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1、 . . . 远东理工学院学士学位论文 题 目:公路车辆超载检测系统的研究 姓 名:传运 分院:专业:学 号:指导教师:二0 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)评语与成绩 一、指导教师评语:是否同意参加答辩:指导教师签字: 20 年 月 日 二、评阅人评语:是否同意参加答辩: 评阅教师签字: 20 年 月 日 三、答辩委员会评语:是否建议授予学士学位:答辩委员会成员签字:1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、7、 8、 9、 20 年 月 日 四、答辩委员会主任单位 答辩委员会主任职称 答辩委员会主任签字 20 年 月 日 五、毕业设计(论文)成绩: 学生所在分院盖章: 20 年 月 日远东理工学院毕业设

2、计(论文)任务书学生学 号分 院专 业任务起止时间: 年 月 日 至 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)题目:毕业设计(论文)工作容:毕业设计(论文)进度安排:1、查阅中外文文献资料,写出文献综述阶段:2、调查、设计、实验、研究阶段:3、设计(论文)撰写与整理阶段:指导教师意见与要求: 签字: 年 月 日主任意见: 签字: 年 月 日 / 摘 要公路运输仍然是货物运输的主要手段,对国民经济的建设起到了积极的推动作用。但是公路上的超载车辆的危害却是很大的,主要有:加速损坏公路路面,增加公路成本,造成交通事故频繁发生,加速车辆损坏等,因此对公路车辆超载管理的问题就显得日趋重要。动态称重是公路车辆自动称重计


4、进行复杂数学运算,采用了TI新推出的TMS320DM642构成数据处理模块的核心,其主频最高可达720MHz,处理性能可达 5760MIPS,满足了动态称重对速度和精度的要求。为了与时响应称重模块的系统请求,本文设计了以Intel公司的PXA270为核心的控制模块,在其上扩展了触摸屏接口、IDE硬盘接口、以太网接口等。通过在控制模块上构建信息管理系统,进行相应的控制命令的输入和控制动作的输出,同时实现大量数据的存储与传输。软件部分包括两部分,一部分是对建立的称重模型通过编程在DSP上实现,完成对数据的处理;另一部分是ARM上信息管理系统和工作流程的设计与实现。通过对嵌入式实时操作系统Windo

5、ws CE的裁减与定制,在其上用Embedded Visual C+(EVC)建立了信息管理系统和工作流程软件,对车辆的信息进行管理和对车辆超载检测的整个过程进行控制,并实现了整个系统的实时操作和多任务工作。本文采用了模块化的思想进行了软件设计,使软件容易升级,人机界面友好,使系统操作简便。最后对本文设计的整个系统进行了性能试验和误差分析,并对进一步的工作进行了设想。关键词:动态称重;DSP;ARM;传感器AbstractThe road transport is the main means for merchandise, which promotes national economy.

6、But the damage of the overloading is huge, such as destroying the road surface, increasing its cost, making more traffic accident and accelerating the vehicles aging etc. So it becomes more and more important to resolve the overloading problem and repair the highway. As the effective method to auto-

7、weighing vehicle, vehicle dynamic weighing is the precondition to the modernized and scientific management of reinforcing overloading control regulations. For the dynamic weighing system, the weighing accuracy and the vehicle pass speed are the most important features, which indicate the technical l

8、evel of dynamic weighing. Through studying and comparing the vehicle overload weighing technique at home and abroad, mechanics system model of two steps of vehicle weighing is established, the math equation between vehicle weight and output voltage of sensor is deduced. Then according to the math eq

9、uation, this paper designs vehicle overloads detecting system which consists of DSP and ARM. The system is composed of two parts: hardware and software. The hardware includes weighing module and control module. The weighing module includes data sample module and data process module. In order to ensu

10、re the real time ability of sample data and better anti-jamming ability, this paper selects ADIs high accuracy analog to digital convertor AD7714 and fiber sensor to consist of data sample module. For achieving weighing arithmetic and carrying out complex math operation, TMS320DM642 is adopted as th

11、e core of data process module, whose highest main frequency can reach 720MHz, process performance can reach 5760MIPS. Moreover, TMS320DM642 still can meet the requirement of speed and accuracy in dynamic weighing system. For responsing requirement of weighing module system in time, this paper design

12、s control module whose core is PXA270 of Intel Company, on which touch screen interface, IDE hard disk interface, Ethernet interface is extended. Through establishing information management system on control module, input of control order, output of control actio n and a mass of data storage and tra

13、nsmission is carried out. The software also includes two parts. The one part realizes the weighing model on DSP by programming and carris out process data. The other one designs and realizes information management system and work flow. Through cutting down and customizing Windows CE, a embedded real

14、 time operation system, using Embedded Visual C+(EVC), this paper establishs information management system and work flow software, which may manage vehicle information, control process of vehicle overloads detecting and carry out the detecting system real time operation and multi-task work. This paper makes software easy to update by adopting modula



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