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1、项 目 经 理 职 责Responsibility of the Project Manager1. 公司对项目的管理实行项目经理负责制,其应对设计项目的全过程及项目的进度、质量、费用、后续服务负责,并将进展情况通报给总经理。A project manager is responsible for the whole process of a project, including design and scheduling, quality, client payment inquiry, check and after design services.2. 严格按照设计流程规定执行项目管理。

2、A project manager manages the project according to the .3. 每周五下午,主动与本部门其他项目经理一起协调安排主创设计师在下周里的工作时间和内容。Every Friday afternoon, a project manager cooperates to other project managers in the same group for making the chief designers schedule of next week.4. 项目开始前,首先应从公司规范里拷贝项目标准文件夹,以建立标准的资料库,并严格按统一分类存放项

3、目资料。Before starting a project, a project manager should copy from the company standard. So the project manager can make a standard database, and classify the files. 5. 保存好各阶段的草图、效果图、CAD图等过程图与设计成果以及与委托方的所有来往函件和电子邮件(按公司规定的分类保存), 并在阶段性工作结束后将所有文件交给网管归档。A project manager takes charge of saving the draft,

4、 perspectives, CAD files and all letters, e-mail from the client (according to the company standard to classify and save). He also needs to give all the files to the IT manager after finishing a project.6. 负责制定各阶段计划表,填写计划表时,应用正楷字填写,并且做到按程序每空必填,计划表在“网管”签上收档签名后方告结束。A project manager should make a sche

5、dule for each process, using capital handwriting to fill in the according to the procedure. After finishing the form for the schedule and all drawings, a project manager must acquire the signature of the IT manager.7. 应按时将合同附件-委托方向设计方提交的条件资料清单逐条收齐,以减少设计工作的返工。A project manager should collect to reduc

6、e the re-design work.8. 确保项目按计划表进行,如遇特殊情况无法按时完成的,要提前一周反馈给子公司总经理和总公司总经理,并协调处理,同时按总公司总经理的意见与委托方沟通好。A project manager must make sure that the project is going base on the schedule. In the special situations which a project cannot be finished on time, the project manager should notice the sub-company ma

7、nager and general manager. At the same time, he must handle it and communicate with the client, according to the opinion from the company.9. 当委托方提出重大变更时,应要求委托方提供正式的书面文件并加盖公章,报请总设计师确认是否变更;如需变更,及时报告总公司总经理,以便确认是否需与委托方协调修改合同等商务问题。If a client changes many design features, the project manager must ask the

8、 client to make a formal paper file with stamp about the adjustment, and then report to the general designer. If the general designer agrees with the proposal, the project manager should ask the general manager to modify the contract with client or not.10. 必须亲自负责项目的打图、发图和通知委托方,并追要委托方的设计文件签收单和设计成果确认书

9、。A project manager is in charge of printing and submitting the drawings, and then notices the client. He needs to ask the and from the client.11. 必须亲自监控项目的模型制作、发运和通知委托方,并追要委托方的模型签收单和成果确认书。A project manager must supervise and control the miniature model making, transporting and informing the client.

10、He needs to ask the and from the client.12. 应及时将委托方的意见反馈给项目团队成员。A project manager must give feedbacks from the client to all the members in the group.13. 接到委托方来函或来电,当天必须给回复,以给委托方建立高效负责的印象。After receiving letters or phone calls from the client, a project manager must reply immediately, so the client

11、will have an efficient impression in our company.14. 项目进行中,应经常提醒主创设计师和团队人员贯彻公司的质量要求- 精彩、震撼力和创新。During designing, a project manager should always remind the chief designer and members of following the standard requirements of our companyNew Ideas, Innovative and Amazing.15. 项目进行中,严格执行公司所有制图规范,并督促项目组成

12、员执行。During designing, a project manager must follow the design standards strictly, and supervise all team members.16. 项目进行时,如总图或设计有调整,应及时通知植物设计师、结构设计师、水电设计师等相关技术人员,需预留设计时间以保证设计质量。During a design process, if there are some changes in master plan, the project manager must notice the planting designer,

13、 structural designer, drainage & electrical designer, and make sure the quality review time.17. 严格按公司和国家相关制图规范校对各阶段的成果。A project manager checks the drawing according to the standards in our company.18. 催收设计费由项目经理负责,由财务部负责核实到帐情况,并及时反馈给总公司总经理和项目经理。A project manager is responsible for asking the design

14、 fee. The financial department will confirm it, and notice the general manager and project manager.19. 每次开始下一阶段工作前,应与财务部核实上一阶段的费用是否收回到帐;若费用未到帐,下一阶段成果图将一直推迟到上一阶段费用到帐后再送交委托方,如因特殊情况需违规交图,须向总公司总经理请示书面意见。Before beginning next work, a project manager should make sure if they have received the fee for last

15、 step. If not, they will not submit the drawings to the client until the fee arrive. In the special situation, such as we have to submit drawings immediately, the project manager must get the general managers confirmation file. 20. 阶段性工作结束后,应及时向人力资源部反馈项目团队人员的工作情况。After finishing a project, the project manager must report to the human resource department. 21. 阶段性工作结束后,应组织项目团队做阶段性项目总结,并可邀请其他部门人员一起参加。After finishing a project, the project manager must ma


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