人教版英语必修三强化练习:unit 2 第3课时含答案精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 2 第三课时.单词拼写1He didnt shout; he just _ (怒视) at me silently.2The hotel _ (结合) comfort with convenience, so its very popular.3The new regulations will be of _ (有益) to everyone concerned.4We were poor but we never got into _ (欠债)5The teaching of history shouldnt be _ (限制) to dates and

2、 figures.答案:1glared译文:他没有喊叫,只是默默地怒视着我。2combines译文:这家旅馆既舒适又方便,因此很受欢迎。3benefit译文:新规章将使所有有关人员受益。4debt译文:我们穷是穷,但从不负债。5limited译文:教授历史不应该只局限于讲年代和人物。.完成句子1I _ (受益很大) reading different kinds of books.2I have to _ (咨询经理) the matter.3He _(监视) by the police since then.4_ (不久) our family moved and I had to give

3、 the pet away.5If you cant give up smoking completely, at least try to _ (减少)6The family _ (负债累累) because of her husbands fatal disease.7My brother _ (体重增加) when he was at university.8Why are there so many people _ (谋生) by begging in the city streets.答案:1.have benefited a lot from/by2.consult my man

4、ager about3.has been spied on4.Before long5.cut down6.is deep in debt7.put on weight8.earning their living.单项填空1Turn off the TV, Jack._your homework now?Mum, just ten more minutes, please.AShould you be doingBShouldnt you be doingCCouldnt you be doingDWill you be doing答案:B由句意知,妈妈是在责备杰克“难道你现在不应该在做作业吗

5、?”,故应用否定式疑问句。2Being a disabled man, he has difficulty _.Aearning livingsBearning his livingCto earn livingsDto earn his living答案:B考查固定搭配。have difficulty (in) doing sth做某事有困难,earn ones living谋生。3Not earning enough money this month, I had to _ my expenses.Acut inBcut offCcut acrossDcut down答案:D句意:由于这个

6、月没有挣够钱,我不得不减少开支。cut in插嘴;cut off切断;cut across抄近路;cut down减少。4A large sum of money has been raised for the _ of the poorlyeducated children in the mountainous areas.AprofitBfavorCadvantageDbenefit答案:D句意:为帮助山区那些受教育程度很低的孩子,人们募捐了大量的钱。for the benefit of sb为了某人的利益,为帮助某人。5Though we are not walking slowly,

7、I still think that it wont be _ he _ up with us.Along before; catchesBbefore long; catchesCfor long; caughtDlong until; will catch答案:A句意:尽管我们走得挺快的,但我认为他不久就会赶上我们的。It wont be long before.表示“用不了多久就”,为常用句型。6The cancer risks _ with smoking have been well proved.AcombinedBassociatedCcausedDjoined答案:B asso

8、ciate with.和有联系,符合语境及句子结构要求。combine with与结合起来;cause和join不与with连用。7He _ a number of books about the subject in the library before he gave his speech.AreferredBlooked intoCconsultedDlooked up答案:C考查动词及短语意义。A项应加to,refer to查阅;look into调查;consult查阅;look up查找。由句意可知C项切题。8Since they bought the house, the Smi

9、ths _ debt these years.Ahave got intoBhave run intoChave been inDhave been out of答案:C由语境可知此处用be in debt。get/run into debt表动作,不和时间段连用。9Why are you spying _ me all the time? What do you want to spy _?Aon; outBfor; forCon; atDon; for答案:A考查固定短语。spy on暗中监视,窥探;spy out查明,弄清楚。句意:你为什么一直暗中监视我?你想查明什么?10(2014鹤岗

10、高一检测)To our joy, the operation is _ success and the patient is now out of _ danger.Aa; theBa; /C/; theD/; /答案:B句意:令我们高兴的是,手术成功了并且病人现在脱离了危险。a success“一件成功的事”,在这里success为抽象名词具体化;out of danger为固定搭配,意思为“脱离危险”。.完形填空Children are eating more meat and candy but less vegetables such as beans, cabbages and eg

11、gplants._1_they take in too little fiber but too much fat and sugar_2_give them too many calories.Now parents have only one or two children. They have thrown away the balanced_3_,just feeding them on“quality food”. Parents think it is showing their love and that it_4_them a lot. They feel bad if the

12、ir children look_5_._6_, such as hamburgers, pizza and French fries, has been_7_for many years. As it is quick and easy_8_children to eat and also it tastes good, many children like it.Junk food is_9_of fat, salt, sugar and many food additives(添加剂). Eating too much junk food makes children overweigh

13、t and does them great_10_.Thanks to modern technology, a growing army of children spend much time on video games though they_11_spend it on outdoor sports._12_about the physical condition of overweight children, there is a clear relationship between being fat and lack of_13_play. Children get fat be

14、cause they give_14_moving, and as a result, they move less and less because theyre _15_weight. In this way, many children look heavy but_16_they are in poor health._17_is time for children to change their diet and the way of life._18_the junk food and meat and combine the daily life_19_some outdoor sports. It will help lose weight and win health_20_.文章大意:孩子们不容乐观的健康状况向我们敲醒了警钟:远离“垃圾”食品。1A.BecauseBThoughCThereforeDSo答案:D上下文之间为因果关系。若选therefore后面需要加逗号。2A.thatBwhichCtheyDbut答案:A


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