许多人。首先,我想感谢我的父母把我带到这个世界上。 另外,我还想对这么多年来教过我的老师说声“感谢”,尤其要感谢我的表演老师吉姆琼斯,他教会了我所知道的每一件事。我要感谢我的妻子对我的理解与支持。最终,我想感谢全部支持过我的挚友,特殊感谢马丁米勒,每当我须要他时,他总在我身边。这个奖对我来说意义重大。任何话语也表达不了此时我所感到的万分荣幸。我今生将恒久记住今晚的美妙时刻!特别感谢。第三篇:奥斯卡颁奖典礼舞台剧王桢晓慧黄馨 秋霞第八十二届办公室奥斯卡颁奖典礼总流程开场:舞蹈

14、roly poly表演人员:唐畅(负责) 陈意 奕欣 胡婕 一琪婷婷 彦瑾司仪上场说开场白(苏荫泉 黄宝瑜 胡嘉怡 梁弘进)一 神雕侠侣奖(1)视频展示两对“情侣”的照片(2)北司仪介绍北校情侣(赵明睿、陈坚杰)对唱电视剧神雕侠侣主题曲天下无双(背景音乐 天下无双)(3) 南司仪介绍南校情侣(郭奕欣、张学丰)对唱、跳舞 私奔到月球(背景音乐私奔到月球)(4)南北司仪齐上颁奖(初定获奖者为南校情侣)(5)颁奖礼仪小姐:黎晓慧 张秋霞(奖品为结婚证,南校打算)二最佳基情奖(1)展示“基情”的照片(2)南校表演 叶俊杰、张俨再现那些年,我们一起追过的女孩中的经典场景(3)北校视频展示张锐、张汉良再现

15、泰坦尼克号中经典场景(4)南北司仪上场颁奖,获奖者为北校张锐、张汉良(礼仪拿出奖品,菊花,北校打算)三最佳吃货奖(1)(北校司仪上台)北校视频展示梁弘进吃货风采(2)北校颁奖(奖品为随吃随拿特权券,北校打算)四宇宙无敌卖萌冠军(1)视频展示卖萌的照片南校张学丰、北校郭酉晨(2)北校表演原创诗歌朗诵南校司仪上台引出下一个表演南校表演再现宝宝金水广告(售货员黄馨,学丰去买宝宝金水)(3)南北司仪上场颁奖 获奖者张学丰 (礼仪拿出奖品粉色兔耳朵头饰,南校打算)五最佳穿越奖(1)南校司仪上台引出表演者(2)南校陈晔 、郭瑞盈 表演复古穿越剧(3)南北司仪上台颁奖(礼仪拿出奖品 ?南校打算)六风流倜傥万人迷(1)南北司仪齐上引出(2)南校许永洲上台 花痴的女生为之倾倒(全体南校办公室女生表演花痴状、成多米诺骨牌形态倾倒)北校赵明睿上台 剑道表演(3)南北司仪齐上台颁奖 获奖者赵明睿 (奖品北校打算)七歌曲串烧备注:人员支配(南):(1) 导演:王桢(2)视频制作:王桢(3)舞蹈:唐畅(负责) 陈意 奕欣 胡婕 一琪婷婷 彦瑾(4)司仪:苏荫泉 黄宝瑜(5)颁奖礼仪小姐 :张秋霞 黎晓慧(6)协作学丰表演的售货员:黄馨(7)奖品打算:王桢、黎晓慧排练时间舞蹈:唐畅依实际排练状况而定颁奖典礼流程:周一 开完例会后 留下来


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