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1、scratchv.skrt( scratches; scratched; scratching )双解释义vt. & vi.抓; 搔 make lines on or in a surface with sth pointed or sharp e.g. fingernails, clawsvt. & vi.刮伤 get (oneself, a part of the body) clutched by accidentvt. & vi.勾掉 draw a line or lines through a word or words, a name, etc.vt.退出比赛 withdraw (

2、a horse, a candidate, oneself) from a competition; take out (the name of a horse, a candidate) from a list of entries for a race or competition基本要点1.scratch的基本意思是“搔”“抓”,多指用带光(而非带刃)的东西如手指甲等去抓搔,也可表示在平面上刮线或穿孔。动作的发出者多没有明确的目的,而动作的承受者多受到一定程度的损害。引申可表示“刮伤”“勾掉”“刻画”“艰难地谋生”“退出比赛”等。2.scratch既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用

3、作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。词汇搭配 +名词 scratch ones ear搔耳朵 scratch ones head搔头 scratch a hole扒坑 scratch ones legs刺伤双腿 scratch the table划坏桌子 +副词 scratch eagerly热心地勾掉 scratch inadvertently非故意地刮伤 scratch industriously勤奋地抓 scratch obviously明显地刮伤 scratch ruthlessly无情地勾掉 scratch sorely使人伤心地退出比赛 scratch unexpectedly意外地

4、刮伤 scratch the plants away把植物扒掉 scratch out a name from a list从名单上划去一个名字 scratch together拼凑 scratch up a bone扒出一根骨头 +介词 scratch at抓 scratch at the door在门上乱抓 scratch for oneself竭力独自谋生 scratch on在上刻画 scratch hand on a nail手被钉子划伤 scratch name on the wall在墙上刻下名字常用短语scratch about(v.+adv.)扒,刨 strip off or

5、 dig in light movementsscratch aboutThe farmyard was quiet, with just a few chickens scratching about.这农家庭院静悄悄的,只有几只鸡在四处扒食。scratch away(v.+adv.)抓; 刮 strip off or digscratch awayIf you keep scratching away at that spot, youll break the skin.你要是不停地抓那个小包会抓破皮的。scratch sthaway 用于be ed 结构Most of the paint

6、 has been scratched away by heavy wear.由于磨损严重,大部分油漆已剥落。scratch from(v.+prep.)从中除名 remove sbs name from sthscratch sb from sthWe had to scratch two players from the team because of damaged knee joints.有两名选手膝关节受伤,我们只好不让他们参加比赛了。 用于be ed 结构Jim should have an easy victory, as two of the best runners have

7、 been scratched from the race.吉姆应该很容易地轻易取胜,因为两名优秀赛跑运动员已经从比赛中除名了。scratch out(v.+adv.)scratch sthout1.刮掉; 划去 remove off; cancel or erase by drawing a line throughScratch my name out please.请把我的名字划掉。 用于be ed 结构Names had been cut on the wall, but had then been scratched out.墙上曾刻着名字,但后来被刮掉了。2.勉强维持 make o

8、r get with difficultyIt wasnt easy scratching out a living in those hard times.在那段艰难的日子里,糊口真不容易。scratch up(v.+adv.)scratch sthup1.刮坏,磨坏 spoil sth by making marks with sth sharpThe porters scratched up the desk.搬运工们把桌子刮坏了。 用于be ed 结构The surface of the table has been all scratched up by years of heavy

9、 use.由于长期严重磨损,桌子表面已粗糙不堪。2.掘起,挖出 dig sth outThat cat has scratched up all my young plants again!那只猫又把我种的那些幼苗给扒出来了!句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)The dog is always scratching.那条狗老是搔痒。The pen scratches badly.这支钢笔钩纸钩得利害。用作及物动词S+n./pron.He has a curious habit of scratching his ear while he speaks.他有一种奇怪的习惯,一讲话就搔耳朵。Ple

10、ase leave off scratching your head.请不要搔头了。Scratch yourself if you itch.如果你觉得痒,搔好了。The cat scratched my hand.猫把我的手给搔了。The cat has scratched a hole in the flowerbed.猫在花坛上扒了一个坑。The brambles scratched my legs.荆棘刺伤了我的双腿。The knife has scratched the table.小刀划坏了桌子。I hope you are not going to scratch me.我希望你

11、不会把我的名字从比赛中划去。 用于be ed结构The horse was scratched.那匹马退出比赛了。词语辨异scratch, grind, scrape参见scrape条。scratchn.skrt( scratches )双解释义S抓; 搔痒an act of scratching (a part of the body)C抓痕,抓伤a mark or small wound made by scratchingC刮擦声a sound made by scratching词汇搭配 形容词+ nasty scratch难看的划痕 slight scratch轻微的擦伤 常用短语f

12、rom scratch非正从头做起,从零开始starting from the beginning or with nothingIts completely ruined, so well have to start from scratch.它完全毁了,我们只好从头做起。up to scratch非正情况良好,达到标准in(to) good condition or atto an acceptable standardHer performance wasnt up to scratch.她的演奏没达到水准。句型例句His dog just gives a scratch at the door when it wants to come in.他的狗想进来时就用爪子抓门。Her face was covered with scratches.她脸上有很多划痕。I heard the scratches on the old records.我听到旧唱片的沙沙声。1



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