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1、文档从互联网中收集,已重新修正排版,word格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。北师大版五年级英语下册期末考试题Class: _No._ Name:_ Marks: 第一部分:听力 (25分) Listen and Choose .听音,选择。(6分)1. ( ) A. whoseB. who C .whenD. what2. ( ) A. wasB. wereC. hadD. are 3. ( ) A. theirsB. theyC. hisD. her4. ( ) A. barberB. guideC. teacherD. boss5. ( ) A. oceanB. flowerC. su

2、nD. star6. ( ) A. spaceB. planetC. dreamD. spaceship Listen and choose the answer .听音,选择答语。(8分)1.( ) A. Its Thursday .X Kb 1. ComB. Its November 28th .C. Its nine oclock .2.( ) A. I was a student . B. I was at home . C. I like summer .3.( ) A. He ate the banana too quickly.B. They are happy. C. She

3、is a teacher . 新 课 标 第 一 网4.( ) A. I watch TV . B. I cleaned the classroom at school. C. I like bananas.5.( ) A. Yes , I do . B. No , she doesnt .C. Yes, he does .6.( ) A. He is a policeman.B. He is a good boy . C. She is a teacher .7.( ) 7. A. Its Monday .B. Its September 8th .C. Its nine oclock .8

4、.( ) A. Its her .B. Its hers.C. Its our. Listen and write the missing words . 听句子,补全句子。(6分)1. This is _ new classroom . The classroom is _ .2. That is _ suitcase . The suitcase is _ .3. _backpack is on the chair .The backpack on the chair is _ . Listen and Judge.听短文,判断正误。对的写“T”,错的写“F”。 (5分)1.( ) The

5、 girls name is Lily .2.( )She is in Class One, Grade Five.3.( )Ken is twelve years old .4.( )Their PE teacher is Miss Wang .5.( )Ken is a Chinese boy . w W w .X k b 1. c O m第二部分:笔试 (75分) Read and Choose .选出不同类的单词。(8分)1. ( ) A. todayB. mineC. tomorrowD. yesterday2. ( ) A. theirsB. noodlesC. eggD. ric

6、e3. ( ) A. grassB. treeC. ourD. flower4. ( ) A. skyB. starC. bossD. moon5. ( ) A. barberB. cloudC. teacherD. vet6. ( ) A. hotB. coldC. walkD. warm7. ( ) A. waterB. riceC. meatD. noodles8. ( ) A. juiceB. milkC. teaD. dog Choose the words .根据句意从选择正确的单词。(18分)How When Where Who What Whose(1)1. _ pencils

7、 are these ?They are mine .2. _ is the cinema ?Its next to the school .3._ is that man ?He is my father .4._ is that ?Its a apple .5._ is your father ?Hes fine .6. _ do you go home ?I go home at 5 oclock .we our ours(2) 新-课 -标-第 -一-网I my mine Lily is my friend . _ are in Class 4 . Look , these books

8、 are _ . Ms Chen is _ English teacher .(3) _ name is Andy . _ come from Shishi . The bike is_ .(4) Last night, I _(have,had ) a dream. I _(was, were) a farmer.Uncle Booky_(was, were) a farmer, too.He _(has, had) a farm.There_(was,were) many animals on the farm. We_(have,had) a lot of fun there. Choo

9、se the correct answer . 选择正确的答案。(8分)1.( ) We _ at home yesterday. A. are B. were C. was2.( )This is Mockys cat . That is _ .A. my B. I C. mine3.( ) Is this new bag _ ? -No , its _ .A. his ; his B. yours ; hers C. yours ; my 4.( ) He _ a boy. _ name is Wang Ming .A. is ; His B. is ; Her C. are ; His5

10、. ( ) I _ big eyes , but he _ small eyes. 新-课 -标-第 -一-网A. have; have B. have; has C. has; has6. ( ) What did she _ to have ?- She _ to have a book . A. wanted ; wanted B. want ; wanted C. want ; want 7. ( ) _ pears are those? -They are ours.A. WhatB. WhoC. Whose8. ( ) - What does your father do ?-_.

11、A. She is a pilot . B. Im a student . C. He is a vet . Choose the correct answer .根据情景选择正确答案。(8分)1.( )你想知道对方是不是认识Ken时,应该问:A. Do you like Ken ?B. Do you know Ken ?C. Is he Ken ?2.( )别人想你说谢谢时,你应该说:A. Goodbye .B. Thank you .C. Youre welcome .3. ( )你想知道别人的名字是,应该问:A. What is your name? B. Are you Ken?C.

12、How are you? X k B 1 . c o m4.( )当你想知道对方的身高时,你可以这样问:A. How tall are you ?B. How heavy are you ?C. Whats your tall ?5.( )你想问班级里谁最高,怎么问?A. Who is the tallest in the class?B. Who is tallest in the class ?C. Who is taller in the class ?6. ( )你想知道今天几月几日,应该问:A. What day is it today? B. Whats the date toda

13、y?C. Whats the weather today?7.( )你想知道Ann昨天在哪里时,应该问:A. How is Ann? B. Where was Ann yesterday?C. Do you know Ann?8.( )你想问这件连衣裙是谁的,应该说:A. This is a dress . w W w .X k b 1. c O mB. Whose dress is that ?C. Whose dress is this ? Answer the questions . 选出问题的正确答案。(6分)A. She is a student .B. I feel bad .C. Its hers.D. They were in the zoo .E. How do you do ?F. His name is Leo .( ) 1.Whats wrong?( ) 2. Whose pencil is this ?( ) 3.What d



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