模块4重点句子复现和巩固U1Advertising (2)

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1、Try to recite the following sentences. You can and you MUST!模块4重点句子复现和巩固Unit 1 Advertising1.We are so used to them that we often dont even realize how many we see and hear in one day.我们是如此熟悉它们,以至于我们意识不到一天当中看到和听到了多少条广告。2.An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or

2、service, or to believe in an idea.广告运用文字和图片劝说人们购买某种产品或服务或相信某种理念。3.PASs are often run for free,and are meant to educate people about health,safety or any other problem that affects public welfare. 公益广告往往是免费刊登的,其目的是就健康、安全或者其它影响到公共利益的问题对老百信进行教育。4.There are laws to protect people from advertisements tha

3、t cheat people.有法律保护人们免受广告的欺骗。5.However, we still must be aware of the skillful methods used in ads to try and sell us things.尽管如此,我们对商业广告中所使用的推销手法还是得有些意识。5.Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent. 即使一则广告没有撒谎,但这并不意味着这则广告就是完全“清白”的。6.Tom fooled a lot of people into belie

4、ving him. 汤姆骗得很多人相信他。7.He made no comments on our products.他对我们的产品没有作出任何评论。8.Not all ads play tricks on us though. 然而,并非所有的广告都给我们设陷阱的。9.PSAs aim to teach us and help us lead better lives. 公益广告旨在教导大众,为改进人们的生活提供帮助。10.These ads deal with widespread social concerns. 这些广告涉及广泛的社会问题。11.This project is of g

5、reat benefit to everyone.这项工程对每个人都有好处。12.The meeting discussed how to promote peace. 会议讨论了如何促进和平。13.Suits,jeans,shirts and dresses of various styles are on sale now.各种款式的套装、牛仔裤、衬衫、女装正在打折销售。14.Once the product goes on the market,its sales should be reported every day.一旦这个新产品上市,应该每天报告它的销售数字。15.Yesterd

6、ay I came across an interesting book,which I would like to recommend here.昨天,我偶然发现一本有趣的新书,我想在此推荐一下。16.The teacher recommended us to read the novel.The teacher recommended that we (should) read the novel. 老师建议我们读一下这本小说。17.That is why we are considering designing a new package for our chocolate bar as

7、 well. 那就是我们在考虑还要为块状巧克力设计一个新包装的原因。18.We must update our packages in order to to attract todays youth.我们必须更新包装以吸引今天的年轻人。19.It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.弄清楚你想要告诉观众什么和你试图要他们做什么,这一点很重要。20.He has been determined to do t

8、he work for a long time.他决定做这件事已经很长时间了。21.It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way. 要始终迎合观众,使他们有特定的反应,这很重要。22.She couldnt come up with a solution to the problem,so she appealed to me for help.她想不出这个问题的解决办法,于是恳求我帮忙。23.He taught me how to g

9、et my ideas across. 他教我如何把自己的观点表达清楚。24.He is responsible for all the damage done by his workers.他应为他的工人所造成的一切损失负责。Practice makes perfect!1.The young American tried to _ his message to the crowd in his broken Chinese. A. get across B. get through C. get back D. get over2.Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech,

10、 started to read a novel. A. tiringbored B. tiredboring C. tiredbored D. tiringboring3.-John was really injured in the accident yeaterday and she was sent to hospital. - Oh,really? I _. I _ visit her. A. didnt knowwill go to B. dont knowwill go to C.didnt knowam going to D. havent knownam going to4.

11、He waited until it was dark _ nobody could see him clearly. A. so that B. in order to C. although D. however5.All the people are _ with childrens education in our country nowadays. A. concerning B. to concern C. to be concerned D. concerned6.She is such a lovely girl _ everyone likes. A. that B. as

12、C. which D. whom7._ Im concerned, it is impossible to finish the project in such a short time. A. As long as B. As far as C. As much as D. As well as8.Teaching as a career _ to many people because of the long holiday. A. attracts B. calls C. appeals D. pulls9.Last year Jack went to college and left

13、his parents, _ to return home until he has achieved his goal. A. determining not B. not determined C. not determining D. determined not 10.It was recommended that the plan _ as soon as possible. A. must be carried out B. was carried out C. be carried out D. had to be carried out11.Are you _ of the n

14、ervousness on him during the live match? A. unaware B. aware C. active D. afraid12.Everything _ into cosideration,she thought it wise not to but that product. A. to put B. to be put C. taken D. having taken13.He failed in the driving test. Now he regretted _ Mr. Wangs advice. A. not having followed

15、B. not to follow C. having not followed D. to not follow14.He doesnt doubt _. A. whether they can go through with it B. whether can they go through with it or not C. that can they go through with it D. they can go through with it15.While shopping, people sometimes cant help _ into buying something they really dont need.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded C.


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