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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!毕业论文(设计)论文题目龙华企业税收筹划管理调查分析学 院经济与管理学院年 级2013级专 业会计学学生姓名于健博学 号指导教师宋明教授佳木斯大学整体 s 感谢阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!学术诚信承诺本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得佳木斯大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。签名:_ 日期:_关于论文使用授权

2、的说明本人完全了解佳木斯大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名:_ 导师签名:_ 日期:_摘 要在全球经济一体化的推动下,我国海外企业得到了飞速的发展,但是与此同时,面临的国际市场风险也越来越多。受到金融危机的影响,我国建筑行业的海外市场拓展建设陷入瓶颈之中,相比较之前,房地产行业持续走低,这一方面损耗了众多房地产企业的经济效益,另一方面加大整个市场的竞争负担。随着第三产业在我国的兴起,建筑企业已经成为支撑国民经济不断增长的有力武器,在国家宏观调控方面发挥了重要的



5、划是可行的。关键词:建筑企业;税收筹划;税收风险AbstractUnder the impetus of the global economic integration, the overseas enterprise obtained the rapid development of our country, but at the same time, facing the international market risk is also more and more. Affected by financial crisis, Chinas construction industry in

6、to a bottleneck in overseas market expansion construction, compared with before, the real estate industry has been falling, on the one hand, loss of many real estate enterprises economic benefit, on the other hand increased the market competition. With the rise of the third industry in our country,

7、construction enterprises has become the powerful weapon to support the growth of the national economy is, plays an important role in national macroeconomic regulation and control. How to get rid of the construction industry development the present situation of the sluggish, as far as possible to gra

8、sp the development opportunities, is Chinas market and the relevant departments need to focus on control and solve the problem. Tax expenditure is one of the key factors affecting the development of construction industry, occupying a large share of the business capital spending. For construction ent

9、erprises, the only reasonable allocation of tax expenditure effectively, can fully realize efficient classification and use of funds, strengthen the result of capital utilization, improve the economic strength, to ensure that enterprises can in the later development, at a good condition in the marke

10、t competition, occupy the favorable market competitive position. The following, the author will revolve around the tax planning on the one hand, the comprehensive analysis on how to improve enterprise economic benefit, is committed to in the construction industry and the relationship between the dee

11、p and correct formed between the tax authorities. In the construction industry in China based on the analysis of the present situation of tax planning, by using the methods of questionnaire survey, know the relevant enterprises and tax units. Through questionnaire survey, on the one hand, accurate g

12、rasp the target enterprise tax planning in terms of the status quo, on the other hand found enterprise awareness of tax planning is not strong, the problems such as unreasonable planning method, to solve these problems, from a practical standpoint, the moment of the current tax policy to longhua com

13、panies to study the effects of their own development. To get the following conclusions: first of all, the enterprise has yet to form independent consciousness of tax planning, dont realize the importance of tax planning for their own development. Second, less related aspects of the professional tale

14、nts, professional tax planning team has not yet been built; Finally, the lack of the mechanism of infiltration between government departments.At the end of the paper concludes that for the nation to longhua longhua enterprise financing tax planning in enterprises actively support and longhua flexibl

15、e, innovative ability, high work efficiency is very necessary. From the improvement of the tax law and the development of the market economy, the tax planning in the operation of longhua enterprise capital is feasible Key Words:construction enterprises;tax planning;tax risk目 录摘 要IAbstractII一、调研活动基本情况1(一)调研对象1(二)调研时间1(三)调研目的1(四)调研方法1二、调研内容2(一)龙华企业税收筹划管理现状分析21.龙华企业经营简介22.龙华企业组织机构23.龙华企业纳税现状3(二)龙华企业纳税筹划存在的问题41.企业纳税筹划意识淡薄42.缺乏税收筹划机构和人才43.税收筹划未形成体系54.缺乏与税务机关的有效沟通7(三)龙华企业税收筹划问题的


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