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1、美联英语提供:快速搞定高中英语语法的100个句子7关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里http:/ There is a small yellow wooden table in the room.房间里有一张黄色的小木桌。语法分析:有几个形容词时的顺序。(2) She is the Poet Laureate.她是桂冠诗人。语法分析:个别形容词可以放在所修饰词的后面。(3) Presently he grew calmer.不久,他平静了一些。语法分析:形容词作表语要放在系动词后面。(4) This kept me busy.这使我很忙。语法分析:形容词作宾语补足语时一般紧跟宾语。(5) Man

2、y great poets died young.许多诗人都英年早逝。语法分析:有些形容词有时用在动词后面,表示状态。(6) Conscientious and eager, he took down everything she said.他很认真热情,把她说的话都记下来了。语法分析:形容词作同位语时有时可以放在句首,尤其是当主语很短时。(7) Strange to say, no one was hurt.说也奇怪,没有人受伤。语法分析:作句子状语的形容词,多放在句子开头。1. He came round greatly _concern.2. This delay has made me

3、 _late.3. There was something _miss.4. She could not fully understand _involve scholarly lectures.5. She had the worst _imagine.6. Greatly _interest, I asked how she played the new instrument.1. concerned 2. late 3. missing 4. involved 5. imaginable 6. interested66.形容词的比较级别The more learned a man is,

4、 the more modest he usually is.一个人越有学问,往往就越谦虚。这个句子包含了形容词的比较级的用法,“the more.the more”结构表示“越是.越”的意思,这是形容词比较级的特殊用法,类似的还有“more.than”,“more and more”,“more than”等。单音节形容词及少数双音节形容词的比较级和最高级形式可以通过词尾的曲折变化来实现,其他双音节词及多音节词都以在前面加more和most的方式构成比较级和最高级,还有一些词有不规则的比较级和最高级形式。(1) Two heads are better than one.两人的智慧胜过一人。

5、语法分析:不规则比较级的规则用法。(2) She is my elder sister.她是我姐姐。语法分析:elder和eldest主要用来表示兄弟姐妹或子女的长幼关系。(3) Shes happier than she ever been.她现在比过去任何时候都快乐。语法分析:形容词比较级可以和than连用,表示两者相比,than后面可以跟名词、代词、动名词、从句、状语以及动词或形容词等成分。(4)Now I feel a great deal more confident.现在我觉得信心强多了。语法分析:在形容词比较级前可以加一些修饰语如much, a lot, far, a littl

6、e, any, no, some等,还可以加一些其他表示数量的词。(5)It is a most joyful occasion.这是个非常快乐的日子。语法分析:在形容词最高级前面可以加a或不加冠词表示“非常”。1. I may not be good, but at _little let me have a try.2. She cannot go there till tomorrow at _early.3. My command of Japanese is not half so _good as yours.4. The warmer the weather, the _well

7、 I feel.5.She was a _good singer than he was.6. This is the _bad accident for years.1. feast 2. the earliest 3. good 4. better 5. better 6. worst67.形容词比较级别的注意点China is bigger than any other country in Asia.中国比亚洲其他任何国家都大。比较级是两者相比,具有其他的特点,多用于同一性质或同一范畴中两者的比较,所以这个句子就不可把other省略掉。如果不属于同一范畴,则不用other,有时可用el

8、se。如果为了强调,比较级不用than结构,而用of结构,比较形容词前加the。形容词最高级与the连用,但如果不表示比较,仅强调“非常”时,不用定冠词,可用不定冠词。当两个最高级形容词同时修饰一个名词时,后一个最高级形容词的定冠词常省去。(1) This table is bigger than anyone else. 这张桌子比任何别的东西都要大。语法分析:不属于同一范畴的两者相比,有时可以用else。(2) She is the nicer of the two.她是两人之间最好的。语法分析:有时为了强调,比较级不用than结构,而用of结构。(3) Compared with sil

9、k, cotton is cheap.和丝绸相比,棉花便宜。语法分析:“compared with和be senior to .”也具有比较意义,但与它们连用的形容词是原形。(4) We couldnt have got better results.我们不可能取得比这更好的成绩。语法分析:形容词的比较级与虚拟语气中的couldnt连用有“不可能更.”或“再.不过”的意思。(5) She is a most capable young girl.她是个很有才华的年轻女孩。语法分析:如不表示比较,只表示非常时,不用定冠词,可用不定冠词。(6) Her greatest wish is to be

10、come an engineer.她最大的愿望是当个工程师。语法分析:最高级形容词如有物主代词或名词所有格,就不用冠词。(7) Oldest in our workshop as she is, she works hardest.虽然她是我们车间年龄最大的,但是她工作最辛苦。语法分析:最高级形容词用在由as引导的倒装让步状语从句时,前面不用定冠词。1. The ice became smaller and _small, until in the end it disappeared completely.2. The weather is getting more and _ terrib

11、le.3. The driver drove the cat at a speed of 50 kms more or _ per hour.4. He is not late for class any _.5. There are not more _ ten elephants in this forest.6. Iron is the more useful _ the two.7. She is the nicest _ the two.8. She is four years senior _ me.9. I hope this book was better than _ one

12、 you fent me.10. I dreamed _ worst dream last night.11. He is the youngest but _tallboy in our class.12. John is a _small boy than Smith.13. Of the three glasses there is _little milk in this one.1. smaller 2. more/longer 3. less 4. more 5. than 6. of 7. of 8. to 9. the 10. my 11. tallest 12. smalle

13、r 13. the least69.副词在句中的作用Have you seen her lately?你最近见到她了吗?副词的最主要的作用就是作状语,可以修饰动词,也可以修饰动词的非谓语形式。副词还可以用来修饰形容词或副词,也可修饰整个句子。大部分的副词都可用作表语,还可在句中作定语、作宾语补语,也可构成成语动词。(1) They spoke very highly of him.他们对他评价很高。语法分析:副词的最主要的作用就是用来修饰动词在句中作状语。(2) Excuse me for coming back.原谅我又回来了。语法分析:副词还可用来修饰非谓语动词作状语。(3) Natura

14、lly, hes attached to the place.当然他很喜欢这个地方。语法分析:副词做状语,可以修饰整个句子。(4) She didnt work hard enough.她不够用功。语法分析:副词修饰副词或形容词作状语。(5) The bedrooms are upstairs.卧室在楼上。语法分析:副词作表语。(6) I hope youll enjoy your stay here.希望你在这儿住得愉快。语法分析:副词作定语。(7) He doesnt know how to put his ideas across.他不知道如何讲清楚自己的意思。语法分析:副词作宾语补语,一起构成符合宾语。(1) Shell be here _direct.(2) _great disappointed. She went home.(3) He is _slight lame.(4) I leave _ work at six oclock.(5) The roses will come _ next ti


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