辽宁省沈阳市第二十一中学高中英语 Module 3 Music Period 4 Grammar导学案(无答案)外研版必修2

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辽宁省沈阳市第二十一中学高中英语 Module 3 Music Period 4 Grammar导学案(无答案)外研版必修2_第1页
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辽宁省沈阳市第二十一中学高中英语 Module 3 Music Period 4 Grammar导学案(无答案)外研版必修2_第2页
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《辽宁省沈阳市第二十一中学高中英语 Module 3 Music Period 4 Grammar导学案(无答案)外研版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省沈阳市第二十一中学高中英语 Module 3 Music Period 4 Grammar导学案(无答案)外研版必修2(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 Music (Period 4-Grammar)【使用说明】1)用15分钟完成自主学习 2)用15分钟完成合作探究 3)用红色笔勾出不会的题【学习目标】1. 学习时间状语从句和过去完成时的用法2. 提高学生自主学习能力,让学生积极思考,大胆质疑。 【自主学习】一、时间状语从句 状语从句在句中做状语,修饰主句的谓语动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。状语从句通常由一个连词或一个起连词作用的词组引导,可分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、让步和比较九种。1. 引导时间状语从句的连词和词组有:when, while, as, as soon as, the moment, di

2、rectly, instantly, immediately, until, till, before, after, since, ever since, once, whenever, every time, each time等。 2. 在时间状语从句中,其谓语动词一般不用将来时,而用一般现在时代替一般将来时, 用一般过去时代替过去将来时,用现在完成时代替将来完成时等。 I said I would tell him when he came back._3. when引导的时间状语从句中,谓语动词既可以是延续性动词,也可以是非延续性动词,可用于主句动作和从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主

3、句动作。 When I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays._注意:当when引导的从句是系表结构,且主语和主句的主语一致,表语又是一个名词时,可以用as引导的省略句,来代替when引导的从句。As a young man (When he was a young man), he was fond of hunting._4. when还可用做并列连词,其意义为“那时,这时”,相当于and at this/that time。We were about to start when it began to rain._whe

4、n还用于下列句式:Somebody was doing something when.Somebody was on the point of doing something when.Somebody had just done something when.5. while引导的动作必须是延续性的,侧重主句动作和从句动作相对比。While he was reading, his wife was cooking._ 6. as引导一个持续性动作,多用于主句动作和从句动作同时发生,常译为“一边一边”。As we walked, we talked._7. every time, each t

5、ime, next time, the first time, any time, all the time等名词短语用来引导时间状语从句,表示“每当,每次,下次,第一次,任何时间,自始至终”等。Next time you come, do remember to bring your son here._二过去完成时过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作发生在“过去的过去”。其构成形式为“had + 过去分词”。 下面是过去完成时的一些主 要用法:1.过去完成时常与by, for, before, since等介词短语或由after, before, since,

6、 when, by the time等引导的时间状语从句连用。 1) By the end of last week she had written two papers. 2) I had seen her before she saw me.2. 过去完成时常用在含hardly, scarcely, barely, no sooner than 等副词的句子中。 1)She had hardly gone to bed when the telephone rang.=Hardly had she gone to bed when the telephone rang.2)They had

7、 no sooner got home than it began to rain.=No sooner had they got home than it began to rain.3.由上下文来暗示。1)The office was quiet. Everybody had gone home.2)I had wanted to see her. So I went to see her this autumn.4.the first(second,third,last)time同过去完成时连用。1) It was the first time he had lost the game.

8、2) It was the third time he had dined out with her.【合作探究】用括号中动词的适当形式填空1. When they_(hear)the news, they all jumped with joy.2. The students_(sing) as they walked.3. When the police arrived, the thieves_(run away)4. I was not sure whether I_(meet)him before.5. As he stood up, he dropped the glass,_(b

9、reak) it into pieces.6. While I _ (read), he came in.7. She _(not go) to bed until 11 oclock last night.8. By the time he_(get) home, the light_( go out )9. By the time he_(be) twelve, Edison_(begin) to make a living by himself.10. By the end of last term, more than 3,000 English words_(learn) by us

10、 at our middle schools.【当堂检测】1. I lost the book I _. Ive been looking for it everywhere, but couldnt find it.A .have bought B. bought C. had bought D. had been bought2. The bus had gone the moment I _ at the bus stop.A. have arrived B. arrived C. had arrived D. am arriving3. -Did you meet Tom at the

11、 airport?-No, he _by the time I _ there.A. had left; had arrived B .had left; arrived C. left; arrived D. left; had arrived4. -Why didnt Tom attend the meeting yesterday?-He _Beijing.A. had gone to B. had been to C. went to D. has gone to 5.By two oclock we _everything ready, so we could start at an

12、y timeA. already got B. already have got C. had already got D. have already got6.You cant borrow books from the school library _you get your student card.A .before B. if C. while D. as7.Peter was so excited _he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. A . where B. that C. why D. wh

13、en8. It just isnt fair _ I was working as a waiter last month, my friends were lying on the beach. A. whenever B. though C. for D. while9.John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather _with them to school. A. took B. had taken C. were taking D. would take 10. Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets _out. A. would sell B. had sold C. have sold D. was selling 11. She stared at the painting, wondering where she _it. A. saw B .has seen C. sees


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