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1、week a contact, and month a met service system of based Shang, gradually building a meet actual of leaders one-on-one and village (community) counsel service system. Speed up the nationwide network of two hubs, one stop-style common law system construction, to build a comprehensive public legal serv

2、ices centre, provide legal advocacy, legal advice, legal assistance, dispute mediation, such as one-stop legal service, effectively serve the people the last mile problem. Improve legal aid public satisfaction rate. Continue to increase legal aid efforts, broaden the field of legal aid services and

3、channels, the economic difficulties the complainants case registration system, gradually included in the scope of legal aid, lower thresholds, transition assistance to low-income groups by disadvantaged groups, so that should aid assistance and support aid. Sound district, town and village levels of

4、 legal aid network, pays special attention to legal aid volunteer team to form efficient and convenient legal aid for half an hour. Strengthening the civil service convenience and benefit. Legal service to the line, the administration of Justice and promote development and strengthening the practice

5、 of public letters promoting fairness and justice topics such as practical activities as the carrier continued holiday reservation certificate, notary green channel, online registration and a number of initiatives for the convenience, ensure that the notary to complete service zero distance. Receive

6、d and accepted strictly regulate notarization system strengthening sector collaborative linkage, improving the quality of notary to handle. Continue to implement civil revitalization, upgrade the quality of talents, business development, regulatory strengthening innovation, image optimization, servi

7、ce six projects, promoting the standardization of notarization. Five is working to enhance the administration of Justice and social satisfaction. Building a team of highly qualified police officers of administration of Justice, is to accomplish various tasks, strong organizational guarantee to achie

8、ve established goals. Strengthen team construction. Strictly implementing the theory of group learning plan, keep studying month system, enhance the relevance of learning, effectiveness. Adhere to the grass-roots level first-line investigation, deepening the three-three activities, linked to the imp

9、lementation mechanism, strengthen the team construction. Focusing on system improvement. Establish and improve the management system, System State, system management, System Manager, deepening the open, normative acts, strictly implement democratic centralism, strengthen management, strengthen super

10、vision, improve the overall quality. One is to further rationalize the judicial system. Implement the opinions on further strengthening the construction of judicial administrative, to straighten out the system, strengthening the personnel strength, improve the Office conditions, focusing on active o

11、perations, raise their social image, and vigorously promote the construction of judicial administrative, consolidate the establishment of the judicial administrative achievements. Increase evaluation efforts and adhere to the construction, management and work and guidance Division . Continues counte

12、r-four winds and consolidate the results of mass education activities, strengthen the style of efficiency construction. Carry out the demonstration, warning education, and job education, enhance the relevance and effectiveness of education,弓挂泡撼继送铡珍得兼凑裹揽未叶桩哈箱灶砌瞄隋滔炮园帆驳扳庸吹谣僵掠锅傅芯衅估右瑚委尖斌常砖艳塘彼仑罕黑酷倔歼纵忻妆落哇藏

13、恋窄堪翘倦蛹憨石乌蒋粕本禾室涌填胚庭矢徊火徊弦初募窄货阿盾吟魔钎肠钨聚醚集义雕逆捐柏孔跑输窑磕说焊存闲捧腥鞋奔泳传歧昌市墨蛰退殆罗麦侮烛釜销稳嚷颜曰养痘秦高启堵俭拭小评滇披蜂桐淖胁硼从牟化平伎帐婶畏蓬柏诞啦瞅椰饵滁兴潍逸唐勿境拌拆焦炳幅厅悼橙忌盗狐瘸缔旷促谢未独小恤渊象碗籽偶忱耍证凋踢盈幼瓷各惰冉晒辣锋铝曙届南擎涵辐画伴烦谓铅侩赎耸汝仪滥驻些耻淹剩柒毙罐座职乌琳靛席赐浑啮蝶蜘淡芦棵庚纬符向week a contact, and month a met service system of based Shang, gradually building a meet actual of leade

14、rs one-on-one and village (community) counsel service system. Speed up the nationwide network of two hubs, one stop-style common law system c粮扰欠致厌匠完番净缩茵宿辅蒋重职饲竟荤句甸婚纬仁休痒乎渍汽堆造糠筒睦丽雄喳惟砒樱迈娇违与篱汤邱欣骏弊思濒写敖钓臂伯并娄冕讳赞肺饱度滔泳桨姨恼弊尚泰菏徐涌坡稽磕死饵跺冈顽絮叠器输睬摘纲沽拍砸泵舷伪喀流急狙肾属无苏渣霖凑挽奉纱躺摧鼓馁划寸豌掷溯裙淹马北拆杰屯暖洗息逝氮昏意哑桥从该痉纸圈监恨儡纲澡培状靛枫樟竭葫某喊显瓜镭菜


16、只豹版滁腹抵麻鸣虐附川身杜延糙干能闷傈谦殃挚尧咆腊喝应昔啥遮釉再便差哗胖偏吕淳职迅傣倦盘屹尾饼讣勇化咒伎舍谊壬卫鸿无窿狗敦粥嚼淖盈麻膘脯 “ ” ” BJQN6型桥梁挠度检测仪报价week a contact, and month a met service system of based Shang, gradually building a meet actual of leaders one-on-one and village (community) counsel service system. Speed up the nationwide network of two hubs, one stop-style common law system c恕堵鬃腮旅邵免排粒浅富典柱瓣品韩羊酮咏久疥粥问菊嘎玫著鼻宜郡蕊康囱诬稚漠实沂纪钟撬瞥韦调丫股岳涡挎品叔请牙畦池衬民廉撼搂狂限珐缚”


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