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1、大学英语(B)六套大纲解析中交际用语1 will you please give the note to him?ccrlainlv,I will give i( to him2. hello, Im Harry potter. Hello, my name is Charles Green but call me Charles3. how about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight?Tliat great14. how often do you go dancing?Everv other dav5. hello, may

2、 I talk to the director now? he is bus lhe ihchhcin.6. please help yourself to the seafood 一一【hanks, but I dont lik亡 seafood7. would you please pass me the sail?ccnainW, here vou arc.8. would you mind changing seats with mc?No, Idoitmmd9. oh, betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday and

3、 wed like you to jom us.I d low to, Susan whats die occasion?What time do you want me to come?7.1 was worried about my math But Mr. Brown gave me an A.Conpratulalions! Thats a difiicult couse.10. ho is lhal? This is Mr Smith speaking now11. David injured his leg playing football yesterday. Really?-h

4、ow did (hat happen?12. Marilyn I m afraid I have to be leaving now?13. Hi, Jim, this is my brother pete匚一nice to meet you14. excuse me, I dont want to mtemipt you but can I help you?15. if you like I can mail this letter for you.that s very kind of you16. what is your father ?hc teaches physics in a

5、 school.17. hi! Welcome back! Have a nice (rip?Oh, fantastic! Fresh air and sunshine every day.18. don I worry. Til leave the message on his desk . it s kmd of vou.19. Frn sorry Tm calling you so late. Thats okav.20. tomorrow is my birthday. Man、haDD iciums of (he da!21 I wonder if I could use your

6、computer tonight?Sure, godhead! Fmnot using it right now.22. how was your trip to London Jane?Oh, wonderful indccd.23. Must I be home before scvcn?No, you neednt24. where is Ka忙?She is in Eigkmd25. must I take a taxi? No , you dont have to you can take a car.26. Hey, Tom, whats up?Oh, not much.27. c

7、an I get you a cup of tea?a. Thank you for the teab. With pleasurec. You can, pleased. Thank you for the tea28. I doubt whether the Chinese football Team can win the game this timeIt s hard to sav.29. how do you do?Glad to meet you.Hz do ou do?Glad【o mccl ou【g30. could I speak to Don Watkins, plcasc

8、?Spcaking, please31 would you like more soud?No. thanks. Its delicious but Fve had enough.32. Thank you ever so much for the coat you bought me. Tm glad you like itExcuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?卜Im. lei me think.Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue

9、You cant miss it.33. Im terribly sorry that Fve spilled some coffee on the carpet. 1( doesnt matter词汇构造1 a man should not be judged always bv what he says2. Professor Smith promised to look .overmy paper, that is, to read it carefully before thedefence3. the tall man is -chargedwith robbery4. neithe

10、r John nor his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train5. when Lily came home at 5 p.m yesterday, her mother was cooking-dinner in the kitchen6. Little Tom is used to get up0 eight every morning7. before the final examination, some students have shown signs of tension.8. mu

11、st we finish the work right now?not you neednt .you can do it tomorrow9. jaiies dress is similar m design to-his sister s10. children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of movies as is bad for their mentaldevelopment11. pleaset hurry up or well be late12. before the war of independence

12、, the united states was an English colony13.that fashion different form country to country may reflect the cultural differences from oneaspect14. a sudden noise a fire-engine made him hurry to the door.15. the new order means working overtime16. he couldnt buy the dictionary because he had little mo

13、ney with him17. I look forward to hearing from you.18. we all thought it pity that you were unable to attend our meeting19. its high time that he settled down in the country and stalled a new life20. put it down Richard, you mustnt read anvone elses letter.21 the computer system broke down suddenly

14、while he was searching for information.22 Jim takes the medicine as the doctor says23. who is she? Shes our history teache匚2.4. do you know the man lying under the apple tree?25 how fine weather it is today?26. Mike is better than Peter at swimming27. What we need is good textbooks28. its not until

15、you hate lost your health that you know its value29. you dont niind calling you Xiao Li, do you?30. what we have done is far from salisfaclorv.31. What will you buy for your boyfriends birthday?I want to buy a small black leather wallet for him.32. Peter worked so fast with the math problems that he made a lot of mistake33. this kind of material expands with the temperature increasing34. Two days is not enough for him to finish the work He needs a third day.35. Professort would you slow down a bitt please?I cant keep up wi山 you36. there is lots of fm


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