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1、scoldv.skld( scolds; scolded; scolding )双解释义vt. & vi.责骂; 斥责 speak angrily and complainingly基本要点1.scold指大声怒斥,可指上级对下级,长辈对晚辈,老师对学生的不满或对举止不规的责备、责怪,也指对严重错误、琐事的抱怨。2.scold用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,其宾语后可跟for引导的介词短语,表示“因某事怒斥某人”。可用于被动结构。3.scold偶尔可接副词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。词汇搭配 +名词 scold a child责骂孩子 scold ones son责骂儿子 scold the

2、 teacher骂老师 scold the weather责骂天气 scold their tools抱怨他们的工具 +副词 scold completely彻底地责怪 scold deservedly理所当然地责怪 scold falsely诬告 scold harshly怒斥 scold hastily草率地责怪 scold highly备受指责 scold indignantly愤慨地指责 scold maddeningly大声地责骂 scold monotonously无聊地抱怨 scold morally从道义上责备 scold publicly公开指控 scold specific

3、ally明确地责备 scold sternly顽固地指责 scold unfairly不公平地责备 scold unjustly不公正地指责 scold unthinkingly不假思索地责怪 scold wildly强烈地指责 +介词 scold at sb 责骂某人 scold for为而责骂 scold sb for being late责骂迟到 scold sb for being lazy责备懒惰 scold sb for his negligence责怪某人的疏忽 scold sb for the failure因失败而责怪于某人 scold onupon把归咎于常用短语scold

4、 for(v.+prep.)责骂 blame forscold sb/sth for sth/v-ingIts no use scolding the child for his behavior without showing him a good example.不给孩子作出表率而一味责怪他们的行为是毫无用处的。We scolded him for his laziness.我们责备他懒惰。I could hear mother scolding the dog for bringing mud into the house.我听见母亲在骂那条狗,因为它把泥带进了屋子。 用于be ed结构

5、The boy was scolded by his mother for breaking the looking glass.那小孩因打破了镜子而被他妈妈骂了。句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)Dont scold.不要斥责人。Her tongue was incessantly scolding.她嘴里不断地训人。Who knows why he was scolding?谁知道他为什么在骂人?If I walk in with muddy boots,Dad always scolds.如果我的靴子上有泥,一进屋爸爸就责骂我。用作及物动词S+n./pron.When they scol

6、ded him, he would answer back.他们斥责他,他就顶嘴。The woman is always scolding the children in our neighbourhood.那个妇人常责骂我们附近的孩子。Why did you scold him?你为什么责备他? 用于be ed结构The child was scolded by his mother.孩子受到母亲的斥责。用作宾补动词S+n./pron.+adv.The teacher scolded a naughty boy away.老师斥责一个淘气的男孩离开。词语辨异scold, accuse, bl

7、ame, condemn, rebuke参见blame条。scold, berate, revile, upbraid, vituperate这组词都含有“骂”“责怪”的意思。它们的区别是:1.scold指愤怒地或情绪不好地高声责骂,常用于上级对下级或长辈对晚辈。2.berate指轻蔑地责骂。例如:He berates George for the failure of the talks.他为谈判失败而轻蔑地责骂乔治。3.revile指故意诽谤地骂。例如:They reviled his brother as Toms accomplice.他们故意诽谤他的弟弟是汤姆的帮凶。4.upbrai

8、d指有明确理由地责骂。例如:She upbraided them for having broken their words.她指责他们没有遵守诺言。5.vituperate指更加强烈地指责或攻击。例如:The report vituperated the government for shirking its responsibilities.报告强烈指责政府推卸责任。正误解析爸爸责备我回家晚了。误 Dad scolded me that I came home late.正 Dad scolded me for coming home late.析 scold不能接双宾语,表示“因而责骂某人”时可用scold sb for sth/v-ing结构。补充资料派生词 scoldern.责骂者scoldingn.责骂;申斥同义词 accuse, berate, blame, condemn, rebuke, revile, upbraid, vituperate词源 古英语scolde(申斥)


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