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1、2021届毕业论文(小二号、宋体)题目:Body Language on Nonverbal Communication 浅谈非语言交际中的身势语(中英文题目要分行,二号、黑体,1.5倍行距)专 业:英语(外贸英语方向)本助学站点: 常德女子外语学校考 籍 号:姓 名: 张 三指导教师: 李 四(三号、宋体)2021年4月(二号、宋体)Body Language on Nonverbal Communication浅谈非语言交际中的身势语(中英文题目要分行,二号、黑体)学 生 姓 名: 张 三考 籍 号:站 点: 常德女子外语学校指 导 教 师: 李 四完 成 日 期: 2021年4月(三号、

2、宋体)长沙理工大学高等教育自学考试本科生毕业论文设计诚 信 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文设计是本人在指导老师的指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要奉献的个人和集体在文中均作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承当。毕业论文设计作者签名:年 月 日 BODY LANGUAGE ON NONVERBAL COMMUNICATIONTHESISSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirem

3、ents forThe degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn Changsha University of Science & Technology此页是英文题名页的标准格式。本局部的论文题目、论文作者的姓名和指导教师的职称与姓名按实际情况填写。其余的按本格式复制。BySupervisor:April 2021Changsha University of Science & Technology三号、黑体、加粗、居中,两字之间空一格,下空一个double space上空四号一行每段开头空二格,四号、宋体,单倍行距摘 要四号、黑体、顶格隐喻研究归根到底是隐喻机制的研究,它是隐

4、喻研究的核心。两千多年来,隐喻一直被仅仅看作一种修辞手段,一种语言的陪衬,被看作是两种不同事物事先存在的相似性的比拟或一个词对另一词的替代,进而形成对隐喻阐述的比拟论和替代论。现代学者通过大量研究说明,隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手段,更重要的是,它是人类的主要认知方式。隐喻这一认知方式,给人们一种新的视角,创造一种相似。因此,现代学者着重于阐述相似是如何被创造出来的。在众多的隐喻理论中,影响较大的有布莱克和莱科夫的隐喻理论。 (大约200字左右)四号、宋体关键词:隐喻;搭配;术语中文摘要的内容和关键词应与英文摘要相对应,关键词3-5个,词与词之间用分号分开上空四号一行、Times New Roman

5、、三号、加粗往下空出一个double spaceAbstractThe mechanism of metaphor is actually the nucleus of the study of metaphor. For more than two thousand years, metaphor was viewed as a device of rhetoric, an attachment to language. In accordance with this perspective, metaphor was a comparison between two things that

6、 do not belong to the same category or was regarded as one word used to substitute another because there were preexisting similarities between them. As a result of this perspective, two theories took shape: one was the Comparison Theory, the other was the Theory of Substitution. But modern scholars

7、discard the perspective, holding that metaphor is not only a device of rhetoric, to be more important, it is a leading way for human beings to know this world, a way of thinking. Key words: metaphor; collocation; terms注意:关键词3-5个,字体要加粗,词与词之间用分号分开Times New Roman、空二个字符后关键词中文关键词对应小写上空四号一行Times New Roman

8、、三号、加粗、居中,下空一个double space2行一级标题:四号、Times New Roman、加粗Contents摘 要 .iAbstract .iiIntroduction.1Chapter 1 A Historical Retrospection of Metaphor.2二级标题:Times New Roman、四号、不加粗、缩进一个字母1.1 Aristotelian School: MetaphorA Device of Rhetoric.21.2 The Platonic SchoolLanguage is Metaphorical. 5. Chapter 4 The M

9、echanism of Metaphor.15 4.1 Blacks Interaction Theory.15三级标题:Times New Roman、四号、不加粗、缩进约3个字母 Introduction to the Interaction Theory.15 Some Defects of the Interaction Theory164.2 Lakoffian Conceptual Metaphor Theory.19.Conclusion.42Bibliography.45Acknowledgements页眉Times New Roman五号不加粗一级标题上空四号一行一级标题Ti

10、mes New Roman三号加粗一级标题下空一个double space每段首缩4个字母Introduction正文Times New Roman四号、单倍行距 The study of metaphor has long been with us and the focus of the study is the mechanism of metaphor. It is the most significant and indispensable part of the study. For more than two thousand years, the study is carrie

11、d on mainly from the perspective of rhetoric, viewing metaphor as a device of rhetoric, an embellishment of language. The representative of the theories in this long period is Aristotles Comparison Theory and Quintilians Theory of Substitution. Because metaphor is not only a rhetorical phenomenon, b

12、ut also one of cognition, the interpretation.it is more ism of metaphor than the other two.(以下省略,Introduction局部字数至少需要1个page)正文下接小节标题空一个double space二、三级标题为Times New Roman四号、顶格加粗、下不空行,单倍行距一级标题Times New Roman三号加粗页眉Times New Roman五号不加粗,章节与标题间中空一格一级标题上空一行Chapter 1 二级标题Times New Roman四号、顶格加粗、下不空行,单倍行距A Hi

13、storical Retrospection of Metaphor 2.1 Aristotelian School: Metaphor-A Device of Rhetoric 此处指引文来源,直接引文格式为:作者姓著作年代:原文页码正文Times New Roman四号、单倍行距,每段首缩4个字母 Andrew Ortony(1979:3), one of the most influential writers on metaphor, has pointed out, and there are few who would disagree with him, that it is s

14、till the case that “Any serious study of metaphor is almost obliged to start with the works of Aristotle.长篇直接引文:前缩进10个字母、后不缩进、上下各空一个double spaceIn Poetics, Aristotle (350 B.C.: 71) expounds the essence, function and the way of explanation of metaphor as three nuclei. He defines metaphor as “the application of an alien name by transference


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