SAP 增强出口概述

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《SAP 增强出口概述》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SAP 增强出口概述(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SAP 用户出口有几种: 第一种 是在系统预留的出口程序中插入自定义代码,Hard Code;第二种 是使用功能组,借助TCode: CM0D和SMOD;第三种 是传说中的BADI,是最新的技术。调用方式是CALL METHOD (instance), 相关的TCODE是SE18和SE19,可以通过EXIT_HANDLER这个单词查找BADI; 第四种 是 BTE,即 Business Transaction Events (Open FI),好像专给财务用 的;第五种 是字段增强,过时的技术,效率很低,移植不便,但是有时候也不得不 用它;第六种 是屏幕增强,用来对付苛刻的用户,这一种和第二种

2、稍有重叠。为实现 某种客户功能,大部分的情形使用标准预留出来的接口即可实现,但是极端的时 候我们可能不得不去更改标准程序。如何使用SMOD和CMOD进行SD的用户增强1、关于增强的简单介绍1.1 SMOD包含具体的增强,而CMOD是包含一组SMOD编写的增强.1.2 User exits (Function module exits)是 sap 提供出口,它的命名规则如下: EXIT_示例:sd 的 VA01 事务,对应的程序是 SAPMV45A ,你会在程序里查到(用 CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION字符串)如下代码:CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION 003expor

3、tingxvbak=vbakxvbuk=vbukxkomk=tkomkimportinglvf_subrc = lvf_subrctablesxvbfa = xvbfaxvbap = xvbapxvbup = xvbup.则 exit calls function module 的名称就是: EXIT_SAPMV45A_003 2、先试用 SMOD 建立一个 SAP 增强2.1、选择一个增强,如:SDVFX001,点击修改,进入sap增强维护屏幕;2.2、点击“组件”按钮,进入组件维护屏;2.3、将光标移到“功能模块名”,输入模块名,如: EXIT_SAPLV60B_001;2.4、选择“代码

4、修改”按钮进入函数模块;2.5、双击函数模块的包含单元,进入包含单元加入自定义代码并激活保存。3、使用 CMOD 建立增强项目3.1、输入自定义的项目名,点击“创建”;3.2、进入增强项目,选择“配置增强”,进入增强配置屏幕3.3、输入增强名如:SDVFX0013.4、保存,并退出; 4、使用CMOD将增强项目激活,便大工告成。Business Transaction Events (Open FI)The Open FI enhancement technique was developed in the Financial Accounting component. Open FI is

5、based upon the following principles: Application developers must define their interface in a function module, an assignment table is read in the accompanying (generated) code, and the customer modules assigned are called dynamically.This technique differentiates between enhancements that are only al

6、lowed to have one implementation and enhancements that can call multiple implementations in any sequence desired. Both industry-specific and country-specific enhancements may be defined.The concepts behind the Business Add-Ins enhancement technique and Open FI are basically the same. However, the tw

7、o enhancement techniques do differ from each other in the following points: Open FI can only be used to make program enhancements, that is, you can only enhance source code using Open FI. You cannot enhance user interface elements with Open FI like you can with Business Add-Ins. Open FI assumes that

8、 enhancement will only take place on three levels(SAP -partners -customers), whereas withBusiness Add-Ins you can create and implement enhancements in as many software layers as you like. Open FI uses function modules for program enhancements. With Business Add-Ins, ABAP Objects is used to enhance p

9、rograms.BADI 的查找1、badi 对象的信息存储在 SXS_INTER, SXC_EXIT, SXC_CLASS 和 SXC_ATTR 这 四个表中(参见 SECE 包);2、sap 程序都会调用 cl_exithandler=get_instance 来判断对象是否存在,并 返回实例;其实get_instance就是对上述几个表和他们的视图(V_EXT_IMP和 V_EXT_ACT )进行查询和搜索。3、基于这个机理,我查用ST05来监控一个TCODE来跟踪,然后选择查找有关上 述几个表和视图的操作,就可获得相关 BADI。4、sel8查找接口,sel9实现接口就可以实现用户增强

10、。 示例:用 LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PROC 控制跨月 CancelMETHOD IF_EX_LE_SHP_DELIVERY_PROCCHANGE_DELIVERY_HEADER . data : thismonth(2) type : wa_likp type line of : wa_log type line of SHP_BADI_ERROR_LOG_T. clear ct_log,thismonth.thismonth = sy-datum+4(2). 這一個月的月份loop at it_xlikp into wa_likp.c

11、heck IS_V50AGL-WARENAUSG_STORNO =X.-代表作 GI cancel if wa_likp-WADAT_IST+4(2) thismonth.wa_log-VBELN = cs_likp-vbeln. wa_log-MSGTY = E. 錯誤訊息 wa_log-MSGID = ZDN_ERROR. 這一個 class 要自己建 wa_log-MSGNO = 001.append wa_log to ct_log. Error log 寫入 endif.endloop. ENDMETHOD.HU BADIBusiness Add-Ins for Handling U

12、nitsLE SHP BADIBusiness Add-Ins in ShippingLE TRA BADIBusiness Add-Ins in TransportationLE WM BADIBusiness Add-Ins in Warehouse ManagementMRM BADIBusiness Add-Ins in Invoice VerificationPL PACKINST BADIBusiness Add-In in the Packing InstructionS BADI FORMULA BUILDERBADI Implementation with Formula BuilderVA BADIBADIs R/3 SalesVF BADIBAdIs for Billing


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