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1、单元自测 1.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2130各题所给的A、和项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。词数:25完毕时间:1分钟难度:*Ruber ks re beiued help sientstsndertand gloa rming an eng aier(冰川). NAA resarchers ae 1 90 ducks no hols nGenlas astetmoving glacier,h ohvnlacie btween Grenlad ad Cnada. Th 22 have eac bn marked w he word sciencxeen along

2、 wit an mail dd.I they are fud sieniwil be able o 2 h eatermoveshoghtheie and rvidinformatn aout e 24 ofglcier cetists ae ill 2 aout hy glcssped up in sme an head oards the sea. One theory is ha asthesumer sn melt ce oopof h glacis surfa,thewaer move toebottoof thgacier, where itls o 26 e ovntof eto

3、was the oas. Te Jkoshavnlaier is believed oet 27 of tibergat san te ani 1912 Robert one, hexermnrganize, sa noe of th ucksad ee 28 et “We havethard bac ut it ma take some time untilomebdy atualfns t and dcie to sens aan 29 hat teae fondi,” hsid. “Thse ae placest re 30 so the ar an eole walkng around

4、.1. A.flown . brid C. iden . roppe22 A. resu B. tys . glace . scentst2. .rmember B inven C. lern .ontrol4 A. evlpmnt B. movemen C growth D. travels2. A. unsre B. exci C.cncernedD. inrt26. A. rduce B. onro C.sed p D. sop27. A. pstion B.ourc reson D. elt2. Ahurt B. eaten .issing D epored9. A. eail B.

5、car C. fx D.sig . hid B. los C.reote D qet 答案解析1D 考察动词辨析,根据上下文,科学家应当是投放(dropped)了90只玩具鸭子,因此选D。2B 从上文的“Rubber duk”可以看出来,这些都是玩具鸭子,因此用toys。2.C 此处体现的意思为如果这些玩具鸭子被找到的话,科学家就可以理解(lear)水是如何在冰与冰之间流动的,并且也可以提供冰川运动(movemen)的信息,因此选。24.B参见第23题解析。25. 从上千文可知,这里科学家仍然不确知为什么冰川在夏季加速运动,向海洋流动,因此选。26 从上文“whyglacie speed up

6、 in smmerad ead toward e ea”可以推断出,这里用speed p,表达“加速,加快”的含义。7.B Jakobshavn冰川被觉得是撞沉Ttanc的冰山的源头(souce),因此选B。 从语意来看,这里是说,Robert Jones说,还没有鸭子被报道(reortd)。也就是说,还没有人拣到玩具鸭子,因此选D。2.A 结合语境以及前面的动词nd可以看出,应当是拣到的人给组织者发邮件(emai),告知已经拣到,因此选A。30.C 结合语境可知,人们还没有拣到玩具鸭子是由于这些地方很偏远(rmt),以至于没有多少人去过。.语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子构造的语法性和上下文连

7、贯的规定,在空格处填入一种合适的词或使用括号中词语的对的形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为310的相应位置上。字数:17完毕时间:9分钟难度:* arsao,Iwoked it the Notc Companys te head ofhe signig patmen. One ofthebt desies 1 (ll) Sve Kng, 3 ws cler an ard-lfing. ddntknohis care 33 one aywhn h had 3 acdent. His egs wre 35 (bad) hur and heas take to hosptal. Whehe doc

8、tor ntedtoexam s leg, e refseo tkeof his trousrs.Te h told thedoorhs secre 36 wa awoman. 37 ad prtenedto e ma (get) aobh iked. That nh whn I wen toviit her, I ounder secret. The next dy th company hd eetinabout the oblem f sKng 39th companyh nevr hadwon 0 (engne) orkng, w fialy ecidd to ehr ty. Frmt

9、ho, mowoe orers wereempo e NoCmpany.答案:1wa caled 32wh 3.until 34.an 35.adly 6that 3e 8t et39.ThoughAlhogh 4engneer 3.as clle.纵观全句,此处缺谓语动词,且主语exam与cage构成被动,故用一般过去时的被动语态:32who引导一种定语从句,做从句的主语: 33.uni此处为nt unti的句型: 3。a.表泛指.且后为元音发音开头:35。al. 修饰动词ht用副词: 36。tha引导同位语从句,解释crt的内容。 3。Sh.由句意可知。此处需填代词做主语,且应是sh才可假

10、装man: 38to ge不定式表目的: 39.Thoghough.引导让步状语从句。此句意为:尽管公司历来没有女工程师工作(的先例),我们最后还是决定让她留下。 40.nginers工程师:wo要修饰复数名词: 3.阅读理解(每题2分,满分0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。词数:45完毕时间:6分钟难度:* t terecet O&P Eremit Gaes,I ad e opportny to osere a e enraton fatlets wth sailitiswhoere skaeboarding anrock limbing

11、 These youn peole relyshod th pomie ofhow rewarg yscal ctivitisare! We dsabld ca and shud b -aative aanyone l. hen e get ndsy acte,we l eelbete, bbledomre,hae ealtieodies, and look bter. Iti a fct that xercsactlprdsenergy and uils on tsel hemore exeris, thefite ou bodiesare, a thh mor rgywe ve t njy

12、 ecratio and the pleasue of life. Noteeryneis cut utto b a cmpeive athlete, ut there rtings thatecn o trenghyialwell-ben Experts remd haspng as littl s 30 mnteechday on psicalativiies povids benefts includinglower sk fhatdseas,cancer, hgh blood presure, dibetes (糖尿病)and other erus iseses.Taking stes to bcome ysi



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