Module 4教学设计

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《Module 4教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 4教学设计(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaTeaching design for Reading 英语:刘英Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaTeaching design for Reading and vocabulary一、教材教学内容分析本模块介绍了亚洲尤其是在中国发生沙尘暴的情况,并引入了与沙尘暴和环保有关的词汇。让学生通过阅读文章了解沙尘暴方面的知识,并让他们用英语口头谈论看沙尘暴视频和阅读材料获得的信息和感受。在活动中发展学生语言能力,同时培养其环保意识。二、学情简析 当今高中生拥有较强的环保意识,加之近年来自然灾害频频,学生对沙尘暴这一话题比较感

2、兴趣。但由于没有亲身经历过沙尘暴,多数学生欠缺相关方面的知识,并缺乏对其描述所需的词汇。三、教学目标教学目标语言技能能在阅读中识别新学词汇、短语及推断其意思;能读懂课文并能理解语段之间的逻辑关系,从中获取信息并回答相关问题;能阅读和理解来自其他资源的相关文章。文化意识了解世界环保情况,增强环保意识。学习策略认知策略:将新学和已学的有关环境与环保的词汇、短语进行归纳和整理。资源策略:通过各种途径如报刊、因特网、图书馆等获取更多有关环保等方面的信息。四、教学辅助手段PPT课件、黑板五、教学过程教学过程学生活动教师指导学练目标STEP 1Lead in(3分钟)Individual work:Int

3、roduce the topic of sandstorms by showing them some pictures.Ask students some questions after showing some pictures.“Whats the bad result of the sandstorm?/ What is the cyclists wearing and why?/ What do you think happen to drivers in this situation and why?”通过图片引入,能让学生对沙尘暴产生直观的视觉感受。STEP 2Pre-readi

4、ng (2 分钟)Homework checking:Check the answers of activity 2 on P 33.Check the answers in class and offer help when necessary.让学生通过练习理解课文中一些新单词的含义。STEP 3Fast-reading(4分钟)1. Individual work:Find out the answers to the following questions:(1). Where do sandstorms mainly occur in the world and in China?(

5、2). When can the Chinese Central Weather Station forecast a sandstorm?(3). How far is the desert to the west of Beijing?(4). How many trees have been planted by the government?2Pair work:Ask and answer these questions in pairs.Ask the students to read the passage quickly and find out answers to the

6、questions. And then check the answers in class.培养学生快速阅读的能力,查找事实细节信息。STEP 4Careful reading(10分钟)1. Individual work:Finish exercise (2) on students paper. Read the passage again and fill in the table.Whats a sandstorm?Whats the cause of sandstorms?Whats the influence of sandstorms?What are the suggest

7、ions by the weather experts?What has Chinese government do to prevent it from coming nearer?Find the following information and fill in the table.2. Pair work:Ask the students to check answers with each other and help one another.Ask the students to read the passage carefully and try to find out some

8、 key words or phrases to describe a sandstorm.And read for information on two persons experiences of sandstorms.通过阅读学习描述沙尘暴的起因、影响、建议、措施等的词汇和短语。让学生动手写在学案上能加深印象。STEP 5Discussion (5分钟)Group work:Discuss the question:What measures should we take to prevent sandstorms from coming?Students work in groups

9、and discuss the possible ways to prevent sandstorms.启发学生思维,增强环保意识。STEP 6Summary(6分钟)Write a short passage about the main information of the reading text. And ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the passage.Then check answers and ask the whole class to read it together.Give the studen

10、ts some time to recall what theyve learned in this class.通过完形填空的练习进一步巩固所学内容。STEP 7Interview(10分钟)Group work:Watch a video about a sandstorm. Then work in groups to make on interview on a bad sandstorm.Ask the students to work in groups and make an interview on a bad sandstorm. They are encouraged to

11、 use as many expressions they just learned in the text as possible.利用先前看、听、读过程中所学到的词汇完成本节课的最后环节语言输出Speaking.六、板书设计Sandstorms in Asiastrong dry thick a terrible experience the most frightening and dangerous situationdensification frightening difficult to breathe make sb illbrown-yellow dust a mass ca

12、mpaign 七、课后反思 读前的引入部分,目的是激趣与引入,使学生认识本节课的总任务,同时也是为完成总任务扫清认知障碍的阶段。通过激活已有信息,使学生具有摄入新信息的准备。观看图片把教学内容视觉化,有助于记忆与理解,同时也最大程度地调动学生的学习兴趣。然后通过检查课前预习的作业,帮助学生扫清课文理解的词汇障碍。在阅读过程中,通过快速阅读和详读的方式,培养各种阅读微技能,理解细节,并做关键词、短语填空练习,这属于信息输入阶段,学生为完成任务而进行的读写训练,同时培养学生对信息进行分类、理解和重组的能力。通过读后的讨论环节,培养学生的环保意识,启发学生的开放思维。通过观看视频,设置采访情景,这一活动使学生能实践语言知识。学生在采访的过程中,需要与同学讨论,在纠错的过程中,产生批评与自我批评,从而开发其自我认知、人际交往及语言智能,同时采访活动也是对学生本堂课学习的小检测。通过实际教学,我有几点体会:第一,在课堂上给学生一个展示的空间是非常重要的,这样学生们可以尽量的展示他们所掌握的语言,教师也可以通过展示发现学生们掌握的情况和问题。某些学生的出色表现对全班的学生也是一个激励。第二,在学生活动过程中,有的小组表现出小组成员间配合不够、水平不一的问题。这也说明,课堂内使用小组合作学习的形式时,教师也应在合作指导方面多给与学生关注,而不能只是要求小组活动,而没有任何指导。


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