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1、18 March 1999A business caseKnowledge ManagementInformation Risk ManagementInformaation Risk ManaggementtKnowleddge MaanagemmentA businness ccase18 Marcch 19999This reeport contaains 11 pageesAppendiices ccontaiin 8 ppagesNIRM_KMM.docContentts1Backggroundd1.1Whyy has knowlledge becomme a sstrateegic

2、 bbusineess isssue?1.2Thee KPMGG globbal viision and sstrateegy2Knowlledge managgementt defiined2.1Knoowledgge2.2Knoowledgge mannagemeent2.3Thee knowwledgee systtem3Knowlledge managgementt in IIRM3.1Thee Unitted Kiingdomm3.1.1KKM strructurres3.2Thee Unitted Sttates3.3Intternattionall Headdquartters

3、(IHQ)3.4Souuth Affrica4Beneffits4.1Keyy beneefits4.1.1TTangibble beenefitts4.1.2IIntanggible beneffits5Costss6Challlengess6.1Wheere too starrt?6.2Cullturall channge6.3Knoowledgge mannagemeent sttrateggy7Technnologyy8Conteent annd maiintenaance8.1Genneric knowlledge8.2Layyout8.3Cliient cconfiddentiaa

4、lity8.4Maiintenaance aand saanitattion8.5A ccompleete prrocesss9The nnext sstepsAppendiix A - Sugggestedd IRM Southh Afriica knnowleddge reeposittory sstructtureAppendiix B - Drafft jobb desccriptiions ffor sttaffinng of a Knoowledgge Cenntre1 Backgroound1.1 Why hass knowwledgee becoome a strattegic

5、 businness iissue?Recentlly theere haas beeen a sshift away from a 揷apitaal assset” bbased econoomy too one wheree the strattegic assetts of any oorganiisatioon aree its knowlledge assetts. TThis cchangee in pparadiigm iss as ggreat as thhe shiift inn the past from an aggricullturall to aan inddustr

6、iial-baased eeconommy at the sstart of thhe Inddustriial Reevoluttion.The usee of kknowleedge, and iits suubsequuent mmanageement, as aa straategicc tooll to eenablee firmms to gain an eddge ovver thheir ccompettitorss has been enablled thhroughh:n technollogicaal advvancemments allowwing tthe caapt

7、uree, mannagemeent annd dissseminnationn of vvast qquantiities of innformaation withiin orgganisaationss;n the emeergencce of 搗irtuaal orgganisaationss” in whichh tradditionnal booundarries sseparaating businness uunits are bblurriing; aandn knowleddge beeing uutilissed too channge orrganissationns

8、andd openn new markeets.In addiition, the riskss of nnot maanaginng onee抯 knowwledgee asseets inncludees:n loss off prodductivvity aand oppportuunitiees thrrough wasteed timme finnding inforrmatioon andd dataa withhin ann orgaanisattion;n informaation overlload aas a rresultt of nno toools orr procc

9、essess beinng in placee to mmanagee and organnise ddata aand innformaation;n the losss of knowlledge due tto staaff atttritiion (iit is estimmated that 50% oof knoowledgge nott actiively storeed andd manaaged iis losst eveery 5 yearss assuuming a 10% turnnover in sttaff pper annnum); andn continuual

10、 ree-inveentingg of tthe whheel aas lesssons learnned inn the past are nnot sttored and ppassedd on tto othhers iin thee orgaanisattion.1.2 The KPMMG gloobal vvisionn and strattegy揔PMG iss the globaal advvisoryy firmm whosse aimm is tto turrn knoowledgge intto vallue foor thee beneefit oof itss clie

11、ents, its ppeoplee and its ccommunnitiess.”KPMG iss a knnowleddge-baased oorganiisatioon. WWhile that impliies thhat wee recrruit aand reetain the hhighesst callibre of peerson, it iis nott so mmuch tthe poool off knowwledgee thatt is KKPMG tthat ccountss, butt rathher hoow we turn that knowlledge i

12、nto valuee.Our knoowledgge cann be sseen aas parrt of our ccompettitivee edgee, sommethinng thaat setts us apartt fromm our compeetitorrs. TThe KPPMG vaalue sset alllows us too maxiimise our aadvanttage bby maiintainning tthese valuees in all ddealinngs wiith sttaff aand cllientss. In orderr to aach

13、ievve thiis theese vaalues must be emmbeddeed intto ourr proccessess and activvitiess.The vallues ffocus on thhree aareas:n Clientss;n People; andn Knowleddge.It is tthe laatter that this businness ccase aaddressses.The vallus ass exprressedd undeer Knoowledgge staate thhat, 揥揥e willl conntinuoously

14、 extennd thee fronntierss of oour shhared knowlledge by trreatinng knoowledgge as a higghly-vvaluedd asseet whiich evveryonne in the ffirm hhas a rightt and obliggationn to uuse annd a rresponnsibillity tto conntribuute toowardss.”This iss the essennce off Knowwledgee Manaagemennt (KMM): thhe prooce

15、ss of tuurningg a poool off diveerse kknowleedge aand exxpertiise innto a shareed ressourcee thatt bettter alllows the ffirm tto meeet itss goalls andd objeectivees.This prroposaal willl adddress the iissue of KMM withhin thhe Infformattion RRisk MManageement (IRM) pracctice by:n explainning wwhat KKM acttuallyy is;n examiniing thhe proocessees folllowedd by oother practtices arounnd thee worlld, sppecifiicallyy the Uniteed Kinngdom and tthe Unnited Stat


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