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1、Unit 8 Natural disasters知识精讲一、必背词汇disaster n. 灾难;不幸,祸害mop vt. 用拖把擦干净up adv. 完全地earthquake n. 地震accident n. 事故,意外的事coach n. 长途汽车crash vi. & vt. 猛撞;碰撞flood n. 洪水,水灾village n. 村庄,乡村lightning n. 闪电storm n. 风暴,暴风雨thunder n. 雷,雷声slight adj. 轻微的shake vi. & vt. 摇动,震动loud adj. 响亮的;大声的;喧闹的bomb n. 炸弹fear n. 害怕

2、,恐惧direction n. 方向brick n. 砖,砖块silent adj. 寂静的nervous adj. 紧张不安的heart n. 心脏beat vi. & vt. 使规律作响,作节奏运动trapped adj. 困住的mind n. 头脑calm vi. & vt. 使平静,使镇定since conj. 由于,既然still adv. 仍然alive adj. 活着的dark n. 黑暗shout n. 呼喊,喊叫声safe adj. 平安的asleep adj. 睡着的break vi. 损坏;打破towel n. 毛巾,浴巾rule n. 规那么railway n. 铁路p

3、ancake n. 烙饼,薄饼burn n. 烧伤,烫伤,灼伤board n. 木板headache n. 头痛toothache n. 牙痛countryside n. 乡下, 农村nearly adv. 几乎, 将近clear vt. 去除,清理shaking n. 摇动,震动3二、重点词汇1. break verb /brek/1). to (cause something to) separate suddenly or violently into two or more pieces, or to (cause something to) stop working by being

4、 damaged破碎,破裂;打破;打断;损坏,弄坏例句:The dish fell to the floor and broke.碟子掉到地上摔碎了。She fell and broke her arm.她摔断了胳膊。2). to destroy or end something, or to come to an end 毁坏,打破;结束,终结例句:Eventually someone spoke, breaking the silence.最后终于有人开口打破了沉默。She broke the record for the 5,000 meters.她打破了5000米的纪录。3). to

5、interrupt or to stop something for a short period 打断;中断,中止例句:We usually break for lunch at 12.30.我们通常12点半休息吃午饭。The phone rang, breaking my concentration. 铃响了,打断了我的注意。2. shake verb & noun /ek/1). v. to move backwards and forwards or up and down in quick, short movements, or to make something or someo

6、ne do this 摇动;抖动;使颤抖例句:A young boy climbed into the apple tree and shook the branches so that the fruit fell down.一个男孩爬上苹果树,用力摇着枝条好让苹果掉下来。She shook her hair loose from its ribbon.她抖了抖头发,把丝带抖掉。2). v. If you are shaking, your body makes quick short movements, or you feel as if it is doing so, because

7、you are frightened or nervous. 因害怕或紧张而打颤,发抖例句:She was shaking as she opened the letter.她颤抖着拆开了信。I was shaking like a leaf (= very nervous) before the test.我考试前特别紧张。3). n. an act of shaking something 摇动;抖动;震动例句:She gave the box a shake to see if there was anything inside it.她摇了摇盒子,看里面有没有东西。No, no, no

8、, he said with a shake of his head. “不,不,不,他摇着头说。3. since adverb & preposition & conjunction /sns/1). adv. from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now此后,从此例句:Emma went to work in New York a year ago, and we havent seen her since.埃玛一年前去纽约工作了,自那时起我们就没有见过她。He started working for

9、 the company in 1995, and has been there ever since.他毕业后就开始为这家公司工作,在此之后他一直呆在那里。2). prep. from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now自从;从以来例句:He hasnt won a game since last year.1966年以后,英格兰队就再没有拿过世界杯冠军。It was the hottest October since records began.这是有史以来最热的十月。3). conj. becaus

10、e; as因为;既然例句:Since weve got a few minutes to wait for the train, lets have a cup of coffee.既然等火车还需要几分钟,我们去喝杯咖啡吧。Since she has lost weight that skirt bags on her.因为她减肥了,她穿那条裙子显得太松垂了。4. direction noun /darekn/ 1). the position towards which someone or something moves or faces方向,朝向例句:He was going in th

11、e direction of the bedroom.他正朝着卧室走去。They drove away in opposite directions.他们朝相反的方向驶去。2). control or instruction 管理;控制;指挥;指导例句:I couldnt understand the directions on the packet.我看不懂包装盒上的说明。The project was under the direction of a well-known academic.这项工程是在一位著名学者的指导下进行的。5. beat verb & noun /bit/1). v

12、. to defeat or do better than 打败,战胜例句:Simon always beats me at tennis.西蒙打网球总是赢我。Holland beat Belgium (by) 31.荷兰队3比1战胜比利时队。2).v. to hit repeatedly 接连地打,击例句:They saw him beating his dog with a stick.他们看见他用棍子打他的狗。Beat the drum.打起鼓来。3). v. to (cause to) make a regular movement or sound 使跳动;使拍打;敲打例句:The

13、doctor could feel no pulse beating.医生感觉不到脉搏的跳动。The hummingbird beats its wings at great speed.蜂鸟高速振动翅膀。4). n. a regular movement or sound, especially that made by your heart尤指心脏连续的跳动声例句:I put my head on his chest but I could feel no heartbeat.我把头贴近他的胸口,但感觉不到他的心跳。They danced to the beat of the drums.

14、他们随着鼓声翩翩起舞。6. silent adjective /salnt/1). without any sound 宁静的;寂静的例句:The empty house was completely silent.那座空房子一片寂静。It was four oclock in the morning and the streets were as silent as the grave.这是凌晨四点,伦敦如坟墓一样寂静,十分安静。2). without talking 沉默的;缄默的例句:Trish was silent because she was reluctant to put her thoughts into words.特里希一言不发,因为她不愿意把她的想法说出来。She and Ned sat silently for a moment, absorbing the peace of the lake.她和内德默默地坐了片刻,享受着那湖泊的宁静。三、必背短语1. thousands of 许多;成千上万的2. wash away 冲走;洗掉;忘却3. crash into 闯入;撞到上4. fall from 从落下5. catch fire 着火6. at first 起初;首先7. in fe


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