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1、Unit 7 Reading A The World needs your help !花都区实验中学 梁爱银教学设计Unit7 Reading A The wolrd needs your help!广州市花都区实验中学 梁爱银一、教学目标1.知识目标: 1)学生能掌握以下单词和短语:高频词汇imagine, atmosphere, act, cause, reach, level, flood, soil, absorb,拓展词汇consumer, lifeless, greenhouse effect, environmentally friendly, atmosphere, abso

2、rb , environmental problems短语a kind of , keep from doing sth, keep in, throwaway, in order to do sth.environmental problems句子We must do something to save Earth.It is important to us all.2技能目标:学生能理解文章大意,了解书评的语篇特点。能用本节课学习的目标词汇完成读写任务能用本节课学到的词汇完成读写任务.3.过程与方法: 1)布置前置作业: 完成绿色消费调查表,找出课文中的重点单词和短语、背诵7B Unit

3、2 Protecting our environment中关于保护环境的佳句。,找出身边存在的污染问题。2)通过多种形式的阅读活动与任务,让学生能读懂理解课文,并适当的训练他们的阅读微技能。3) 指导学生运用一定的阅读理解学习策略,培养一些阅读微技能,如:扫读,略读,细读,猜测指示代词,归纳总结文章大意等。4) 培养学生口语能力。3.情感与态度目标:1)了解污染给人类带来的危害,让学生树立环保意识,从自己做起,养成良好的环保习惯。2)反思如何运用已学到的有关环保的知识和表达方式到自己的写作中,能结合环保的话题谈论污染的危害性以及解决方法,培养学生自主性学习,加强小组合作学习能力。二、教学重点1

4、.掌握本课的重点单词、短语和句子。2.学生能理解文章大意,培养一些阅读微技能,以及加强口头表达能力。三、教学难点反思如何运用已学到的有关环保的知识和表达方式到自己的写作中,能结合环保的话题谈论污染的危害性以及解决方法。四 学情分析 1本节课的教学对象是平行班中基础稍差的班级,英语基础相对差,学习积极性不高,课堂比较慢热。全班共有54位学生,其中女生23 名,男生31名,男生比例较大,基础相对差,很大一部分的男生基本词汇量不过关,更谈不上语法和句型了,这些因素不利于组织教学活动。部分学生对学好英语缺乏自信心,开口说英语能力较差,不敢用英语表达,这需要师生的共同努力、坚持不懈地耐心引导、鼓励其大胆

5、、自信地用本课句型等来表情达意。孩子们对新知识的学习充满好奇心,他们的合作精神好,能与老师和同学配合默契,这有利于在和谐的英语实践活动中培养孩子们的合作精神,激发孩子们的求知欲望。2 学生已经在初一时学过类似“环境污染”的课文,也读过与本文结构相似的文体,所以对文章的内容和框架已有一定认识。五 板书设计Unit 7 EnvironmentReading A The World needs your help! We neednt do big things, we should start out small.六:教学过程 Teaching procedures教 学 内 容 教 师 活 动学

6、 生 活 动目的1.Pre-readingLead in (5 ms)1.Greeting 2. Watch a veido. Ask Ss:what pollutes the land and water? 3. review some words they learnt yesterdayWatch a viedo and try to find out the answer.2. Learn some words and phrases激发学生的兴趣和动机,引出主题,训练听力,学习复习新单词和短语建议看视频后,先呈现与话题紧密相关的生词:atmosphere, act, imagine,

7、 cause, level, flood, soil, absorbs, reach,为下一步的阅读活动做铺垫。2. While-readingFirst-reading1.Ask Ss to Read the first Para and the headings in the review. Then try to answer these questions.1.Find ou the answers to the questions.1. What is the name of the book?2. How many topics(话题) does the review(书评) ta

8、lk about?How many topics does the review cover? 对文章有初步了解训练学生略读、扫读微技能Second-reading(detailed reading/ paragraph by paragraph)1.Ask Ss to fill in the table.2. Explain some difficult sentences3. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks.4.Ask Ss to read the last Para.and answer the questions5. Show the survey of gr

9、een consumers and ask Ss how to become green consumers1.Read the review and fill in the table.2. Try to understand the difficult sentences(侧重it/this/that指代什么).3. Fill in the blanks.4.Read the last para and answer the questions1) A consumer buys and uses things. What do you think a green consumer is?

10、2) What do you think the main aim of the book is?训练学生细读技能,更深入了解文章内容,进一步了解文章的主旨,培养概况能力,对课文大意进行内化,训练学生阅读微技能的代词猜词能力。训练复述课文的能力,培养口语能力,明白什么是绿色消费者,如何成为绿色消费者Post-reading1. Show some pictures about pollutions around us and ask Ss to talk about the pollutions2.Ask Ss to discuss how to solve the problems and

11、write an article in groups3.Ask Ss to read aloud the article.1.Discuss the pictures.2.Discuss how to solve the problems and write an article in groups.3. Read aloud the article.培养口语能力,加强小组合作学习能力,让学生树立环保意识Summary Sum up what we learned today.Reflect what they learned today.总结本节课的内容HomewrokGive assign

12、ment.1.Read and copy the words,phrases and text three times.2. Finish the letter.巩固本节课的内容附: Unit7 Reading A The wolrd needs your help!前置作业:Ex1: Read the text and find out the phrases. Remember to underline the phrases in the text and write down the chinese or English. 1. be in danger 2.环保问题3. a kind

13、 of 4. let in 5. 使置于外、阻止某人做某事 6. in the form of 7. keep in 8. cause sth to do sth9. take in 10.把.扔掉11大量的 12.in order to do sth. Ex2. 积累7B Unit 2 Protecting our environment中关于保护环境的佳句.1.No one can live without water or air. 没有人能离开水和空气生存。7.We need to protect Earth because it is our home. 我们需要保护地球因为它是我们

14、的家。4.We dont need to do big thingswe can start out small. 我们不需要做大事,我们可以从小事做起。8.Do not throw rubbish onto the ground. Do not waste water. Use both sides of paper when you write. Stop using plastic bags for shopping.不要在地上扔垃圾。不要浪费水。当你写字时要在纸的两面都要写。 停止使用塑料袋去购物。2.Without the shade from trees, Earth would get too hot to live on.没有了树荫,地球将会变得太热而不能生存。3.Lets do our best to make it more beautiful. 让我们尽力让它更美丽。4.We dont need to do big thingswe can start out small. 我们不需要做大事,我们可以从小事做起。5.We should stop factories from producing harmful gases. 我们应该阻止


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