2022年高二英语 模块5 Unit15 Lesson3 Teachers 教案 北师大版选修5

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1、2022年高二英语 模块5 Unit15 Lesson3 Teachers 教案 北师大版选修5教材分析: 本课是第十五单元第3 课,经过前面两课的学习,学生已经对教育和学校的话题有更深入的感受和认识。本课课文是Graham Lawrence对他的学生时代学业的回顾,特别是对他的老师Brian Jenkins对他的帮助的感谢;还有一段他的老师Brian Jenkins对他的学生Graham的回忆短文。通过阅读,学生将从学生和老师不同角度体会教师的工作和他们工作的价值。本课难度不大,学生本身就有很多的师生交流的体验。学生在本课中,要领会自信和兴趣是成功的关键,同时认识到在一个人的成长中老师的作用

2、是至关重要的。本课的重点是通过阅读师生两个人的回顾,学习相关的词汇和表达法,并在此基础上,用自己的语言向他人介绍曾给自己帮助很大的某个老师。本课的语法是I wish构成的虚拟句式。本课重点是让学生理解并记住该虚拟句式的动词变化形式,并能在语境中使用。本课计划分两课时进行:第一课时通过略读和细读,提取、组织有关师生双方的经历和体会的相关信息并能进行表达,学习和体会相关词汇的用法,体验I wish构成的虚拟句式在语篇中的运用;第二课时的重点是观察、归纳I wish构成的虚拟句式在语境中的区别和用法,并能在语言实践中使用该虚拟句式表达自己曾经历过的后悔经历。教学内容:话题:师生两人对彼此的回顾(阅读

3、)词汇:重点词汇: suppose, bee interested in, subject, boring, make everything interesting, practical examples, simplify, pour, powder, flame, set off, lack confidence, give a presentation, bad behaviour, spit, drag, decrease the size of classes, worthwhile相关词汇: rocket, triangle, angle, atom, acid, onion, l

4、aboratory语法:I wish构成的虚拟句式第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 认读新词汇并使用新词汇转述课文;2. 提取和整理有关师生双方的细节信息;3. 用自己的语言描述对自己帮助很大的老师教学过程教学步骤教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP & TimeLead inStep 1Lead-inTalk about teachers own favorite teacherAsk the Ss to talk about their own favorite teaches PPT 1激发学生的兴趣,将他们引

5、入师生这一话题IWCW2Pre-readingStep 2ReadingPre-reading Vocabulary1. Show some pictures and ask the Ss what we usually have for breakfast.2. Guide the Ss to get the meaning of some new words by asking questions.PPT 1-4帮助学生了解几个在阅读中的新词CW4While-readingStep3- ScanningAsk the Ss to quickly go through the passage

6、 to find some information to answer the next two questionsWhat kind of teacher was Mr. Jenkins?What kind of student was Graham?PPT 6-7进一步提高学生的速读水平IW & CW3Step4-Filling the formPlay the tape for the Ss to read aloud the passage Ask them to plete the form with more detailed informationPPT 8-10帮助学生通过表格

7、的提问和复数将所学的表达法内化IW & GW12Step5-While-reading vocabularyWhen checking the form, encourage the Ss to infer the meaning of the next three new words: lack, access, worthwhile as well as the sentence: The governmentshould have put more money towards science education.PPT 11-16进一步提高学生在上下文中猜测词义的能力IW & CW5Af

8、ter-readingStep3 DiscussionAfter-readingAsk the Ss to exchange ideas about what makes a good teacher.Encourage them express their ideas.PPT 17通过完成具体的任务,提高学生综合运用语言的能力PWGW9第二课时Second Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 发现I wish构成的虚拟句式的动词变化形式。2. 用I wish构成的虚拟句式表达后悔经历。教学过程教学步骤教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP

9、 & TimeReviewStep1: RevisionAsk the Ss to find the sentences which show Mr. Jenkins or Grahams regretsPPT 1通过寻找相关的句子激活学生对课文的记忆。IWCW4GrammarStep2: Exploring the structureLead the Ss to finish Ex 3 in Page 40Encourage them to find out the structure as well as the verbs change when using wish and shoul

10、d to express regretsGive more real language situations for Ss to try to use wish or should to express advice or regretsPPT 1-9帮助学生理解I wish构成虚拟的动词形式并尝试在语境中应用CW10PracticeStep3: PracticeOffer some language situations for Ss to plete the sentences or make up a new sentence to express regretsPPT 10-17进一步

11、加强学生在语境中对该虚拟句式的应用,并在使用中逐步掌握IW & CW13ApplicationStep4PresenationEncourage the Ss to express their regrets in groupsPPT 18通过完成具体的任务,提高学生综合运用语言的能力PWGW8第一课时学案1. Pre-reading DiscussionYour favorite teacher: _2. Reading prehensionFill in the next formGrahamI used to beWith Mr. Jenkinss help, I changed.1.

12、a _student2. found it all _3._ confidence 1. He made _, so I _. 2. He made me _.Now I am _.Mr. JenkinsHow do I feel about Graham now?What do I think about teaching nowadays?Why do I like being a teacher?Word BankThe new words Ive learned Words used to describe teachers 第二课时学案1. language situations(1

13、) I am waiting for a bus in the rain. The street is very busy so I am afraid that I will be late for school today. It rains a lot. I wish _. I cant fly to the school. I wish _.(2) Jim was absent yesterday. I was so busy that I didnt call him to ask what was wrong with him. * He ate so much cake. I wish _. * I didnt call him. I wish _.2. Practice*I dont know many people ( and Im lonely). _.*I dont have a key (and I need one). _.*I live in a big city (and I


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