2021-2022年四年级英语下册 unit8(3)教案 苏教牛津版

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1、2021-2022年四年级英语下册 unit8(3)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:1熟练运用单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground , our2熟练运用句型 Whats in / on/ near.?Theres/ There are . in/ on/ near.3能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 Ive got a new T-shirt. Its smart. I love China.4了解字母组合ch 在单词中的读音。教学重点:1熟练运用单词a chair, a

2、 blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground , our2熟练运用句型 Whats in / on/ near.? Theres a / There are some .in/ on/ near.教学难点:正确理解和运用句型Whats in / on/ near.? Theres a / There are some .in/ on/ near.教具准备:课前准备F部分单词卡片。师生自带一些新、旧物品。教学过程:Step1. Revision:1Sing a song: In the class

3、room2开火车游戏:看图片复习 本课中的单词3出示一些专用房间图片(如教室,办公室等)T: Whats it?S: Its a classroom.T: Whats in the classroom?S: There are some Theres a/ anS :同桌造句练习。4T:Can you say something about your classroom?S: 用学过的句型描述教室。Step2. Presentation and practice1教师出示一些自带物品,T: Look, Ive got a new T-shirt. Ive got a new出示句型:Ive g

4、ot a并领读2学生用句型Ive got . 介绍自带物品. 然后 出示本课E部分的投影片T:Look at my picture.T:(指图片) Who can you see in the picture?S: Gao shan and David.T: What are they talking about?Lets listen to the tape.S: 看图听录音。2.T:Lets listen to it again.S: 再听一次。T:(必要时用中文解释。)S:跟读。Can you make a sentence?S: Ive got a 3T:Now read after

5、the tape.S: 跟录音磁带读课文。齐读课文Step3 A short break1A gamePlace and say教师准备房间图片(如office, classroom, playgroud)和单独的物品图片(dog, chair, books)请一位学生上讲台,其他学生可以用Theres a/ anin/ on/ near造句,该生边听边贴图。可以采用小组竞赛形式。Step 4. Listen and repeat1出示F部分单词卡片,请学生自读,并体会字母组合发音。2听录音跟读。3 归纳发音: ch-/t/4带音标读单词, 根据音标扩充单词:China, children,

6、chocoateStep5 Consolidation1教师出示E部分图片T: Lets read the text again.S: 读对话。2T:Try to act the dialogue.S:同桌操练句型句型表演3T: can you make a short dialogue by yourselves?S: 根据对话自编。(教师可先与一生示范)S: Look, Ive got a new pencil box.T: Its nice. Theres a cat on it.S: There are some words, too. Can you read them?T: Let

7、 me see. Oh, / Sorry, I cant.4学生自由编对话。Step 6 Homework1听磁带,跟录音读对话。2用 “There is / There are” 造句。每个句型造两句并翻译。附送:2021-2022年四年级英语下册 unit8(4)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:1复习巩固本单元单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground , our;2复习巩固本单元句型 Whats in / on/ near.? Theres/ There are . i

8、n/ on/ near.教具准备:本课单词图片及录音磁带,学生自带图片(我的教室、卧室)教学过程:Step1. Revision:1Sing a song: In the classroom2T: 出示卧室照片This is my bedroom.Its small but bright.Theres a desk in the bedroom.There a puter on the desk.There are some books on the bookcase.Can you say something about your picture?S: 用学过的句型描述自己的图片Step2.

9、 Look and say出示本课D部分的投影片T:Look at my picture.T:(指图片) Look, theres a bed in the room.Look, theres a piano in the room.Try to say something about the pictures.S:看图说话练习。Look, theres a in/ on/ nearLook, there are some in/on/ nearStep 3. Fun houseT: First, you read it by yourselves.S: 自读。T: Who can try t

10、o translate?S: 解释大意。T: Lets read together.S: 齐读。Step4 A short break1A gameMind map学生闭上眼睛,想象一幅居室图画。教师在黑板上为学生提供Mind map的框架。My roomon the desk- pencil, booksnear the desk-puter, TV,on the wall-pictureStep5 Consolidation2教师出示课文图片T: Try to recite the text.S: 看图复述课文。2、T:Act the dialogue.S:表演课文。Step6 Exercise1完成本课练习册听力部分Step 6 Homework1听磁带,跟录音读对话。2朗读本课练习册中课上已完成的练习。


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