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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 高二年级书面表达和汉译英练习翻译句子1. 这些就是他的论据的长处和弱点。 These were the strengths and weaknesses of his argument.2. 她得病后一直情绪低落。 Shes been feeling rather low since her illness.3. 一阵愤怒的情绪迅速传遍人群。 A wave of anger swept through the crowd.4. 我们通过说话学会说话。 We learn to speak through speaking.5. 把你的想法坦率地告诉

2、我。 Tell me straight what you think.6. 他朝着相反的方向走去。 He walked in the opposite direction.7. 他把到那里的方法给我们讲得十分清楚。 He gave us specific instructions on how to get there.8. 很可惜这个始建与19世纪的工业城市没有吸引游客。 It is a pity that the industrial city built in the 19th century doesnt attract visitors.9. 我的书法不及他。My handwriti

3、ng cannot compete with his.10. 他向我们表达了谢意。 He expressed his thanks/ gratitude to us.11. 他刚刚创造了一个跳高新记录。 He just set a new record for the high jump.12. 他的演讲引起了公众注意。 His speech brought him into public notice.13. 我们都需要饮食多样化。 We all need variety in our diet.14. 这条路是死胡同,换句话说,它和别的路不相连,所以你开车过不去。 This street

4、is a dead end. In other words, it doesnt connect with another street, so you cant drive through.15. 那个标志警告司机路况不好。 That sign warns drivers that the road is in bad condition/ the traffic is heavy on the road.16. 屋子里充满了音乐声、交谈声和笑声。 The room was full of the sounds of music, conversation and laughter.17.

5、老师给那个男孩的家长打电话谈谈他在学校的行为。 The teacher called the boys parents to talk about his behavior at school.18. 这有助于维系人与人之间的关系。 It helps relationships between people work smoothly.19. 我的努力全都白费了。 All my efforts were in vain.20. 他把手按在门上。 He pressed his hand against the door.21. 电是由电线疏导的。 Electricity is carried a

6、long wires.22. 我们不应该无所事事地把时间浪费掉。 We should not waste time doing nothing.23. 欲速则不达。Haste makes waste.24. 他们叫喊着表示反对。They shouted their disapproval.25. 他听力越来越差,我得嚷嚷他才能听见。 He is going deaf so I have to shout so that he can hear me.26. 吃一堑长一智。 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.27. 他在考试中拿了满分。 He gai

7、ned full marks in the exams.28. 我看他那双鞋质量极为低劣。 His shoes looked cheap and nasty to me.29. 他对安娜总是很冷淡。 Hes always very distant with Anna.30. 实验后你要得出一个结论。 You need to draw a conclusion after the experiment.31. 你们社区有没有小诊所? Is there a clinic in your community?32. 屡次失败并没有使他泄气。 Frequent failures didnt disco

8、urage him.33. 他具有高尚的、自我牺牲的品质。 He has a noble, self-sacrificing character.34. 那些天迈克尽量避开约翰。 Mike tried to avoid meeting John those days.35. 我完全同意你的看法。 I am in entire agreement with you.36. 在这一点上,互联网的影响尚不明朗。 At this point, the effects of the Internet are not yet clear.37. 一些人从不下网,一些人定期上网。 Some people n

9、ever go off the line; others surf the Internet on a regular basis.38. 新兴工业正在亚洲不断涌现。 New industries are springing up in Asia.39. (谚语)勤劳的人不会穷。 Poverty is a stranger to industry.40. 他自己开了个公司。He has set up a firm of his own.41. 我无法确信我成功了。 Im uncertain of my success.42. 我们重视的是质量而不是数量。 We aim at quality r

10、ather than quantity.43. 政府不可能为所有的人提供工作。 The government cant provide all the people with jobs.44. 你没有权利说这话。You have no right to say that.45. 我从来没有见过这样漂亮的城市。I have never seen such beautiful cities.46. 情况既然如此,你就不要催他了。Such being the case, you dont need to push him.47. 在这种情况下,我们必须放弃这个计划。Under these condi

11、tions, we have to give up/ drop the plan.48. 我的车虽旧,但车况很好。My car is old but in good condition.49. 工作条件不好,而且薪酬很低。Working conditions are terrible and the pay is low.50. 浪费食物是不好的行为。Its a crime to waste food.51. 我们没有工作保障- 经理可以随时以任何理由解雇我们。We had no job security- the manager could get rid of any one of us

12、at any time for any reason.52. 我再也抽不出时间歇班了。I cant afford any more time off work.53. 他通过了考试,现在获得了硕士学位。He passed his examinations and now has the degree of Master.54. 无论你做什么,都要好好做。Whatever you do, do it well.55. 无论你有什么原因,你都应该信守诺言。Whatever reason you have, you should carry out your promise.56. 轮到你打扫教室了

13、。Its your turn to clean the classroom.57. 她的工作没什么特别的,也赚不了多少钱。The job is nothing special, and she did not learn a lot.58. 在仔细考虑了自己所学的东西之后,她决定碰碰运气。After thinking over what she had learnt, she decided to take a chance.59. 这种疾病在那个国家迅速蔓延开来。The illness spread quickly in that country.60. 在我看来,素质教育的普及给国家带来了

14、很大好处。It appears to me that the spread of quality education has done a lot of good to the country.61. 她已习惯周日来看我。She has made it a rule to come to see me on Sunday.62. 我喜欢听音乐,而他喜欢运动。I like music, while he likes sports.63. 我们已经投入许多时间和人力开发新产品。We have invested a lot of time and effort in the development

15、of new products.64. 我将永远记住那快乐的一天。I shall remember that happy day forever.65. 她是最有希望得奖的女孩。She is the most likely girl to win the prize.66. 我的新衣服和你的那件相似。My new dress is similar to the one you have.67. 我们必须将开支限制在我们能支付的范围之内。We must limit our expense to what we can afford.68. 除此之外我什么也不能说。I cant say anything beyond that.69. 新电脑处理资料的速度比旧的快。The new computer can process information much more quickly than my old one.70. 总的来说,没人愿意冒险到那里去。Generally, no one would risk going there.71. 仅与15年前相比,科技已经使我们的生产力翻了一番。


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