广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册 堂堂清10(无答案) 外研版

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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册 堂堂清10(无答案) 外研版_第1页
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广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册 堂堂清10(无答案) 外研版_第2页
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《广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册 堂堂清10(无答案) 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册 堂堂清10(无答案) 外研版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、广东省佛山市中大附中三水实验中学八年级英语上册 堂堂清10(无答案) 外研版1 _ good advice he gave us! Yes. He always has so many wonderful ideas. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a2. Maria finds _ difficult to translate these sentences. A. it B. this C. that D. she 3 Dont forget their address and telephone number. I will _ in my notebo

2、ok. A. write them down B. write it down C. write down it D. write down them4 Im not interested in English. Its difficult for me to learn it well. Dont worry. You will learn it well if you work harder, but it _ time. A. costs B. spends C. pays D. takes5My cousin is a _ girl. She is afraid of speaking

3、 in front of many people. A. friendly B. polite C. shy D. helpful6She tried _, but she found it difficult. A. not to worrying B. to not worry C. not to worry D. to worry not7. Whats your plan for the coming weekend? _ go to fly kites? A. Why not to B. Why dont C. Why dont we D. How about8The boy wen

4、t to the teachers office to _ his teacher _ advice about improving his maths. A. ask; for B. talk; about C. speak; to D. place; in9My pen friend, Jack, often helps me _my English. A. on B. in C. with D. about10 Your spoken English is really _. Thanks. Its very nice of you to say so. A. deep B. excel

5、lent C. basic D. difficult二完成句子。1You should make a plan for study at the beginning of the t_. 2. Dont be afraid of making m_ when you speak English. 3. Most young people like to send text m_ to each other.4. I cant hear you, Please r 5. The doctor asks me to take a deep b .6. Im afraid your _ (trans

6、late) is not correct. 7. You can buy _ (you) what you like with the money. 8. Lu Xun is a famous writer and _ (write) is a part of his life.9. You should pay attention to your _ (spell). 10It is a good idea (get) up early.选做题。1. 托尼喜欢看英文电影,听英文广播。 Tony _ _ English films and _ _ the radio in English.2. 对于大明来说,学好语法很难。_ very difficult _ Daming _ _ grammar well.


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