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1、全新版大学英语综合教程第三册单词 第一单元get by be good enough but not verygood 过得去frustration the state or an instance of being frustrated挫折;令人失望contentment 满足haul transport ,as with a truck,cart (用马车,卡车)搬运improvement the act or an instance of improving or bing improved 改进supplement 补充;增加pursue strive to gainor accomp

2、lish努力去获得,追求wicked evil or bad邪恶的;坏的at that point an that very moment;right then就在那时on balance with all thing considered总的来说illustrate provide with visual features;larify by use of examples举例说明digest a short account of written materials or data文摘;摘要boundary sth.that indicates or fixs a limit or exte

3、nt 边界;分界线generate bring into existence,produce形成;产生insurance 保险;保险费minor lesser or smaller in amount or improtance较少的;较小的aside from except for,in addition to 除了suspect belive to the true,likely or probable;怀疑budget 预算requirement 要求,必要条件scale relative level or degree规模on a small /large scale 小规模地resi

4、st keep from giving in to or enjoying抵制profit an advantageous gain or return 利润(n&v)invest commit in order to gain a financial return投资whip up make quickly快速做成miss out on sth 未得到某物,在某事上不成功,失去(得益或享乐的)机会get through come successfully to the end度过workforce worker considered as a boy劳动力dizzy make dizzy o

5、r confused使选晕(迷惑)array an impressively large number一系列,大量commute 每天乘车往返两地mushroom grow or expand rapidly迅速增长economic 经济学的;经济方面的make sense have an understandable meaning;be sensible 有意义的get along survive ,manage过得去just about almost几乎invole cause to part in;include by necessity 第二单元Slender 苗条的;细长的 clo

6、se to the side/besideconfident 有信心的;确信的feeling or showing trust in oneself or ones ability5racial 种族的slavery 受奴役的状态;奴隶制the state of being a slave or the practice of owning slavesmission 特殊使命,任务 particular task or duty undertaken by an individual or a groupforge 建立,伪造create by means of much hard work

7、 civil 公民的of or relating to the citizens of a countrybe intent on(sth./doing sth) 热中于,坚决要做be eager and determined to do sthon the side 作为兼职;秘密地as an additional job or source of income/secretly capture 抓捕;捕获 capturing or being capturedconviction 坚定的看法或信仰firm opinion or beliefimpose 把强加于place a offici

8、ally on as for 至于with regard totransport 运输disguise 伪装,假扮make look or sound different from normal / give a false appearanceabolish 废除 end the existence ofcompel 强迫,强求get or bring about by force / forcepass for 被当作appear like / be accepted or looks upon aspusu sb around 摆布 what to do in an impolite o

9、r threatening waymake the best of 充分利用 accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and try to manage as well as you canat risk 有危险 in danger / threatened by the possibility of lossfame 名声 声望 trial 审判arrest 逮捕 seize with the authority of the lawlegal 合法的 allowed or done according to the lawpeer 仔细看

10、 凝视 look closely or carefully / esp as if unable to see well be tired of 厌倦的 become bored withoppose 反对 disagree with sth and try to prevent it from happeningrepresentation 代表 sth that representsthreat 恐吓 威胁motivate 激起 provide with a motive for doing sthurgent 紧迫的 急迫的 needing immediate attention / a

11、ction or decision第三单元vulnerable exposed to danger or attack;unprotected易受攻击的;无防御的hook up to connect or attach to with or as if with a hook 连接到build in make(sth) as part of the structure使成为建筑物的一部分feature 给以显著地位,突出;由主演barrier (n) thing that prevents progress or movement障碍wander (vi) move about without

12、 a fixed purpose 漫游,闲逛,徘徊terror (n) 恐怖without/with not so much as 甚至连都没be bathed in cover or envelop as if with liquid 沉浸于analyze 分析civilize cause to improve from a primitive stage of human society to a more. developmed one开化,使文明reflection a thing bringing discredit or criticism; idea arising from t

13、hinking; reflecting or being reflected有损声誉的事,思考;反映whistle 哨子outsmart (vt) 比精明;智胜universal. affecting or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases. 全体的; 共同的; 普遍的threaten 威胁; 恐吓; 扬言于 trap prevent(sb) from escaping from (somewhere,esp, a dangerous place

14、) 使陷于困境depart die; go away; esp. on a journey. 死; 离开; 起程advocate speak in favor of; support. 主张; 提倡recommend make a favorable judgement of. 推荐wrap hold (sb/sth) by putting your arms, legs,fingers etc. around them 包扎;缠绕count on rely on. 依靠; 指望;in ones favor to the advantage of sb. 对某人有利atmosphere 气氛 ; 大气belief 信念; 相信aggressive always ready to quarrel or attack; threatening.



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