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1、1. figure Most young women want a slim figure these days, especially here in Canada. (P42)阅读下列各句,猜测figure的词性及含义。 (1) My mother is right: dont damage your health for a slim and attractive figure. () (2) The sales figures have dropped to their lowest point () (3) Years later, researchers were able to

2、use these empty spaces to produce true-to-life figures of the people who had died in the disaster() (4) For example, this brochure mentions Charles Yerkes and Charles Holden, two important figures in the history of the London Underground.() (5) I figured that he was drunk and shouldnt be allowed to

3、drive.()拓展: 阅读下列各句,猜测figure out的含义。(6) Have you figure out how much the trip will cost? ()(7) Actually, we often need to look to our behavior to figure out who we are. ()辨析:figure out, work out, make outmake out: 弄懂,看透;辨认,分清figure out: 弄懂,明白;计算出work out: 锻炼;计算;解决;弄懂;制定;发展单项填空:(8) We had wanted to fi

4、nish our task by noon, but it didnt quite as planned. A. find outB. give outC. hand outD. work out(9) At that time, I could just a figure in the darkness. A. worked outB. give outC. make outD. turned out(10) They really have a great time too, designing everything, drawing the blue prints, the angles

5、 and so on. A. looking outB. taking out C. finding outD. figuring out2. consider Now he is considering taking some pills, which he thinks will help him become stronger. (P49) consider vt. 考虑;认为根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 (1) Now he is considering _ (take) some pills, which he thinks will help him become stro

6、nger.(2) As we all know, Australia is considered _ (be) a great sporting nation.(3) Loulan is considered _ (cover) by sandstorms in AD 400.拓展:consideration n. 考虑,常用于take . into consideration结构中。considering prep./conj. 考虑到;鉴于,常用来做状语。considerate adj. 体贴的;考虑周到的considerable adj. 相当多(大或重要等)的根据句意,用conside

7、ration, considering, considerate, considerable填空。 (4) The project wasted a _ amount of time and money.(5) _ hes only just started he knows quite a lot about it.(6) It was _ of you to let us know you were going to be late.(7) There are several things to take into _ when you are travelling abroad.3. r

8、ecover Im now in hospital recovering from liver failure. (L18, P42)recover vt./vi. 恢复;重新获得根据所给中文完成句子。 (1) I thought I needed a hot cup of coffee to warm me up and _ (恢复力气). (2) The police eventually _ (重新找回被偷的画). (3) You are to interview Amy, who is in hospital _ (从肝脏的衰竭中恢复). 辨析:recover, cure, treat

9、, healrecover: “(健康、力气等)恢复;重新获得”。cure:“治愈;解决;矫正”。常用于cure sb. of sth.结构中。treat: “治疗;对待;处理;款待”。常用于treat sb. with/as/to sth.结构中。heal: “康复;复原”,侧重愈合根据句意,用recover, cure, treat, heal 的适当形式填空。(4) It took a long time for the wounds _.(5) If _ with electricity, the cell tissue will divide into several parts.少

10、句号(6) In my family, we usually celebrate Mothers Day by _ Mom to a dinner.(7) It can take many years to _ from the death of a loved one.(8) However, with the application of his discovery, millions of people have _ of different sicknesses.少句号4. failure Im now in hospital recovering from liver failure

11、. (L18, P42)failure: n. 衰竭,衰退;故障,失灵;失败翻译下列短语:(1) a heart/liver failure _ (2) end in failure _ (3) a power failure _ (4) an engine failure _拓展:fail v.阅读下列各句,推测fail的含义(5) I failed in my attempt to persuade her. ()(6) She was disqualified after failing a drugs test. ()(7) The examiners failed over half

12、 the candidates.()5. contain They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail. (L19, P42)contain vt. 包含;含有;容纳拓展:container 容器辨析:contain, include与count的辨析contain 表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,还有容纳和含成分之意。该词不用于进行时。include表示包含所含之物的一部分,侧重整体的一部分。可用于including sb./sth. 或 sb./sth. included等非谓语结构中。count表示包括,把计算在内

13、,常用于count sb./sth. in/among结构,也可用于非谓语结构中。根据句意,用contain, include, count 的适当形式填空。(1) He opened the bag, which a razor, soap and a towel.(2) Generally speaking, a football team eleven players.(3) I Jules and Andy among my closest friends.(4) His schoolbag used to a lot of books, a cartoon book.(5) Ever

14、y packet of cigarettes poisonous chemicals that can result in lung cancer and heart disease.6. damage My mother is right: dont damage your health for a slim and attractive figure. (L25, P43) damage vt. 损害,破坏,伤害 (可修复) n. 损失,损害,伤害 (不可数);赔偿金(常用复数)辨析:damage, destroy, ruin, spoil, harm, hurt的辨析 改宋体damage: 对人或物(抽象或具体)造成可修复损害、破坏或伤害。 destroy


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