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1、北京四中小升初英语考试模拟试题、单项选择(20分)1. There are twoin our school .A. libraryB. libraries .C. librarys2. There aren tapples in the basket, but there are some on the table.A . someB. anyC . a3. Is there a dining hall in your school?A . Yes, there are.B . No , there is .C . Yes, there is .4 . Look , my grandmoth

2、er ismy grand father .A . on the left ofB . n extC . on the right of5. Have you got a dict ion ary?A. Yes, I do.B . Yes, I gotC . Yes, I have6. Where are?They are on the chair.A . Tonys booksB . Ton ys bookC . Tony books7 . Heany aunts or un cles .A . does nt has gotB . have nt gotC . has nt got8 .

3、How many computersin your classroom?There are two .A . are thereB . are you haveC . does you have9. Whereyou?Im from Beijing .A . are, fromB. do, fromC . are, come10 .is a doctor . What aboutfather?A . His, yourB . Her, your sC . His, you11. There arestudents in our class . That is 19 boys and 21 gi

4、rls。A . fortyB . fourtyC . fourteen12.Juice and water are healthy drinks , Coke isnt healthy drink .A . and13 . Can I havewater?B .butC . orA . theseB.someC . one14 . Li ngli ng is inA . Class Four,Grade OneB . Grade One,Class FourC . Class four, grade one15 . Whats yourfruit?A . very likeB.favourit

5、eC . much like16 . She cantin the lakeA . swimmi ngB .swimi ngC . swim17 . Therea cat and two dogs in my homeA . beB . isC . are18 . Hehamburgers .A . like eatB . likes eat ingC . like to eats19. The officebuildingthe classrooms .A . beh indB . beh indsC . is beh ind20 .there any apples in the kitch

6、e n?A . HaveB . BeC . Are二、智力测验(5分)21. Paris is the capital of.A . the USAB. the UKC. FranceD. Australia22. Aboutpercent of the earths surface is covered with water .A . 29B . 82C . 71D . 10023 . A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hour . How long will it take to travel 300 miles?A . 250hoursB .

7、 6hours C . 1/6hoursD . 15000hours24 . Beijing Olympic Games are themodem Olympic Games .A . _B .C .JD . _25 . Thenu mber of sec onds in one dayThe nu mber of minu tes in one weekA . B . C . =D . We dont kn ow三、完形填空(10分)NBA is the most famous basketball game in the world . There 26 a Chineseplayer i

8、n this game . His n ame is Yao Mi ng . He is27player in this game。In his sparetime, Yao28cars. On last Christmas , he drove29old car to visit one ofhis30 . On his way, he31a policeman following him . Finally, hestopped and said to the policeman “32Christmas , sir . Is there anything wrong withme?”.“

9、 No, of course not ” an swered the policema n .“ The n33did you34me?askedYao .35be angry . said the policeman “You did nothingwrong , I only want to ask you for a signature( 签名)! ”The follow ing discussi on(A)讨论)took place(发生)betwee n a father and his nin e-year-old26 . A .beB . areC . is27 . A .tal

10、lB . the tallestC . tallest28 . A .1ikes drivi ngB . 1ikes driveC . 1ike drivi ng29 . A .aB . anC . the30 . A .frien dsB . frie ndC . the frie nd31. A .seesB. seedC . saw32 . A .MarryB . MerryC . Happy33 . A .WhyB . HowC . When34 . A .askB. followC . stopped35 . A .Don tB . You don tC . You cant四、阅读

11、理解(30分)son.“Its unfair(不公平),Dad. Mum wants me to make my bed, but I dont know how“ Its time for you to learn . Where are your clean sheets(床单)?”“ I dont know .”“What do you mean you dont know? You need to take care of your things .”“Where are Jacks sheets? the father called to his wife .“ Right next

12、 to ours,” the wife answered .After a moment , the father asked slowly, “ Where ale ours?”36. The discussion takes place between.A . a husband and a wifeB . a mother and her sonC . a father and his sonD . a mother and a father37 . The son does n t know.A . how to wash his sheetsB . how to make his b

13、edC . how to clea n his sheetD . how to clea n his bed38 . The father does nt know.A .how to wash sheetsB.how to make his bedC .how to clea n sheetsD.where hissheets are39 . The father says his son isbecause he does nt know where hisis .A .careful, sheetB.careless,bedC .careful, bedD.careless,sheet4

14、0 . Who do you think take care of the housework( 家务)in the family?A . the fatherB . the motherC . the childD . No one(B)A girl may pass easily through the first grades . While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may get easily good grades . Girls seem to have “better brains ” in school . Why do so few girls become scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult( 成人)world done by men?According to(根据)scientists, the answer is aggression(敌对行为 ).Boys usually refuse to accept other peopl



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