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1、三年级下册英语学案Recycle2人教PEP版Recycle 2 课时目标: Read aloud 认知目标 能运用所学知识流利地朗读对话。 能力目标 培养学生在实际生活情境中运用语言的能力和交际能力。 情感目标 培养学生互相帮助、互相取长补短的优良品质。 重点: 能够灵活运用所学知识,准确理解“get”意思。 难点: 熟练运用本课句型在所创设的真实情境中自然得体地会话。 教法与学法: 交际法、练习法。 教学准备: 多媒体课件、图片、卡片。 教学过程: Step 1:Warm up Greetings. T: Now begin our class. S1: Stand up ! Good m

2、orning, MS Zhao ! T: Good morning, my boys and girls ! How are you ? Ss: Im/Were fine ,thank you! T: Sit down ,please ! 1. Sing a song “An apple a day ”. 设计思路:通过唱歌进入课前准备,营造良好的英语学习氛围,使学生轻松、愉快地进入角色,投入到新课的学习中来。 Step 2: Leading in T: An apple a day keeps docters away . So I like apples very much . Do yo

3、u like apples ? S2: Yes ,I do . T: No, I dont .I like bananas 设计思路:由歌词自然引出对水果的好恶表述,从而为后面的学习做好了铺垫。 Step 3:Presentation Read aloud 1. T plays ppt and teaches “ Look! So much fruit ! (ways: pare “ so many animals” to “ so much fruit ” . have Ss understand “many” and “ much” )T : Today , animals are hav

4、ing a fruit picnic / party .So there are so many animals and so much fruit . 2. Review the fruit, T shows the pictures and the words of the fruit . ( ways : T asks Ss play a game : guess what fruit to the fruit words .) 3. T plays ppt and asks to count the fruit . T: Wow! So many watermelons ! Lets

5、count ! Ss : One , two , three .thirteen . T: How many watermelons can you see ? Ss: I can see thirteen watermelons . ( As the same way to revise the numbers from one to twenty and the sentence : How many .s do you have ? I have . ) 4. T shows the main picture and asks Ss what they can see in the pi

6、cture . Ss say they are an elephent , a monkey , a bird and a duck . 5. T plays ppt and make Ss understand the meaning of “get”. T : What are they doing ? Ss : They are zhai the fruit . T : They are getting the fruit . T shows the three pictures and have Ss know the Chinese meaning of “get”. 设计思路:通过

7、复习创设情境,使学生能更好地投入到新课的学习,为故事里的对话做好铺垫。 6. Look at the video and set the questions . Q1: Who can get the bananas ? Q2: Who can get the grapes ? Q3: Who can get the strawberries ? Q4: How many bananas ? Q5: How many grapes ? 7. Ss read the dialogue and find the answers. 8. Look at the video again and fol

8、low to read the story . 9. Reorder the story . 设计思路:通过设置问题,回答问题以及重新排序使学生更好地掌握故事内容,梳理故事情节。 Step 4: Expansion and consolidation 1. Practice the dialogue in group and then act it out in class . 2. T plays ppt and asks “ What fruit do you like ?” “ What fruit can you get ?” “ Why ?” S1: I like bananas .

9、 Im tall .I can get bananas , apples , pears and oranges . S2: I like watermelons . Im short but Im strong and I can get watermelons . 设计思路:通过互相用所学句型表演,让学生在创设的情境中自主操练句型,有目的地训练学生语言输出能力。 Step 5:Homework: 1. Finish the tow forms in group . 2. Read the dialogue 6 times and act it out to your parents . 设计思路:进一步对所学知识进行巩固和拓展。 Step 6: Bb design : 13 19 20 14 设计思路:运用图片更直观、更形象地再现所学内容。 第 页 共 页


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