六年级英语下册 unit3(2)教案 苏教牛津版

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1、六年级英语下册 unit3(2)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:义务教育教科书.牛津小学英语6B第三单元第二教时(Look, read and learn. 和 Look and say.)教学目标:1能正确地听、说、读、写单词history museum .along. street. crossing. away. .shopping center, middle school. train station和句型Can you tell me the way to ,please?2能正确听、说、读单词turn leftright. miss. post office和句型 Go along t

2、his street, and then turn at the crossing.The is on your ,You cant miss it.3能根据图片提供的情景描述。教学重点:1能正确地听、说、读、写单词history museum .along. street. crossing. away. .shopping center, middle school. train station和句型Can you tell me the way to ,please?2能正确听、说、读单词turn leftright. miss. post office和句型 Go along this

3、 street, and then turn at the crossing. The is on your ,You cant miss it.教学难点:1能正确地听、说、读、写单词history museum .along. street. crossing. away. .shopping center, middle school. train station和句型Can you tell me the way to ,please?2能熟练运用本课所学的单词和句型进行问题的情景对话。课前准备:1. 准备本课的光盘和图片。2. 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 3A部分Look, r

4、ead and say教学过程:Step1 Warming up师生问候Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! Im Miss Xu ! Now, lets sing a song and dance.播放磁带,和学生一起热身Step2 Free talkT: (老师拿出一张班级同学的照片)Look at this photo,can you say some differences about them S: She is taller than him. And so on .T: Excuse me ,whats the date today ?

5、S: Its T: And who can tell me what day is it today ?S: Its T: Where is our school?Ss: It on Zhongjie Road .Step3 RevisionT:Yesterday , we learned Unit3 Asking the way .Do you remember the dialogue ? Now listen to the tape , then you can ask some questions about the dialogue.(播放课文动画)Ss: Listen to the

6、 tape ,then ask some questions.T: Now , Lets do exercise。(出示题目) I met Mr Smith in Shanghai Street . He wanted to go to by bus . I told him to No.5 in front of and get off at the stop . Then he asked me how to get to I told him to No.9 in front of Ss: Do it fast .T: (Ask someone)Who can give us the a

7、nswerSs: Check the answer . Read it together .T: Are you tired ? children,lets sing a song .Step4:Presentation and practice.1用课件展示Andy想去的地方。Time (时间) Places (地点) Pictures(图片示意)9:0011:00am Monday history museum 配相应的图片(下同)2:00pm Monday post office9:3011:30am Tuesday No.4 primary school2:304:30pm Tuesd

8、ay No.10 middle school5:00pm Tuesday post office10:00-12:00am Wednesday shopping centerT: Look, This is Andys timetable. Where will she go on Monday morning ? Do you know? How about Monday afternoon? Where will he go ? 引导学生学习课本出现的新单词。2学生听录音,模仿跟说单词。3操练词汇。T: So clever ! How can we go these places from

9、 here ? Lets look at the picture and discuss (出示课件) Ask students make a dialogue (2-3人一组),act it out .(1-2组表演) 4Play a game(把刚才的图片给学生,让一个学生遮住眼睛,请另外一位学生指路,看看哪一组最快到达终点,这一组就获胜。)Step5 Consolidation.T: Well done ,first to a city asking the way is so important.If you are new here,but you want to visit som

10、e places of Suzhou. How can you get there ? You can ask the pliceman.(请小交警站在各个地点,其他学生去问路,复习巩固所学的单词和句型)Step6 Exercise( ) 1. Go along the street, and turn left at second crossing A B C D( ) 2. You can take bus No.2 and got off at the third stop. A B C D( ) 3. I want to buy a interesting book about foo

11、tball. A B C D( )4. Wheres Nanjing and Suzhou? In Jiangsu 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 unit4 lesson25(1)教案 冀教版教材分析 本课以复习WILL引导的将来时为主,以及How, How many, How far, How much 的应用。学生分析 以上内容在以前的教学中都有过介绍,学生在学习上就容易的多了。设计理念 先听录音学单词,明白意思后再看课文并理解。有老师给出的例句学重点,再练习中掌握其用法。教学目标 1,学会Souvenir, flag, every, surprise.2,掌握How, How

12、 many, How far, How much 的用法。3,学会Will引导的将来时。 教具学具 录音机 教学流程 Step 1, Learn new words.1,Let students listen to the audiotape carefully and find new words.2,Teacher collects the words that the students find. 。Teacher writes them on the blackboard and teaches .3,Then listen again and repeat after the rad

13、io. Step 2, Use the students book and audiotape.1,Listen again and try to translation 。.Know the passage mean.2,Learn the Future Tense with “Will”Teacher gives the examples, according the examples to write the sentences.For examples: They will go to Beijing. We will learn English.3,Learn “how, how m

14、any, how far, how much”Teacher gives the examples and let students try to find how to use them. For examples: How will they go? How many students are there in your class?Fifty How far is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang ?-About three hundred kilometers . How much is it ?-Ten Yuan. Step3,Check for understanding. The students do some exercises._ are they ? Five Yuan._ books do you have ? Eight books._ is it ? Two kil


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