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1、PEP人教版六年级上英语Unit 2 Part B Read and write 第五课时优质课教案The fifth period(第五课时)教学难点 能够了解不同国家的文化差异和出行方式。教学准备 1.预习本课时的相关内容。2.PPT课件课文录音视频、交通信号灯模型等。Teaching purpose 通过与学生互动,调动学生参与课堂的积极性。通过复习旧知引入本课将要学习的内容,为后面的学习做好铺垫。教学过程 Step 1: Pre-reading 1.Greetings.2.Review.Hold a model of traffic lights.Talk with students.

2、T:What do the traffic lights mean? Ss:Red means Green means Yellow means T:You are so clever! Do you know different countries have different traffic rules? For e_le, in China, we walk on the right of the road.But in England, people should walk on the left.Do you know any other countries ways of tran

3、sportation? Now, lets see what we will learn today! 3.Lead-in.Show some pictures.(出示课件) Help students know the names of these places.Students read after the teacher. Step 2: While-reading Teaching purpose 通过问题引导学生观察并讨论图片,借助图片预测教学内容,培养学生的观察能力和逻辑推理能力。通过预测教学内容激活已有知识,并提取与文本有关的知识,进入文本话题。1.Brainstorm.T:Ho

4、w many ways can you think of to go to school? Please talk with your partner.Students do the “Brainstorm”.Gather all the ways they know to go to school.(课件出示:本单元学过的上学的方式by car/bus/bike/subway/ta_i/plane/ship/train和on foot的相关内容)2.Look and predict. Show the picture of “Read and write” on the PPT.(课件出示:

5、教材P18 Read and write板块爷爷和Robin交谈的插图)Let students observe the pictures,read the dialogue and discuss the questions.Questions: Who are they? (Robin and Wu Yifans grandpa.And Grandpa is ill.) Teaching purpose 引导学生带着问题阅读文本,整体感知文本,获取有用信息。利用问题逐步引导学生理解文本,逐步跟随文本学习新句型。 What does Robin want to do? (He wants t

6、o read a magazine to Grandpa.) Whats the magazine about? (Different ways to go to school in different countries.) 3.Listen and say. (1)Show the four pictures one by one.(课件出示:依次出示教材P18 Read and write板块的四幅图片)Let students observe the pictures and discuss the questions.Questions: Who are they? (They ar

7、e students/kids/children.) Where are they? (In Munich, Germany.In Alaska, USA.In Jiang_i, China.In Papa Westray, Scotland.) How do they go to school? Let students read the te_t quickly and find the ways of the children to go to school.Teaching purpose 运用任务型教学方法,设计不同的任务,环环相扣,逐步引导学生跟随文本学习新词汇、新句型,对重点句型

8、进行认知和操练,突破教学重点,降低学习的难度。(2)Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P18 Read and write板块的音频)Let students listen to it and answer the questions below the passage in the book.(3)Check the answers.4.Learn the new words and sentences. (1)Play the recording again.(课件出示:教材P18 Read and write板块的音频)Lead students to learn t

9、he new words and sentences.Show the picture of the sled and do the action to help students understand the phrase “by sled”.(课件出示:雪橇图片)Do the action fast first, then do the same action slowly.Let students understand the word “fast”. Ask students to do and say the sentences “Some kids go to school by

10、sled.Its fast.” “Dont let the dogs run too fast.You must drive slowly.” Show the pictures of a boat, a ferry and a ship on the PPT. Help students understand the differences among “ship, boat and ferry”. Do the action and teach the phrase “by ferry”.Wear a life jacket to help students understand the

11、sentence “We must wear a life jacket by ferry.And dont run on the ferry.” Write down the sentence structure “Some kids go to school by” on the blackboard.Do the actions and let students use the sentence structure to make sentences. Lead students to look at Picture 4.Ask them to read the sentences an

12、d try to answer the questions.T:How do the children in Papa Westray go to school? Ss:By ferry.Teaching purpose 播放录音,让学生听录音跟读。引导学生按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话。T:How did they go to school in 2021? Ss:By plane.T:Why? Ss:Because the ferry didnt work.Teaching purpose 利用插图引导学生分组复述原文。最后,带领学生阅读后文给出的关于选择不同交通方式的建议,引导学生对

13、前文的孩子们的不同的出行方式提供合适的建议。(2)Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P18 Read and write板块的音频)Let students read after the recording.Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.5.Read and choose. (1)Let students practice the passage.(2)Let students act out.(3)Let students retell the ways of the kids to go to

14、 school in groups by looking at the pictures.(4)Let students give some suggestions for the kids.Divide students into si_ groups.Let them read the suggestions on page 19 one by one.Then ask them to choose the suitable suggestions for the kids and write them down on page 18.6.Practice the words and th

15、e sentences.(1)Play the game of “Drive the train”.Make up a chant of the words and the phrases. Teaching purpose 滚雪球游戏可以锻炼学生的快速反应能力,让学生在游戏中进一步巩固所学知识,加深对本课重点词汇和句型的理解,体现在玩中学、学中玩的思想,让学生在课上及时吸收消化所学知识。Ask students to chant it one by one in lines.Give a sticker to the student who does a good job.(2)Play t

16、he game of “Roll the snowball”. Lead students to practice the key sentences “Some kids go to school on foot./By sled, you must drive slowly./On foot, dont go at a red light.” Make students stand in a line.Let the first student say the first word “some” of the sentence.Then the second student says “some kids”.The third student says “some kids go” Students say till the last student


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