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1、提供全套毕业设计,欢迎咨询本科毕业论文题 目:论中西方文化中乌鸦意象的文化意义学 院: 外国语学院 专业班级: 英语0601班 学 号: 2006344010130 学生姓名: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 讲 师 二O一O年六月十二日 On the Image of Crow in Chinese and Western CultureA Graduation Thesis Submitted by Wang YanjiaoIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsForThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn the Su

2、bject of English Language and Literature ToCollege of Foreign LanguagesOfAgricultural University of HebeiSupervisor: Li YaminJune 12, 2010Candidate Supervisor Table of ContentsAcknowledgementsi摘 要iiAbstractiii1 Introduction12 The Analysis of Crow in Chinese Culture12.1 The Positive Meaning12.1.1 The

3、 mysterious bird22.1.2 The Filial Bird32.2 The Negative Meaning42.2.1 The Coming of the Negative Meaning42.2.2 The Symbol of Death and Calamity52.2.3 The Symbol of Drift, Desolation and Grief63 The Analysis of crow in Western culture73.1 The Positive Meaning73.2 The Negative Meaning83.2.1 The Coming

4、 of the Negative Meaning83.2.2 The Symbol of Death and Calamity94 Conclusion11Bibliography12AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Li Yamin for his warm-hearted encouragements, valuable instructions and thoughtful comments for this th

5、esis. His guidance and encouragement have made this thesis a better one than I can ever possibly produce.And I am also extremely grateful to all the professors and teachers who taught me and enlightened me in the past years of my study at the Agricultural University of Hebei. Their lectures have lai

6、d the solid foundation for this thesis.Then, I would also like to give my special appreciation to my classmates and roommates for their patience in helping me collect materials without which my paper would not be finished so smoothly.Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank my family member

7、s who have given their support and encouragement during the four years of my undergraduate study. Wang Yanjiao June12, 2010【摘 要】古今中外,鸟和人类的生存与发展息息相关。在人类漫长的岁月里,各民族的人们有意或无意地把鸟类人格化或神灵化,并依据鸟类的外貌和习性等特征赋予他们特定的寓意来寄托自己的感情,而乌鸦正是其中一个典型的例子。它是中西方文化,尤其是文学作品中重要的禽鸟意象,其身上承载的意义丰富多彩,并受不同历史时期的影响而不断变化,但总体被赋予了积极意义和消极意义面。

8、本文将就着两个方面做逐一探讨,以期更好的理解乌鸦意象在不同文化中的内涵。【关键字】中西方文化;乌鸦;乌鸦意象;文化意义【Abstract】The birds are closely connected with the survival and development of human beings in modern times or ancient, in China or in abroad. During the long years of human history, people of different nations personify and deify the birds

9、consciously or unconsciously. And people focus on their feelings by giving the birds some specific implications according to the appearance habits and characteristics of the birds, and a typical example foe which is the crow. The crow is the important bird image in the Chinese and western culture, e

10、specially in the literary works. And it carries too much human emotion and the reprehensive meaning of it is colorful and rich. By the different historical periods and different cultural influences, the crows are given a variety of images. But all in all, no matter in Chinese culture or in western c

11、ulture, the crow is a contradictory image; that is to say, there are two sides of it: the positive meaning and the negative meaning. This passage is based on the two sides to probe into the crow in culture. It is the purpose of this paper to make a statement of them one by one, only through detail a

12、nalysis can readers obtain further appreciation and better understanding of their cultural cononation.【Key Words】Chinese and western culture; crow; the image of crow; the cultural meaningi1 Introduction By probing into the cultural connotation of crow, this paper states that each word not only bears

13、 the rational meaning which is human being s understanding of the objective world, but also concentrates the cultural meaning in human social practice, which is result of the synthetic effects of many factors, such as cultural background, folk custom, etiquette, nice or nasty psychology. Everything

14、has its origin. No matter in Chinese or in western world, the significance of crow experiences the process of changing. In China, as to crow s reputation, a lot of people have already been full of senses of detesting to such hasty and careless and wicked bird with ugly appearance in influencing by the surroundings since childhood, but once speaking to the pigeon or magpie, we will put another perspective look at once. But in the Ta


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