【人教版】必修四:Unit 4 Period 1 Reading Comprehension 讲义含答案

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Period 1Reading Comprehension1.使学生了解不同国家不同的文化以及不同文化间的交流。2.帮助学生运用不同的阅读技巧更好地理解短文。3.理解文章中的长难句,并学会佳句赏析。1.采用情景教学法和交际教学法,使学生通过游戏、表演、听说等多种形式来实现目标。2.利用现代教育技术,拓宽学生学习和运用英语的渠道。重点句式1.She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.2.Not all cultures greet each other th

2、e same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.根据已有知识,回答问题1.How can you communicate with someone if you cannot speak? Give an example.【答案】We can use body language to communicate with someone if we can􀆳t speak. For example, if we􀆳re ang

3、ry, we might turn away and not talk to others. If we􀆳re happy to see someone, we might smile and hold out our hands or open our arms.2.There are many different ways to greet someone using words. How many ways can you think of to greet someone if you cannot speak? 【答案】Ways to greet someone w

4、ithout words: smile, wave, shake hands, hug, kiss, etc.Fast reading:Matching the people and their different ways of greeting.1.Tony Garcia (Colombia)a.shakes hands and kisses others twice on each cheek2.Julia Smith (Britain)b.bows3.Akira Nagata (Japan)c.shakes hands4.George Cook (Canada)d.approaches

5、 others and touches their shoulders and kisses them on the cheeks 5.Darlene Coulon(France)e.does not stand very close to others or touch strangers【答案】1.d2.e3.b4.c5.a.Careful reading:Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).()1.Englishmen often stand close to others or touch s

6、trangers as soon as they meet.()2.Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing.()3.Japanese will bow to others as greeting.()4.People from Jordan will move very close to you as youintroduce yourself to them if you are a man.()5.Some body languages in some countries are good while som

7、e countries􀆳 body languages are bad.【答案】1.F2.F3.T4.T5.F.Post reading1.Read the text again and fill in the following form.PersonCountryActionsThe authorChinaFirst stand, (1).Then introduce guests.When introducing himself to Ahmed Aziz, he (2) a little when he is very closeTony GarciaColombia

8、(3) Julia Smith, touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheekJulia SmithBritainJulia Smith is surprised at Tony Garcia􀆳s action and (4)away from himGeorge CookCanada(5)out to Akira NagataAkira NagataJapan(6)to George Cook(续表)PersonCountryActionsAhmed AzizJordanMoves very close to the au

9、thor when he introduces himself, (7) to ask questions, nods at womenDarleneCoulonFrance(8)and kisses each other twice on the cheek with Tony Garcia【答案】(1)watching and listening(2)moves back(3)Approaches(4)takes a few steps(5)Reaches his hand(6)Bows(7)comes closer(8)Shakes hands2.Discussion: “Is body

10、 language important?” If so, give your reasons. 【答案】Body language is important because it is used anytime and anywhere to convey people􀆳s ideas, feelings, information, and so on. We can tell a lot from others􀆳 body language. Even if they don􀆳t speak, we know if they are sa

11、d or happy by looking at their facial expressions.1.She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.她后退几步,看上去很吃惊,并且举起了手,好像是在防卫。as if in defence是as if she were in defence的省略。as if / though意为“仿佛;好像”,应用虚拟语气;若与现在事实相反,用一般过去时(动词be用were);若与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。(1)他走起路来好像喝醉了酒。(2)他看起来好像没

12、睡好。【答案】(1)He walked as if he were drunk.(2)He looked as if he had slept very badly.单项填空There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, she was living alone in a remote village house. A.as if B.now that C.even though D.ever since 【答案与解析】Ceven though“即使”。句意:即使她独自生活在遥远的村庄小屋,凯特也从不感到寂寞。2.Not all cultur

13、es greet each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间的距离也并不一样。此句的not all“并非全部”,表示部分否定。类似的能用于这种句型的词还有:both, everyone, everybody等。nor放于句首,句子主谓要倒装。类似的还有否定词或否定结构,如:not, hardly, never, no sooner.than., hardly.when.

14、, not only.but (also).等。(1)并非所有的解释都是正确的。(2)我不知道那件事,我也不关心。【答案】(1)Not all the explanations are correct.(2)I don􀆳t know about it, nor do I care.单项填空Bill wasn􀆳t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and .A.I was neitherB.neither was IC.I was eitherD.either was I【答案与解析】 B句意:比尔对杰

15、森耽误了报告的事不高兴,我也是(我也不高兴)。表示“某人也不时”,应该用“neither / nor +助动词 / 系动词 / 情态动词+主语”。完成句子1.They are visitors .他们是来自不同国家的观光客。2. is always Li Hua. 李华总是第一个到校的人。3.The girl listened and sat still, she had been turned into a stone.女孩倾听着,一动也不动,像已经变成了石头。4.Three days later I received a letter .三天后我收到了一封为我提供工作的信.5.The way she spoke to us was rude.她和我们的说话方式很粗鲁。【答案】ing from different countries2.The first one to come


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