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1、高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit1-2 高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit3-4 重点句型 1. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, . you may want to try hiking. Instead和instead 0f 的用法 2. Say Hi / Hello / Thanks to sb. (for me) 问候的句型 3. Is anybody seeing you off? 进行时表将来 4. She struggled and struggled, and could not get on her

2、feet. (= keep struggling) 5. You should not go rafting unless you know. unless引导条件状语从句,相当于if. not 6. By staying at., tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take care of the fiver and the birds. 目的状语从句 7. She was so surprised that she couldnt move. 结果状语从句 8. Tree after tree went

3、down, cut down by water. 过去分词作状语 9. The next moment, the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 现在分词作状语 10. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. It didnt take long before the building was destroyed. before的用法 重点词汇 1. means n. 方法;途径 2. experience n. 经验 3. equipmen

4、t n. 设备 4. successful adj. 成功的 5. protect v. 保护 6. handle v. 处理 7. consider v. 考虑 8. benefit n. 利益 9. particular adj. 特别的 10. effect n. 效果 11. combine v. 合并 12. unforgettable adj. 不会忘记的 13. advance v. 前进 14. seize v. 抓住 15. struggle v. 奋斗 16. fear v. & n. 害怕 17. strike v. 敲打 18. destroy v. 毁掉 19. pu

5、blish v. 出版 20. naughty adj. 调皮的 重点短语 1. get away from 逃离 2. watch / look out 注意,当心 3. go for a hike / go hiking 去徒步旅游 4. as with 正如一样 5. see off 为某人送行 6. on the other hand 在另一方面 7. take care of 照顾 8. get close / near to 接近,凑近 9. tree after tree 一棵又一棵的树 10. as wall as 也,和一样(好) 11. protectfrom 保护不受的伤

6、害 12. be surprised at 因而吃惊 13. be caught / trapped / struck in 被困住 14. take place 发生 15. go through 通过,经过;经历(痛苦的事) 16. be upon 临近,逼近 17. hold on to 紧紧抓住 18. refer to 提到,说到;查询(信息) 19. look into 注视的内部;检查,调查 20. for fear of (doing) sth. 惟恐 短语闯关 下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填入一个正确的词,每个词4分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关

7、.做好了闯关的准备吗?那么我们就开始吧? l. get _ from 逃离away 2. watch _ 注意,当心out 3. protect sb / sth _ 保护/保卫某人(某事物) from 4. see sb _ 到火车站、飞机场等某处为某人送行off 5. on the other _ 另一方面hand 6. as _ as也,还,而且well 7. _ place发生,产生take 8. _ fire失火on 9. pull sb _ 把往上拽up 10. get _ ones feet站立起来;站起身来on 11. go _ 通过,经受。仔细检查through 12. _

8、holiday在度假on 13. travel _ 旅行社代理人agent 14. be _ 逼近,临近upon 15. _ exercise 进行体育锻炼take 16. _ Hi to sb for / from sb 代某人向某人问候say 17. come _ with提出up 18. go _ a hike 去远足for 19. be caught _ 受困于,陷于 in 20. _ a second 马上,一会儿in 21. look _ 往里面看,调查into 22. refer _ 提到.涉及;参考to 23. hold _ 抓住,握住onto 24. sweep _ 冲走,刮

9、走away 25. sweep _ 冲倒,吹倒down 交际用语 1. Where would you prefer going.? 2. How would you like to go to.? 3. Have a nice / pleasant trip ! 4. Well, I must be off. 5. Its all right. 6. Im afraid. 7. Come on ! 8. It scares me. 9. Dont worry. 10. First., next., then., finally. 单词聚焦 1. advance的用法 构词:advanced

10、adj. 高等的.先进的,高深的 搭配: in advance 在前头,预先,事先 in advance of 在前面;比进步;超过 on the advance (物价)在上涨 【考例】It is said that Miss White had some difficulty in studying the _ maths. A. improved B. developed C. advanced D. increased 考查目标 本题考查形容词advanced与近义词的区别。 答案与解析C “高等数学”的英译是advanced maths,advanced意思是“先进的。高级的”。 2

11、. before 的特殊用法 (1) He had run out of the room before I could stop him.我还没来得及拦住他,他就跑出了屋子。 (2) Three weeks went by before We knew it. 三周过去了,我们才意识到。(或:时间不知不觉已过三周了。) (3) It wasnt / didnt take long before he returned.他没过多久就回来了。 It wont be long before we graduate. 不要过多久我们就要毕业了。 3. chance的用法 搭配: by any cha

12、nce 万一,碰巧,或许 by chance 偶然,意外地 take a / ones chance 冒一冒险,碰碰运气,利用一下机会 【考例6】(2005南京模拟)Most of the _are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and agriculture. A. work B. luck C. chances D. services 考查目标 chance的词义。 答案与解析 C chance在本句的词义是“机会”。 4. consider v. (1) 考虑 A) consider + n. / doing I cons

13、ider going abroad. B) consider + 疑问词+ to do You have to consider what to do next. (2) 认为 A) consider + n. (+as / to be) + n. / adj. I consider Mary as / to be my best friend. They considered Paris the brain and heart of the country. B) consider + n. + to have done I consider him to have acted disgra

14、cefully. 除了consideras表认为外,还有regardas ,look onas,takeas,think ofas 5. cost的用法 构词:costly adj. 昂贵的,贵重的 搭配: cost sb. sth. 花费某人(多少钱);让某人付出(代价)/牺牲 at all costs 不惜任何代价.无论如何 at any cost 不惜任何代价,无论如何 at cost (price) 按成本价格,按原价 at the cost of 以为代价,用换来的;丧失;牺牲 【考例】They wondered how much this kind of car would _ them. A.


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