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1、期中考试综合测评卷总分:100分 时间:90分钟 得分:_听力部分(40分)一、Listen and choose。听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A. beef B. sheepC. sleep( ) 2. A. meet B. feetC. read( ) 3. A. how B. nowC. town( ) 4. A. window B. flowerC. flow( ) 5. A. say B. wayC. rain二、Listen and choose.听录音选图片,在准确的选项下面画“”。(10分) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. 4. A

2、. B.5. A. B. 三、Listen and choose.听问句,选出合适的答语。(10分)( ) 1. A. I have a new art teacher.B. Hes kind.( ) 2. A. I like computer class best.B. My favourite food is noodles. ( ) 3. A. Yes, I often read books in this park.B.I often play sports in this park.( ) 4. A. Id like beef rice.B. I have beef rice.( )

3、 5. A. We have a PE class.B. They have tomatoes.四、Listen and complete.听录音,完成下列句子。(10分) 1. Our maths teacher is very _. But he is very_.2. W: _ your grandpa like? M: _very strong.3. W: What class do you have on _?M: We have _and_.4. W: I often _on Sundays. What about you?M: I do my _.笔试部分(60分)五、Choos

4、ethe different word.读一读,选出与句中画线单词不同类的一项。(6分)() 1. I often watch TV on Sundays.A. day B. MondaysC. Saturdays() 2.I have English and maths.A. PEB. musicC. art book() 3.She has a new Teacher.A. oldB. youngC. watch() 4.I have tomatoes and mutton.A. carrotsB. beefC. potatoes() 5. My teacher is tall and s

5、trong.A. youngB. thinC. very() 6.Whats he like?A. sheB. hisC. it六、Changethe words. 按要求写出下列词的词形变化。(4分) 1. whos(完整形式)_2. clever(同义词)_3. help(形容例)_4. Wed.(完整形式)_5. sandwich(复数)_6. they(宾格)_7. hamburger(复数)_8. old(反义词)_七、Translate. 英汉互译。(10分)1. a good football player_2. 读书_3. have a cooking class _4. 做作

6、业_5. my favourite food _6. 踢足球_7. beef noodles_8. 洗我的衣服_9. tomato soup _10. 在周末_八、Choose the best answer.单项填空。(20分)( ) 1. The apples are sweet and the bananas are _, too. A. sweetB. sour C. hot( ) 2. Id like some cakes, because Im_.A. thirsty B. fullC. hungry( ) 3. What do you have_ Friday? A. in B.

7、 onC. at( ) 4. I dont like beef _ chicken is OK.A. andB. orC. but( ) 5. Whats your favourite food?I love_.A. teaB. milk C. hamburgers( ) 6. Our teacher is kind_ young.A. andB. or C. either( ) 7. He can _ Chinese and English.A. sayB. speak C. talk( ) 8. Here you are. _.A. Thank you.B. OK. C. Sorry.(

8、) 9. What _ you like to eat?A. couldB. would C. does( ) 10. Lets_ football!A. playB. play the C. playing九、Complete the dialogue. 补全对话。(10分)1. _My maths teacher is kind.2. _Id like some tea.3. _I have English, music and PE on Tuesday. 4. _No, he is old.5. _No, I dont often watch TV on the weekend.十、C

9、hoose the right answer.根据下列情景选择正确答案。(10分)() 1. 当别人询问你最喜爱的水果是什么时,应该说:_A. Whats your favourite food?B. Do you like fruit?C. Whats your favourite fruit?() 2. John跟妈妈走丢了,他想得到警察的帮助,他首先应该说:_A. Im sorry.B. Thank you!C. Excuse me. ( ) 3. 当询问“每逢星期六,你都做什么?”时应该说:_A. What do you do on Saturdays?B. What do you h

10、ave on Saturdays?C. What do you have for lunch on Saturdays?( ) 4. 你向别人介绍你在星期一所要上的课程,你应该说:_A. I have fish, green beans and tomatoes on Mondays.B. I have English, science and computer on Mondays.C. I have a new teacher,( ) 5. 同学们都在谈论新来的音乐老师,他们觉得音乐老师既聪明又幽默,可以说:_ A. We have a new music teacher. Shes cl

11、ever and funny.B. Thats our new science teacher.C. Do you like our new music teacher? Hes tall and thin. 期中综合测评(答案及解析)一、1. A2. C 3. A4. B5. B二、1. B2. A3. B4. B5. B三、1.B2.A3. A4.A5.A四、1. strict,kind 2. Whats,Hes3. Tuesday,maths,English 4. read books,homework五、1.A2.C3.C4. B5.C 6. B六、1. who is 2. smart 3. helpful4. Wednesday 5. sandwiches6. them 7. hamburgers 8. young七、1.一个好的足球运动员2. read books 3.上一节烹饪课 4. do homework 5. 我最喜欢的食物6. play football 7.牛肉面 8. wash my clothes 9. 柿



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