【全程复习方略】(遵义专用)中考英语精练精析 七下 Units 1-4知能综合检测 人教新目标版

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《【全程复习方略】(遵义专用)中考英语精练精析 七下 Units 1-4知能综合检测 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【全程复习方略】(遵义专用)中考英语精练精析 七下 Units 1-4知能综合检测 人教新目标版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新资料推荐知能综合检测(三)(45分钟 100分)一、单项选择填空 (30分)1. In summer, it sometimes rains hard for a short while. A. on timeB. at timesC. at the same time2. When did you arrive in London? Last Friday. A. get to B. get upC. get off3. Do you know the old man wearing a blue coat? Hes Mr. Brown, Sallys grandfather. A. o

2、nB. withC. in4. I like talking with my pen pals online, but I dont like writing lettersit takes too much time to write. A. disagreeB. dislikeC. disappear5. Is your new math teacher kind or strict? Shes very kind and friendly _ us. A. withB. toC. for6. How much should I _ for the T-shirt? 25 dollars.

3、 A. takeB. costC. pay7. Did you enjoy _ on the school trip, boys? Yes. We had a lot of fun. A. youB. yoursC. yourselves8. What do you want to _? Id like to become a teacher like you. A. beB. getC. take9. You have to take a walk _ the park on Fifth Avenue before you get to our school. A. acrossB. thr

4、oughC. over10. My father enjoys _ football matches on TV. A. watchB. watchesC. watching11. _do you like dolphins so much? Because theyre really cute! A. WhatB. WhyC. How12. People in the northeast of China can often have fun _ outside in winter. A. skateB. to skateC. skating13. Im dreaming about get

5、ting _ on the sunny beach in Hawaii for vacation! Well, that sounds really _! A. relaxed; relaxedB. relaxing; relaxingC. relaxed; relaxing14. Youll probably get into the traffic jam(交通阻塞) if you _ to work in the morning. A. driveB. drivesC. will drive15. I dont think its a good idea for you to _ you

6、r old jeans to school. OK, Ill _ another pair right now. A. wear; put onB. wear; dress C. dress; wear二、完形填空(10分)In northern Sweden, there 1 a hotel whose rooms are 2 in the trees. The tree hotel lies in Harads about 60 km south of the Arctic Circle(北极圈). It opened 3 July 17, 2010. The tree hotel is

7、close to the Arctic Circle, 4 its quite possible for travelers here 5 aurora borealis(北极光) in winter, and the midnight sun in summer. Its really an 6 place to stay, but the tree hotel is quite expensive. It 7 up to $555. 50 for two people to stay one night. Lindvall, one of the creators of the tree

8、hotel, 8 that they plan 9 24 rooms by 2015. They want to make these simple tree houses into a world-class 10 destination(目的地). 1. A. isB. areC. has2. A. bothB. allC. neither3. A. inB. atC. on4. A. andB. butC. so5. A. to seeB. seeingC. see6. A. excitedB. excitingC. bored7. A. spendsB. paysC. takes8.

9、A. speaksB. tellsC. says9. A. buildB. buildingC. to build10. A. touristB. passengerC. policeman三、口语交际(10分)情景七选五。请阅读下面对话, 根据其情景, 从方框内七个选项中选出能填入下面对话的五个选项。A. Youre welcome. B. Which bus shall I take? C. I dont know. D. Is it far from here? E. Can I take a bus to get there? F. Please ask that man over t

10、here. G. Dont thank me. Mary:Excuse me, madam. Could you please tell me the way to the Peoples Park? Woman:Sorry, 1 Im new here. 2 Mary:Excuse me, sir. How can I get to the Peoples Park? Man:Go on and take the third turning on the left. Go across a bridge. And youll be in front of the gate of the Pe

11、oples Park. Mary: 3 Man:Yes, you can. Mary: 4 Man:You can take a No. 4 bus. Mary:Thank you very much. Man: 5 1. _2._ 3. _4._ 5. _四、阅读理解(10分)The panda is one of the animals most in danger. There are about 1, 000 pandas living in nature reserves today. Zoos and research centers look after about 160 pa

12、ndas. Scientists are studying how they live and more baby pandas are born in the zoos. Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They mainly live on bamboo and each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. The area of bamboo is becoming smaller for many different reasons, so

13、pandas have less and less land to live on. Pandas dont have many babies, and baby pandas often die. The situation is becoming very serious. Our government is working hard to save pandas. There are more than 30 nature reserves to protect pandas, but these are not enough. The government has made a new

14、 plan to help pandas. The nature reserves will be bigger and the bamboo will grow better. Most people love pandas. It is the symbol for the World Wildlife Fund. The WWF works to protect all animals in danger, so the panda has become the symbol of all animals in danger. There is still a long way to go to save the panda. Think of other animals in danger such as tigers, whales, turtles and elephantswe need to save the panda, and we need to save them, too. 1. There are about _ pandas living in nature reserves today. A. 30B. 160C. 1, 0002. Pandas live in the forests and mountains of


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