教学设计(教案) (3)

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《教学设计(教案) (3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教学设计(教案) (3)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级八年级教学形式讲授课教 师何学富单 位德阳市中江县悦来镇中心学校课题名称How do you get to school?学情分析通过一年多的学习,学生的英语基础非常好,学习英语的积极性也特别高教学目标1) Language skills :Ss learn to talk about kinds of transportation, and how long it takes to go places, and how far apart places are. 2) Target Language : Words : how far , get

2、to , bicycle , subway , bus stop, train station , minute, kilometer, mile , transportation , calendar Sentences: How do you get to school ? / How long does it take ? / How far is it ? 3) Moral object : Through learning this unit , Ss can enable them to care for each other whenever crossing the roads

3、 and pay attention to the sign of traffic.教学过程Step I Reading 1. Pay attention to these questions. 2. Read this text by yourself and try to answer the questions 3. Explain the text and check the answers. Step II Pairwork 1. Pay attention to the conversation on the right. 2. Read this text in differen

4、t roles. 3. Look at the picture and time on the left. 4. Make the other conversations in pairs.(Give them five minutes) 5. Ask some pairs to act the conversations. Step III ( Info gap race) Three students a group. A ,look at page 21.B, look at page 85.C, look at page 86.If they want to get the answe

5、rs in the chart ,they should ask the others questions. eg: 1. How often does John go to school? 2.How long does it take Maria to get to school? 3.How far is it from Johns home to school? Get the answers from the conversations .At the same time ,they can practise the basic sentences in this unit板书设计U

6、nit 4 How do you get to school ? Complete these questions and answers. 1. Q: How does she get to school? A: She takes the bus. 2. Q; How do _get to school? A:I _my bike. 3. Q:_ does he get to school? A: He _ the subway. 4. Q: How do they get _school? A:_ walk.作业或预习Finish off the workbook exercise. Step VIII Blackboard Design自我评价学生学习积极性强组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):学生兴趣很高,本堂课的学习效果很好 评议一单位: 悦来镇中心学校 姓名:黄兰 日期:2014-2-26


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