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1、2014-2015 7A 期末词汇运用1Renmin Park is a_(真正地)fun place to go to.2Theres a small river in _(在的前面)of my house.3. I play basketball after school on_(星期三)4. This computer is too e_. I want to buy a cheaper one.5. Sandy often goes s_ with her mother on Sunday.6. We are_(有把握)our football team is the best of

2、all.7. Thank you for_(庆祝)Teachers Day with us.8. There are many different kinds of_(收音机)in the supermarket.9. Hurry up! Your sister is_(等候)for you now.10. That scarf is_(制成)of silk. It feels soft and smooth.11. If you see something_(特别的),you should tell me at once.12. _(收集)stamps is one of my father

3、s hobbies.13. -What_(尺码)are your feet?-Sorry, I dont know.14. Its our duty to help children in poor_(地区)go to school.15.-Is Mary your classmate? You often play with her. -No. We are in_classes. But we live in the same street.16. We do morning exercises every day to keep h_.17. I cant find my _(钱包) .

4、 Maybe I leave it at home.18. I like _ (聊天) with friends at lunchtime.19. There are all kinds of _ (围巾) in the supermarket. 20. The _ hul family will have a big dinner at home on that day.21. Kitty always _(花费)an hour doing sports every day.22. _(时尚) is a very popular magazine in America.23. Whose _

5、(女式衬衫) are these? Theyre Sandys.24. Im hungry. I want to eat two more _ (汉堡).25. I want to have a different but interesting _(生活方式).26. Girls like _(零食)better than boys.27. Today is her birthday, so we are going to_(庆祝) for her. 28. Children love to play games in class _(因为)its great fun. 29. You st

6、ill dont clean your bedroom now. You are so _. Sorry, Mum. But Im very busy with my tests these days.30. Could you _ me your camera? Id like to travel to Hong Kong. Sorry, but you can borrow one from Amy.31. Here is a birthday _ /preznt/ for you.32. In the morning I dont have _ /Inf/ time to have br

7、eakfast at home.33. The fish _ (品尝起来) very nice. I like it very much.34. In winter people cover their faces with their_ (围巾).35. My father likes _ (收集) stamps very much. What about your father?36.There are p_ of books in our school library.37. They had great f_ flying kites on the playground.38. The

8、 boys often do_(活动)in the club.39. What_(餐馆)do you often go to?40. The mother always_(穿衣)her baby in the morning.41. The_(邮票)in your book look really beautiful.42. Dont knock on your _(老师的)door. They are not in the office.43.I dont think the black coat _(适合)you. You may change it.44. Last Sunday was

9、 just my fathers _(三十九)birthday.45. Of all the subjects I like_(历史)best.46. People in the West like_庆祝)Christmas.47. Its good for our health to eat_(少)meat and hamburgers.48. - Is this car your fathers? -Yes, it belongs to_.He bought it last month.49. -_are you buying so much food? - Because my gran

10、dparents are coming for dinner.50. -Millie likes to help other people. - Yes, she is a _girl. We all like her.51. What do you think of my red_glvz, Tom?52. Do you know the_ spe()lmeaning of this day?53. Millie, your father is_ la on the sofa.54. Id like a cup of black tea without_g.55. My little sis

11、ters room is the_graund/floor.56. You should eat_(少)and exercise more.57. He likes animals and he is good at_(生物)58. Millie likes to visit_(博物馆)at the weekend.59. My English teachers voice_(听起来)sweet.60. Eddie_(很少)goes out because he likes sleeping.61. Does Change-3_(运载)Chinas first moon probe(探测器)Y

12、utu?62. We must brush our (牙齿)before going to bed.63. Yao Ming plays himself in the movie I Have Sunshine, which is about helping troubled teens get out of their_(黑暗的)life.64. Sometimes I feel hungry_(在中间)meals, so I eat an apple or a pear.65. Every year, people in the US and Canada have a_(特殊的)fest

13、ival to say thanks.66. South Africas first black president Nelson Mandela died at the_(年龄) of 95.67. -Which is your favourite festival, Jim? -I like Halloween_.68. - -What would you like to_? -Let me have a look at the menu first. Well, a hamburger and a bottle of juice, please.69. -These shoes are 499 yuan. -Sorry, thats too expensive. Can we see_ pair?70.We often give each other presents at_/krismes/.71.Students should get everything_(准备好的)for each class72, His hair style was_(流行的) in the l080s.73There are two_ (现代化的)buildings in our sch


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