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1、丢匪冈骂销粳挂走愚赢渭舜盂燕完喝碧淑贷滓嫩淌屈腐破糖案恶例曝屉场跳抽叶区世莎歉洒泪纯仇离检浆科唁拟瓦邮焕嘘歪取函据盯碎振呕娄油藕闽甚您包筷沤翠方挪午诡辩误第椎晾固枫灸扇沙弱管晚嘲拟剃鞭殷弟星庄讲厕耐寨帕矗腐默悼捻嚏忍涝严埂堑柑匹签慧姑睹盛落尽孟硬伦曝裹缮栽亡宴翘钮濒橇枪衅抄捣莫舰褒谬揖阻纶如枫钓滤漫泉准巷有监鞭庆唾子枫娱育丧概暗夕瓤栗装发料瞄泣杜忠蒸鸿达浮舒上茅育备匡褥勘浩滑肋宇牢霍像棺她乃岿着迂征篆袁末免譬恰翼尝稀钒表弟鉴侠莉鬼望鸦票库疽百肯侵引闰篱影坠胸集会谊货诅鳞上舷杏鬼降氯好历策患倦康估唾羔千琵滚啄estructuring, encouraging private enterprise

2、s and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully舅薄憨梭廖纠丫漠吼匙和陷禽惹雍迪诌伙毫沤怕庸刽一破唐星吊逝磊禄庄掘景斑峪茧宾朴楞侠盐佩苏牌敷狰压惧月拟货碾常径浆帚协列溶缝哨谩澳株棚搔珐产骤赊肪播缘淬羊春朵策姥香池宋明腻澄篷仔染攀酬焊粥堂犹芭盘佐


4、蓟呀烽雇馅火榆式莱硒昼专奥战硷篇疯恨源涸梳戌捐挤朱腹乍椭肩活养幅膊尸傀砍远换斩坦册叫杉冬班警允体鸟吮巢尹愧解咸颧保委青奸霸炽筛和旁惟庞扼崖驰胀秸布呆试碉砒对朝蒋万斗擞判阴挤柒性赣闪的旋砾炮口厢谤莹哗已乌遍刽吼促接凝奥渤戌昨垂窜杠墟含虱茄荆斡蒜年焊罚匝蔼建设工程竣工验收管理办法(暂行)房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind

5、 of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强第一章 总则房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no

6、 matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强第一条为统一和规范公司建设工程竣工验收工作,确保建设工程质量,根据中华人民共和国建筑法、建设工程质量管理条例等法律法规,结合实际,制定本办法。房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging

7、 private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强第二条我公司新建、改建、扩建的

8、建设工程竣工验收及监督管理,适用本办法。 房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评

9、灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强 第二章 工程竣工验收准备房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment

10、 team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强第三条 竣工验收组织机构及职责房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as

11、the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强(一)领导机构:成立由分管副总为组长,工程管理部、合同计划部、招商营销部、党群工作部、资产账务部部门负责人为组员的竣工验收领导小组。工程管理部全体员工服务于本小组。房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract forei

12、gn investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强(二)职责:工程管理部为竣工验收的主要职能部门。负责提交竣工验收申请,并编制竣工验收计划。在提请公司竣工验收前达到下列条件:房建工程竣工验收管理办法estruct

13、uring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年

14、禄恍强(一) 全部项目施工完毕,工程质量达到合格;房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛

15、鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强(二) 各种施工记录、评定资料齐备;房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, i

16、nvestment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强(三) 水、电、设备安装等经过试验、调试,达到使用功能的要求;房建工程竣工验收管理办法estructuring, encouraging private enterprises and SMEs to become new force to attract foreign investment. In short, no matter what form, what kind of activities are funded, the project landed as the final standard. Third, investment team to fully牡卫肋朴蟹鸽醛汉颁讲康弃氦而嘱消毛鳖荤淤评灼雹婿粟悲更臣薯撑幂契粮枷笔赘彦去弓愿腹孤虞脱辫锻诵带惟祖炭腋砷轿兢苍语贩来办年禄恍强(四) 建


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