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1、儿童英文故事演讲稿儿童英文故事演讲稿儿童英文故事演讲稿1i wu tal fo thenaon to ovelook the rency o thmomn and to uderestite the termaion f e nertis wltrngummr of he negoslegtimte sctwllnot pas nilthere is aninvigoratin auumn ffredomd equalty nneten sixtythree is not an end, ut ginnin thse who hpe that te egro needdto blow off

2、seam nd wil now be ctn wil have a rde awaning f te aion retuns to busis as uua. thre willeneither es nortranlity in amrcani t ngro is grant his tzeship ights. te whilindsfreo wllcontiu to saketh fundtions ofornatin unil t brght ay ofjustcemerge. butthee i omethin that i mss o mpepe wstandn hwar thsh

3、old whicleas ito t palace of juse. in te pros ofginin ourhtful placewe mut nt be uilt frongful deeds. lt us ot seek to stisfyour hrs for fredom drinkifro te cu ofiternes and htred. w mustforevrcondtoustrgge on thhih plaeof dignity a dicipn we ut notall ou reativ rotet odegenrate to physicl olenc. ga

4、in and again weustristo th majethigtsof meeing hsial ewit soul orce. te arelou nw militach hs engue he ngro ommuity mustn eauso ditrusto allw peopl,for myof our whiteroths,a evieey their resencehe toay, hav come t rlizatteir destiny s tied up with oestin n hei fredoms inextrcablyound t reedom. w cno

5、t walkalone.nd as we walk, w must make tepede at we shal mahahea. w canot turnak.therare toe who a skig th evteeso civil rights, whn wl yu e sati? we can ner be sse aslon as our ies,heay wih the fatiue ofravel, canngain oginin the motelsof the ighwys an thehotls ofthe cities. ecanno e satsfieslongas

6、he ngros basc mlty is fm asllr getto to a larre.we can neebe sisfied a lo as a gro imisssippannot vo and negro in newyork belive he hs notingforwichtte. no, n,we rnt satisfie,nd we wll not beatisied untiljuterlls dow ike wters ad rigteusne lik ghystream.儿童英文故事演讲稿2 ive soreyar ago,ageat ameican, i wh

7、s mbolic shadowe and i he emancpatn camationts momenus decre caas a grt becon ligh of hop lios f eo slavs wh ad bneare nte flas of witer njstice.it amas ajyous daybrkt endthe o iht of captivi but ne hundred yeas lt, w muce e tagc factthattheneo is still ot ee ne hundred ar laer, helife h ngo is stil

8、laly cped y he mnacles ofsergtin an te chain o dcrminaion. one hured yeas ter, h gr lvs on a loneysln ofpoerty th idst of va oea of atelpoperty. one nredyeas laer, the gris slanuhing i thecrers o americn siet ad finds msef aexile in isownlan.so w have ome here oay to draatze anaplg cndition. in a se

9、ne ehavecoe to o tonscaptal o cs achck. whn tearchtectsfur rpblic wrote the mnifint wor f te contutio nd the claraton ofieence, hey wre igning a pmissry note wich evr amrcan was t fl her. tisot wa promise thatal mn would be guaraned the inienle ights flie, libert, nd the uruiof hpines. itisobviousto

10、ay tha americ has defaulted o this prosso ote insofr as her itizens ofcl ar concene. nted honorg hssacred oligtion, americaas ive th negropople bad cck whh has coebac redinfien fund.uwe rfuse tobelea he bnk of justic s banupt w rfuse bieve hat there arinsfficntfuds in e tults f ppority fths niosoweh

11、ave coe t as tis check - chetat ill givesoneand the rchef fredmandth seuiyof justice.e hae alo co tohshlloed spotomirca fth ferce urgenc of n. hs is no time egage in the lur of oing f o to tae thetranqilizing dr of gradualsm.now is th time t ris rom thdark and desole valleyof segregationto hesunlitpath of raial ustie. no is he tm t pethe dors f opportuityt all ofgds cildrn. no s he timet lft ournan from he qcadsracil injstce to e sl rock fbterho本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页



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