外研版七年级下册Module-12-知识点总结梳理(无答案)(DOC 14页)

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1、Module 12 Body languageUnit 1 Its so beautiful!Step 1 Revision单词闯关1.活泼的;轻快的 lavl _ 2.现代的 mdn _ 3.吵闹的 nz _ 4.流行的;受欢迎的 pp _ 5.摇滚乐 rk _ 6.声音 sand _ 7.小提琴 valn _ 8.西方的 westn _ 9.嗯 m;hm _ 10.由创作;被;由 ba _ 11.穿过 ru _ 12.两个;两者 b _ 13.歌剧 pr _ 14.声音 vs _ 15.鼓 drm _ 16.相信 bliv _ 短语互译1.The Blue Danube _ 2.go th

2、rough_ 3.much too _ 4.think about_ 5.know about_ 6.现代音乐 _ 7.摇滚乐 _ 8.传统音乐 _ 9.流行音乐 _ 10.京剧 _ Daming:Hmm,this is Western music,isnt it?Can you hear the violin and the piano? Its so beautiful!Is this by Strauss or Mozart? Lingling:Im not sure. Betty:Its by Strauss.I love his music!Do you know anything

3、about him,Tony? Tony:Was he German? Betty:No,he was born in Vienna,the capital of Austria. What a beautiful city!This is called The Blue Danube. The Danube is a river in Europe.It goes throughVienna. Lingling:Do you like traditional Western music or pop music, Betty? Betty:Well,I like both. You list

4、en to pop music,Lingling,dont you? Lingling:Yes,I do.I also like Beijing Opera.Listen to this fantastic voice. Tony:Hmm,the sound is very.different,isnt it?Im a fan of rock music.Listen to this! Daming:Hey!Give us a break! Lingling:Rock music?Listen to those drums! Daming:Its so noisy!And much too f

5、ast! Tony:You dont like rock music?I dont believe it! 1. sound n. 声音 例:Hmm, the sound is verydifferent, isnt it? 嗯,这声音非常不同,不是吗?Sound travels at 340 metres per second in air. 声音以每秒340米的速度在空气中传播。 【考点】sound作名词时,泛指听到的“声音”。【重点】sound, voice与noisesound泛指人们听到的“声音”,可以指人或动物的声音,也可指物体碰撞发出的声音或大自然的任何声音。例:Light go

6、es faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。voice指人的嗓音或说话、唱歌时发出的声音。例:They talked in a loud voice. 他们高声谈话。noise通常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。例:Dont make any noise here. 不要在这里制造任何噪声。典例精讲:用voice, sound或noise填空(1)The woman spoke in a very loud_. (2)At midnight the girl heard a strange_. (3)Dont make any_!Its time for class! 2. thr

7、ough/ru/prep.通过,穿过eg:The sunlight shines in through the glass. 阳光透过玻璃照进来。【考点】through常与go,walk等动词连用。eg:The two hunters are walking through the forest. 这两个猎人正穿过森林。【重点】辨析through, across, over和pastthrough“穿过,通过”,强调从内部空间穿过。There is a river running through the city.有一条河流经这座城市。across“穿过”,强调从某个平面的一边到另一边。Wal

8、k across the bridge,and youll see a tree.走过那座桥,你会看见一棵树。over“越过,跨越”,强调从某物的正上面跨越。The cat jumps over the wall to play every day. 这只猫每天跳过墙去玩。past“经过,超过”,强调从某人或某物的旁边经过。He is walking past the post office.他正从邮局旁边走过。典例精讲:1. You must look at the traffic lights before you go _(穿过) the road. (青岛)2. The moonlig

9、ht is shining in_the window. Everything in the room looks so nice.A over Bacross Cthrough Dpast3A bird flew into the kitchen _ the window. Aacross Babove Cthrough Dunder 4. Excuse me. Where is the bookstore? Go _ the bridge. Youll see it on your left. Aon Bcross Cacross Dthrough 3. both/b/pron.两者;两个

10、eg:(泰安中考)My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful with trees and flowers on both sides of the road. 我的家乡正变得越来越漂亮,路两边都有树和花【难点】 both涉及两者,其反义词是neither;all涉及三者或三者以上,其反义词是none.eg: Neither of them is a student. 他们两个都不是学生。We have three sons but none of them lives nearby. 我们有三个儿子,但他们都不住在附近。【考点】both常与

11、of连用,of后接复数名词时,of可省略;后接复数代词时,of不可省略。eg:I have two sisters. Both of them are students. 我有两个姐姐,她俩都是学生。【易错点】both.and.连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;其反义词组neither.nor.连接两个主语时,谓语动词应和nor后面的主语保持一致。eg: Both she and I go to school by bike every day. 她和我每天骑自行车去上学。Neither I nor she likes peaches. 我和她都不喜欢桃子。典例精讲:(1)单项填空Dumpl

12、ings are very delicious._ of my parents like them. AAll BBoth CNone DNeither (2)同义句转换Lily and Lucy both live in New York. _ Lily _ Lucy live in New York. (3)用所给单词的适当形式填空Both Mary and Tom_ (be) clever. Neither Mary nor Tom _ (be) clever. Either my brother or my parents _ (be) leaving for Beijing. 4.

13、Hmm, this is Western music, isnt it? 嗯,这是西方音乐,不是吗?这是一个反意疑问句。一般反意疑问句使用在:说话人已有一定看法,出于礼貌或要求对方证实所述情况或看法等时进行发问,以得到确切答案。 【考点】反意疑问句的构成:肯定句否定疑问句的简略形式 否定句肯定疑问句的简略形式 “前肯后否”或“前否后肯”eg: She wasnt at home yesterday, was she? 她昨天不在家,是吗?He watched the game, didnt he? 他观看了比赛,不是吗?【难点】对于反意疑问句的答语,只要牢记一条“根据事实回答,是就yes不是就no”。eg: You dont like pop music,do you? 你不喜欢流行音乐,是吗?如果喜欢就回答:Yes, I do.不,我喜欢。如果不喜欢就回答:No, I dont.是的,我不喜欢。典例精讲:There is a beautiful park near your school,_?Yes,



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