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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料语 篇 提 能.完形填空It had been two years since Bobby had come to Auld Jock. The dog had brought him great _1_. Many couldnt understand why Auld Jock had chosen such an ugly dog, _2_ Auld Jock knew that Bobby had the heart of a lion.Bobby took his duties as a watchdog very _3_. This meant he h

2、ad to lie very still, _4_ everyone, and bark noisily if he found anything unusual. Bobby and Auld Jock were always _5_. Every day, the two would visit a local _6_ for lunch.The winter of 185758 was cold, and Auld Jock developed a terrible cough. In February, Auld Jock _7_.On the day his _8_ was buri

3、ed in the churchyard (墓地), Bobby silently watched the unfamiliar _9_ and left when it was over. After dark, he went back into the _10_. The next morning, John Brown, the churchyarD s watcher, found Bobby lying on top of Auld Jocks grave and shouted, “No dogs are _11_ in this yard!” At this, Bobby ba

4、rked: he wasnt about to _12_ his owners grave for this _13_ old man. Later, Mr. Brown found out it was Auld Jocks Bobby and brought him back a big breakfast. Soon Bobby was _14_ the food, letting go of all _15_ feelings. From then on Mr. Brown gave him food and water regularly, as a thank you to Bob

5、by for _16_ the churchyard at night.Bobby remained near the grave and _17_ the churchyard his home. The only time Bobby left the grave was at _18_, when he would return to the coffee shop for a meal, just as he had done every day with Auld Jock.Bobby _19_ at the churchyard until his own death fourte

6、en years later. He was buried near the owner he _20_ so much.1A. sadness B. secret C. troubleD. happiness2A. so B. but C. or D. for3A. seriously B. proudly C. quietly D. hopefully4A. watching B. welcoming C. recognizing D. stopping5A. out B. together C. lonely D. away6A. restaurant B. supermarket C.

7、 coffee shop D. dining hall7A. changed B. disappeared C. returned D. died8A. father B. child C. ownerD. neighbor9A. scene B. man C. city D. home10A. house B. field C. churchyard D. bedroom11A. invited B. hidden C. fed D. allowed12A. visit B. enter C. leave D. protect13A. careless B. hateful C. hopel

8、ess D. harmful14A. enjoying B. sharing C. searching D. smelling15A. necessary B. possible C. nervous D. angry16A. cleaning B. guarding C. reaching D. supporting17A. found B. considered C. imagined D. wished18A. weekends B. midnight C. noon D. night19A. slept B. knocked C. arrived D. remained20A. lov

9、ed B. feared C. movedD. respected答案与解析语篇解读本文是记叙文、忠诚的小狗Bobby在主人死后每天守在他的坟墓旁边,直到它生命的尽头。1D由下文讲到的Auld Jock与Bobby在一起度过的快乐时光可以推断,Bobby给他带来很多“快乐(happiness)”。2B别人认为狗很丑,“但是(but)”Auld Jock却觉得自己的狗有颗勇敢的心。3A由下文的描述“bark noisily if he found anything unusual”可以推断, Bobby“认真地(seriously)”履行自己的职责。4A由“This meant he had t

10、o lie very still, . bark noisily if he found anything unusual”可知,Bobby静静地躺着,“观察着(watching)”每一个人。5B由下文他俩一起去吃饭及主人去世后Bobby依然陪伴他的事实可知,他们总是“在一起(together)”。6C 由下文的“he would return to the coffee shop for a meal, just as he had done every day with Auld Jock”可知,他俩每天去“咖啡店(coffee shop)”吃午饭。7D 由下文的grave等词可知, Au

11、ld Jock“去世(died)”了。8C 此处是说狗的“主人(owner)”被安葬。9A 此处说的是埋葬Auld Jock的“场面(scene)”。10C 由下文的“The next morning, John Brown, the churchyarD s watcher, found Bobby”可知,这里是说Bobby返回了“墓地(churchyard)”。11D 由John Brown说话的语气可知,墓地里不“允许(allowed)”有小狗。12C见下一题解析。13B 由Bobby barked可知,John Brown那样说话让Bobby感到这个老人很“讨厌(hateful)”,B

12、obby不会因为这个老人说的话就“离开(leave)”墓地。14A见下一题解析。15D John Brown认出了Bobby,给他准备了早饭。Bobby开始“享用(enjoying)”早餐,刚才的“愤怒(angry)”情绪也就消失了。16B Bobby每天都在墓地,相当于替John Brown“看守(guarding)”墓地。17B Bobby每天都守在墓地,已经把那儿“看作(considered)”自己的家了。18C 由下文的“just as he had done every day with Auld Jock”和上文的“the two would visit a local . for

13、 lunch”可知,Bobby是在“中午(noon)”出去。19D 由上文的内容可知,Bobby应该是一直“待在(remained)”墓地。20A 由文章内容可以看出,Bobby非常“爱(loved)”自己的主人。.阅读理解七选五How Can I Fight Laziness?Lazy people will never amount to anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind._1_ Many people lack sleep c

14、onstantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things. By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningf

15、ul rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task. Others take a more proactive approach, viewing each task a challenge they must overcome alone. _2_Some people fight


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