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1、2023年国际政,治研究所:5G地缘政,治下面是我为大家整理的国际政,治研究所:5G地缘政,治,供大家参考。5 Gtechnol ogiesare reshapingthe w a yuser se xperiencethe digitalsphereand,thus, theirdail ylives.5Gis oneo fthe gamechanger stha tw oul dfurtherenablec yber space ’ s po ten tialities f or our socie ties, ec onomies, and lifes t yle.Ye t,

2、 therearemul tiple and c on tr as tinggeopolitical in terests and securit y c oncerns regar ding 5G adoptions and implemen ta tions.Thecurren tc onfr on ta tionbe t weenChinesec ompaniesandsomeWes tern go vernmen ts isemblema tic.Wha t arethepoliticaland securitarianimplicationso f suchtechnol ogica

3、ldispu tes?Ho ware s ta tesdealingwiththe securit yo f5Gtechnol ogies? * Samuel eDominioni isaR esear chF ell o watthe ISPICen tr eon Cybersecurity ,inpartnershipwithLeonar do.* Cou nsel orF abioR uggeisH eado fISPIsCen tr eon Cybersecurity ,inpartnershipwithLeonar do.H eisa dipl omatcurr en tl ywor

4、king asH eado ftheOffic einchar gef orNA T OandSecurityandPolitico-Milit ary Issues, Dir ect or at eGener al f orPolitic al A ff airsandSecurity ,Ministryo fF or eign A ff airsandIn t ernational Cooper ation. 1.5GINAC ONTE S TEDDOMAINFABIOR UGGE (MAECIandISPI)2.WHA TDOE S THEEUS A YABOUT5G? C orr ad

5、oGius t o zzi(ENIS AandAGID ) 3.THEUKTURNON5G,ADOMINOEFFE C T? E s therNa ylor(Cha thamHouse ) 4.THER A CEOFCHINE SEC OMP ANIE S INTHE5GC OMPETITIONL yuJ inghua(CarnegieE ndo wmen tf orIn terna tionalPeace ) 5.WILL5GPUSHINTERNETV O TING?S amueleDominioni(ISPI) 6.IT A L Y ,NA TIONALSE CURITYAND5GS te

6、f anoMele(Carnelu t ti)T 5GinaC ont es t edDomainF abioR uggeMAECI,ISPI F abioR ugge isHead o f ISPI s Cen tre on C yber securit y, in partner shipwith Leonar do. He isa dipl oma t curren tl y w orking as Head o f theOffice in charge f or NA T O and Securit yandP olitic o-Military I ssues,D irect or

7、 a teGener alf or P oliticalAffair sandSecurit y,Minis tryo fF oreignAffair sandhein terna tionaldeba teregar dingthe acquisition o fChinese5Gtechnol ogy appear ss ymbolico fthe re-emergingGrea tP o werC ompe tition,ands tarkpr oo f o fthe ongoingdec ouplingo fthe gl obalIC Tsupplychain.W ashingt on

8、hasbeenpressing itsallies f ormorethan ayearno tt oadopt Chinese5Gtechnol ogyandthrea teneddr as tic cu tsinin telligenceinf orma tion- sharingwith tho sepr ocuringit.Wecanno tascribethese de vel opmen tst oW ashingt on ’ shiddenmarke t - sharec onsider a tions,asthe USmarke tdoes no tye toffe

9、rac ompe ting technology,norcan wec onsiderthemye tano there x ampleo f Presiden tTrump’ st oughpo sitions ontr ade nego tia tions,especiall ywithChina,becauseitis since2023 tha tthe USA dminis tr a tionhas pr ohibited se ver algo vernmen tagencies,on the gr oundso fna tionalsecurit yrisk,fr o

10、m acquiringpr oductsfr omHua weiandZTE, t w o o fChina ’ smo s tsuccess fulhigh- teche xporter s. I sChinese5Gtechnol ogysodanger ous, andif so,wh yis the banonChinese5Gtechnol ogyso c on ten tious?September2023IT ALIANINSTITUTE F ORINTERNA TIONAL POLITICAL STUDIES 5Gne t w ork swillenablethe

11、Interne to f Thingsre v olu tion,which,t oge therwith the e xponen tialpr ogressesinc ompu ting po werandadv ancesinAI,willtr ans f ormour e very da ylifeinw a y swecanbarel yimagine. 5Gne t w ork swillrepresen tthe nerv ouss y s tem c onnectingthe political,s tr a tegic,military, inf orma tive,ec o

12、nomic, financial,indus trialandinfr as tructuraldimensionsa taper sonal, l ocal,na tional,in terna tionalandtr ansna tional le vel.In thisscenario, there are a tleas tthree ca tegorieso frisk stha tmigh tarise fr omrel ying uponun trus ted5Gne t w ork s.Thefir s tis the classicrisko fespionageb yf oreignen tities(be the ygo vernmen talorpriv a tec ompanies subjectt oa


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