Fun time&Cartoon time36

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《Fun time&Cartoon time36》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Fun time&Cartoon time36(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、译林新版英语三(上)Unit 8 Happy New Year Fun time and Cartoon time教学江苏镇江实验学校 戴天扬教学目标:1. 能在情境中与同学合作完成“Fun time”的游戏任务并使用句型“Whats this? Its for you.”。2. 能理解并表演有关Cartoon time的故事。3. 能在接受礼物的时候,知道说“谢谢”。 教学重点:1. 在情境中记忆并运用句型“Whats this? Its for you.”。2. 在接受礼物的时候,知道说“谢谢”。 教学难点:1. 句型“Happy birthday!Thank you.”的运用。2. 理解

2、并表演有关Cartoon time的故事。教学准备:课件、头饰和整蛊小木盒教学过程一、Warm up1. Listen and judgeT: Now boys and girls, lets play a game Listen and judge. Say Oh! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah if you think it is . Say Oh! No, No, No if you think it is . 【设计意图】利用游戏能迅速激发学生参与课堂的热情,顺利进入本课时的学习,同时游戏的内容也是复习巩固第一课时Story time中所学习的重、难点词汇与句型。2. Guess

3、and learnT: Look, here are two boxes of presents. What are they in the boxes? Lets try to guess.Ss: T: Lets have a look. Oh, this is a car and that is a CD. When we receive the presents, please dont forget to say Thank you.T: These are the new words for you. Can you work in four and try to learn?【设计

4、意图】利用小组合作性学习方式,让学生互相学,相互学,自主习得两个新单词car与CD的发音。这样既能锻炼学生的学习能力,又能夯实他们对新知识的理解。3. Look and sayT: Now lets play another game. Look at the pictures carefully and say the responding words as soon as possible. (让学生在快速滚动的画面中,找到闪烁的图片,迅速说出“Its a .”。【设计意图】再次利用游戏调动学生的参与性,既是复习巩固本单元所学会的单词,又是为接下来Fun time游戏环节的顺利开展做好铺垫

5、。二、Fun time 1. Guess and sayT: Look, boys and girls. I have some cards here. Lets try to guess What are these? (教师随机抽取一张卡片,选取一名同学做示范)T: Whats this? S: Its a doll.T: No. S: Its a car.T: Yes. Its for you. S: Thank you.2. Practice in groupsT: Now please take out your envelope and use the cards to play

6、the game. And dont forget to evaluate by yourselves.【设计意图】通过教师与个别同学的示范,这样既能让所有学生明白此游戏的具体要求和过程,又能为接下来的活动做好预热准备,使合作学习达到真正的实效,让自我评价实现真正的目的。三、Cartoon time1. Guess and learnT: Please look at this picture and try to guess Why do they give presents to Bobby?Ss: T: How do you know?Ss: T: Wow, youre so good.

7、 You can see a birthday hat on Bobbys head. Todays his birthday. What should they say to Bobby? They should say Happy birthday, Bobby!. Lets say together.Ss: Happy birthday, Bobby!【设计意图】学生在具有悬念式问题的引导下,细致观察图片、大胆展开想象,激起找寻答案的欲望,为顺利进行卡通板块的学习创设了良好的开始,在师生真实交流的情境中,学生自然而然理解并学会句型“Happy birthday!”2. Look and

8、guess(1)T: Lets look at the Monkey and Sam, do they look the same?(让学生观察插图,判断猴子和Sam送礼物时的表情是否一样?)(2)T: Lets look at the presents and guess. (教师给出两个选择项,a toy car和a clown)Ss: (3)T: Lets watch and choose.(4)T: Please look at the pictures again and answer the question Does Bobby open the presents as soon

9、 as he receive them? Ss: Yes. T: Why? Ss: T: People in the West usually open their presents as soon as they receive them and thank for the guests. (在西方国家,人们接受礼物后要当面立刻打开并表示感谢。)【设计意图】利用好教材中的插图,激发起学生的思维,在他们思考的过程中,学生逐渐了解故事的内容,在故事的理解过程中,又进一步体会到西方文化,于情境交流中感悟文化之差异。(5)T: When Bobby opens the presents, what

10、will he say? Try to imagine. And if you were Sam, what would you say? Ss: T: Lets listen to the computer, what do they say? Lets try to imitate and read. T: Do you think Sam is a naughty boy and why?【设计意图】利用文本信息和故事情节,充分发挥学生的想象力并激发他们的表达欲望,是一种保持学生学习兴趣的有效方式,也是一种培养学生语言能力的有效途径。3. Read and act(1)Read afte

11、r the computer and try to imitate the pronunciation.(2)Read in groups and evaluate.(3)Act in groups and evaluate.【设计意图】从跟读指导,到小组自读与自评,再到小组表演与自评,学生在这个任务链中一次又一次地不断夯实与巩固故事的内容,最终用绘声绘色地表演进行展示,这就达到了卡通板块学习的最终目的。另外,自评的方式让学生学习的目的性更强,他们会为得到三颗星而自加压力并为之努力。4. Think and sayT: Three good friends come to Bobbys bir

12、thday party. We know about the Monkey and Sams presents. How about the Dogs? Lets try to imagine and say.【设计意图】抓住文本的留白是教学中必不可少的关注点,我们为学生创设一个真实的情境,搭建一个语言的支架,目的不仅仅是培养学生的语言表达能力,让他们能自主灵活地运用语言,更重要的是培养其想象力和创造力,让他们的个性充分得到发展。四、Summary and tick(1)T: What do you learn from this lesson?Ss: (2)T: How many stars have you got in this lesson? 【设计意图】一节课的尾声,我们应该让学生自己总结他们学会了什么,这种梳理知识的形式会让他们的掌握更牢固,脉络更清晰、印象更深刻。另外,学生自评应是贯穿课堂学习的每个环节,不能有头无尾或有尾无头,要让评价首尾呼应。附:作业设计1. Introduce the cartoon to your parents.2. Use the cards to play Fun Time again after class.


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