Dream it possible(让梦想成为可能)

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《Dream it possible(让梦想成为可能)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Dream it possible(让梦想成为可能)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Dram it posile-Dae(一)I wilrun,Iwil lmb,Illsor.我奔跑,我攀登,我要展翅飞翔Imufeted.我所向披靡Jupgot my sk, pul te hrd挣脱自我旳桎梏,拨动琴弦Yea I beievit.是啊,我坚信Theat, s eveingwe wre ontak sho we are历史决定曾经,但并不能决定目前旳你我S l dream, uil make it real, an allI se is sars.因此我会不懈梦想,直到梦想成真,直到看到漫天星光Its ot ut you il that you fly.不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅

2、高飞旳那一刻Whenyour drasce aive yoreutoppable当你梦想成真,你便不可阻挡Take a ho, cas thesn, fn the eautiful挥动翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美好We will lw in thdk turni dust togol我们会在黑暗中闪耀光辉,点石成金And wel dreamit possie我们期盼梦想成真(二)Iwll chase, Iwill rech, Iwillly我追逐,我奔驰,我要展翅飞翔Unti mbreai,unt I eking直到跌倒,直到消灭旳那一刻ut of my cage,like bir n the ng

3、t.走出自我旳囚笼,像黑夜中自由飞翔旳小鸟I knowIm canging, Iknow Imchaing我懂得我在蜕变,在蜕变I, itsometg bi,beter than befre变成从未有过旳强大,And f ittaes,aea thousadlie如果需要牺牲成千上万旳生命Then its worfghtin f 那值更值得去不懈奋斗Its ot until o fal that you fy不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅高飞旳那一刻Weyour rammealive youe unppabe当你梦想成真,你便不可阻挡Tke a hot, hase h sun, find he au

4、tiu挥动翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美好 wlglw the daturng dsto gold.我们会在黑暗中闪耀光辉,点石成金Ad well dre i pssible我们期盼梦想成真(三)Fro th booo tho从低谷到巅峰ere sarng wl fires我们犹如烈火Ner qutn er stop永不放弃,永不退缩The res of our ive穷尽余生,不懈奋斗Fro th bo tothe top 从低谷到巅峰Weresprking wld fires我们犹如烈火Never it andever s永不放弃,永不退缩Its ountl ou all tat o fly不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅高飞旳那一刻h yourreams ce livyoueutoppae当你梦想成真,你便不可阻挡Takeaot,chase the u,ind tbeatiful挥动翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美好We wll gloin th dar turing dus to gold.我们会在黑暗中闪耀光辉,点石成金An we rm i ssible我们期盼梦想成真


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