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1、高一英语各单元单词和短语的用法重点词汇1. especially v. 特别地2. imagine v. 想像3. alone adv. / adj. 单独,孤独的4. interest n. 兴趣5. everyday adj. 每天的,日常的6. deserted adj. 抛弃的7. hunt v. 搜寻8. share v. 分享9. care v. 在乎,关心10. total n. 总数11. majority n. 大多数12. survive v. 生存,活下来13. adventure n. 冒险14. scared adj. 吓坏的15. admit v. 承认16. wh

2、ile conj. 但是,而17. boring adj. 令人厌烦的18. except prep. 除之外19. quality n. 质量20. favourite adj. 最喜爱的重点短语1. be fond of爱好2. treatas把看作为3. make friends with 与交朋友4. argue with sb. about / over sth. 与某人争论某事5. hunt for寻找6. in order to为了7. sharewith与分享8. bring in引进;赚钱9. a great / good many许多10. have difficulty

3、(in) doing做有困难11. end up with以结束12. except for除之外13. come about发生14. make(a)fire生火15. make yourself at home别拘束16. the majority of大多数17. drop sb. a line给某人写短信18. for the first time第一次19. at all根本;竟然20. have a (good) knowledge of精通交际用语1. I think I like / love / hate. I enjoy. My interests are.2. Did y

4、ou have a good flight? You must be very tired. Just make yourself at home. I beg your pardon? Can you tell me how to pronounce.? Get it.单词聚焦1. argue v. 的用法构词:argument n. 1. C争论 2. U讨论辩论3. C论据 搭配: argue with / against sb. over / on / about sth. 与某人 争论某事 argue for / against sth. 辩论赞成反对某事 argue that. 主

5、张,认为,争辩说 argue sb into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做不做某事 友情提示:“说服某人做不做某事”还可表达为:talk / persuade / reason sb. into / out of doing sth. settle the argument 解决争端 友情提示:an argument with sb about / over sth. 为某事和某人而发生的争执2. compare v. 的用法构词:comparison n. 比较搭配: compare.to. 比拟;比作 compare. with / to. 将和相比较 compare

6、 notes 对笔记;交换意见3. consider v. 的用法构词:consideration n. 考虑,思考;体谅,顾及搭配: consider doing sth. 考虑做某事 consider sb (to be / as). 认为觉得某人 consider that- clause 认为 take sth into consideration 考虑 under consideration 在考虑中4. deserted adj. 空无一人的;被遗弃的;被抛弃的 (1) 空无一人的a deserted street / area空无一人的街道,地区;The office was q

7、uite deserted.办公室里空无一人。 (2) 被遗弃的 a deserted child 被遗弃的孩子(3) desert dezot n. 沙漠desert dIzo:t vt. 丢弃;遗弃 He deserted his wife and children after becoming rich.5. difficulty n. (1) difficulty (通常作复数) 难事,难点,难题She met with many difficulties when travelling. (2) 在以下句型中,difficulty是不可数名词,不能用复数形式。 have (some)

8、 difficulty (in) doing sth. 干某事有困难there is (some) difficulty (in) doing sth. have (some) difficulty with sth. 在某事上有困难 there is (some) difficulty with sth. do sth. with difficulty / without difficulty 困难地轻而易举地做某事 We had a lot of difficulty in finding your house. Do you have any difficulty with your E

9、nglish? 【注意】(1) 以上句型中,difficulty前可加some, little, much, a lot of, no, any修饰 (2) 以上句型中,亦可用trouble来代替difficulty。6. favourite = favorite (A. E) 最喜爱的;最喜爱的人或事物 (1) adj. 最喜爱的My favorite sport is playing football. (2) n. C 最喜爱的人或事物He is a favorite with his uncle.7. fun的用法构词:funny adj. 有趣的滑稽的,好笑的;奇特的,古怪的搭配:

10、make fun of 取笑;嘲弄;开某人的玩笑 (just)for / in fun = (just) for the fun of it 取乐,非认真地,说做着玩的 be full of fun 很好玩 have fun with sb. 和某人开一个玩笑 have (some) fun 玩得(很)高兴,玩得(很)开心 Its (great) fun to do sth干某事很有趣;干某事真是一件趣事;干某事真开心 What fun (it is) to do sth! 干某事多么有趣呀! have a lot of fun doing sth 干某事玩得很开心对政治极感兴趣。/ a br

11、oad interest 广泛的利益 / a common interest 共同的利益 / a strong interest 极强的兴趣 构词: interesting 令人感兴趣的(事物) interested (某人对某事)有兴趣的搭配: interest sb in sth 使某人注意,关心或参入某事;使某人对某事感兴趣 be interested in 对感兴趣(关心) have an interest in sth. / in doing sth. 对某方面有兴趣 (关心);在中有股份、权益等 hold ones interest 吸引住某人的兴趣 in the interest

12、(s) of 为利益;为起见;对有利 lose interest in 对不再感兴趣 show / take (an) interest in / in doing sth. 对表示关心(有兴趣) have / take / feel no interest in 对不 (不太) 感兴趣 with interest 有兴趣地,津津有味地 develop / find / feel interest in sth. / in doing sth. 在某方面培养有兴趣 ? lose interest in sth. / in doing sth. 对某方面失去兴趣有时interest可与不定冠词连

13、用。He developed an interest in science.另外:interest作“爱好”解时,是可数名词。 His interests include reading and tennis.10. prove的用法构词: proof n. 证据。试验,考验,(印刷)校样搭配: prove sth to sb 向某人证实 prove to sb that 从句向某人证实 prove (oneself) to be 证明(自己)是,表现出11. provide的用法构词: provider n. 供给者,供应者,养家者 provided / providing conj. 倘若

14、搭配:provide sb with sth / sth to sb 给提供;以装备12. share的用法搭配: share (in) sth. with sth. 和某人分享、分担、共用某物 share sth (out) between / among. 将某物分配、分给 share joys / happiness and sorrows (with sb) (和某人) 同甘共苦 share ones opinion 同意某人的意见13. solve的用法构词:solution n. 1. C (问题的)解答;(困难的)解决方法 2. U 解答,解决 3. U 溶解搭配:the solution to 解决的办法14. total n. / adj. 全部(的) (1) in total 加起来In total, there must have been 20000 people there. (2) a total of 总共His expenses (支出) reached a total of $100. (3) the total of.的总数 The total 0f the bill is 230 dollars.15. when conj. when并列连词,= and



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