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1、 n 5 lsn Mandelaa modern hero话题Tequalities f agrat ers;t ies ofsoe greapele词汇提示:1、 词汇分类没有做(也就是理解词汇是哪些、基本写作词汇是哪些、中高档写作词汇是哪几种等)。2、 本单元的词汇教学重要是构词法教学,但是注意不要拓展太多,适可而止为好。Qulity, mean, actve,geerou, self, slih, selfes, sllessly, deo,devoted, foud, puli, ncipl,peaceful,mn, awyer, guidance, legl, fe,hoefl,yu

2、th, lee, sag, vot, attack, violence, equa, wiig,unair, Afi, ecap, nk,ducte, edued, bg, elaiv, terror, cruelty,rward, sntene, anti-nti- bak, reien, oiout ok, as mrof fact lo u n ouble tr t lose heart coe owr et besentenced to功能句式1. 征求意见(sk for onions)hato youthink of.? Whats you inion?ha areyor ieas?

3、 o you ae ny tughts on that?odo yu e abuhat? Wy o ou think so?提示:上述征求意见的功能句子,要注意常用和不常用的提示。例如,Do yuhve ny thugs tht?就是不常用的,不需要学生会用,能读懂即可。2. 刊登意见(givin pinons) tink dt think I ble/I do beleve (ha)n mopinin Tom uderstnding, Iamih you fel tat/ I on feelta语法定语从句(以whe, where, wh, 介词+whch, 介词+whm引导的定语从句)e

4、shool heeI studedfo onlywo years was ree klometers awy.he ime when Ifst met NesoMandea as a er iicult period of my ie.Th resonwy I got job wa ecause f m hard wor.W wre put i a psition in whih ehad eiter accept we re less imprtant, r ght thegovrnentMndeawaste black lawyer to wom Iwen for avice.Hes en

5、ous ith his tim, fr whcI was ratefl.提示:1、 定语从句是初高中的重要语法项目,也是学生较为容易理解的项目。2、 鉴于高考专门测试定于从句重要是在多选题题型中,并且是出目前较为简朴的句型中,因此,建议不要将此部分的解说难度提高,而是注重学生对于重要定于从句典型句型的迅速理解、大声朗读和意群朗读上去。至于教材中的定语从句难句,学生都可以理解并朗读即可。Thrs rio-armng up教材分析:本单元以 elon dela a odern hro 为话题,目的在于使学生理解一种伟大的人应具有如何的品质,学会体现自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一种伟人。提示:1

6、、 本单元从warm-up开始,到最后的writig,都是以第三人称的角度来进行描述的,因此,教学中要注意这种人称的前后一致,否则无法前后一致的引导学生进行学习和体现。2、 Rding部分侧重于理解,以及理解基本上的smmr,这为最后的witing做好的铺垫和积累(特别是核心单词、句型和构造的积累),最后的witig要是前面阅读后的仿写(固然能力较强的学生也可以不受限制的开展写作)。3、 如何激发学生学习有关这些伟人的文章,是需要教师思考的:这些伟人学生会感爱好吗?学生理解多少有关这几位伟人的伟大业绩?从哪些角度来导入会让学生更加的感爱好?4、 教学目的建议增长:通过学习文章和有关素材,进一步

7、理解伟人的生平事迹,特别是如何才干成为伟人。培养学生初步使用有关词汇、句型和文章构造进行人物生平描述的口语体现和基本写作能力。Tcingams:1. Toarouse Ss ntret in learing abut heroes inhistoy2. T evlop Slistenin spekbility.Teachg rocedues:Step1 rmng ul Dscribe youlvsFirs what kid ofesonaeyou? (hy,utgon,fun, ean, immatre, ie, ind, onest, bra, loyl,happy, ise,smart,

8、fiendl, war, cheerfu, ppla, gnru, hard-woring, dilint, wea, supid, lay, ishonest, tense, ,unknd,miserble, dul, stogind,etermned etc.)l Dissio(Enouretudensto ivfive r six qualite thtteyhnk grt eronsave, ad gve heirrons.)提示:What kindof great persons?oltians,sienists, ?Diffren kindof gret ersons, difee

9、ntqalites. Qestion: Who do yo thnk th greatest men inyourmin?Can yo name me? Qustion 2: In whawaydo you onsder amnis rat? at isyour stnad?l Lookat pag 3 ad ten asthe Ss if hese amous pepe rople.l nclsio: Agt pson s a ersn wh afollowd hs orer iesanscrfie(牺牲) somethin so t they could b reaized. A op i

10、r mb ery ppular with the yngp,buthe/she is nt a t ma/woman.Afamous prs mybe well-now but ifh orh has not gone though truggles ddifficulties for ther noble aim,tey canote calle grt so.tep2 angugpoints:devoe v neelf to 献身于、致力于。deote ones lie/estime to.把生命、时间献给。 to 把。用于。.g. edevtd hslfetorooting world

11、ae.He evote his lf toth prmtion of wordpeae. devotd dj 忠实的,深爱的be dvoted o 对忠实,对深爱adevted friend Sheis devot her huband即学即练Thmaagr deoes alls spae ime_thevon. BAopracise B. to practisi C.in pracsg D.fopractisn. ight fr为而战 fgh against 与作斗争;与作战 fiht th 同并肩作战; 与 作战E. Wewillhav to fight aganst dicties.Il

12、 fgwit you,in the wods, l supor you.aves wereighig fo fredom. 3.gie up 表达积极放弃或屈服.g. He has eidet v p smkng.gve n 表达被动屈服或认输, 背面不带宾语。如果接宾语用give in to e.g You cat winthe ga,so yu may s well give in.Te econd piod-tnsie rdngeching :) T have Ss learn abot sme nforatin aout Nelso Mdela and thesiuatio whrh bck ws badly orufirly treaed.2) Toget Ss t larnaboutrea why NelonMala lpedthe blackeole to et the sam righ


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