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1、初中英语中考听力考试考前技巧训练前言:湖北省孝感市中考英语听力考试20分,主要题型有:一、情景反应(5分)。二、对话理解(10分):(包括短对话、长对话)。三、短文理解(5分)。下面我针对有代表性的题型做分析和归纳,起到考前强化的作用。一、情景反应。1、听懂功能句并迅速作出应答。 1) A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Fine. Thank you.2) A. Good idea. B. Yes, please. C. Never mind. 3) A. The same to you. B. Have a good time. C. Youre so

2、 kind.4) A. You are right. BI like it. CThank you. 5) A. Its Sunday B. Its April 12th. C. Its 8:30 am6) A. Yes,I do BNo, thanks CSorry, Im new here7) A. Im sorry to hear thatB. Thats all right C. Dont worry8)A. Yes, I wont. B. Sorry, I wont. C. No, I dont9)A. She is better now. B. She likes dancing.

3、 C. She is tall and pretty.10)A. He is my English teacher. B. He is very friendly. C. He is an English teacher.(要求:平时注意积累英语常用交际用语的习惯表达)2、注意问答之间的呼应:(人称、性别、时态、助动词等):( ) 1) A. Yes, I do B. No, he doesnt C. Yes, she is ( )2) A. I went there last year B. I will go there in two days C . I go there once a

4、year.3、关注疑问句的类型,学会预测问题。 (1)特殊疑问句:关键是要听懂疑问词 ( 2)一般疑问句 :用Yes 或No 作答,注意问答之间的助动词的呼应。(3)选择疑问句 :不能用“Yes”或“No”回答。(4)反义疑问句:,但前后肯定,否定必须一致,回答的内容还必须和事实相符。 ( )1) A. Since last month. B. September. C. Six oclock( )2) A.I dont like it B. coffee, please C. Yes, please.( )3) A. Its big. B. Its far C. Its hot.( )4)

5、A. 5 dollars. B. 5 oclock. C. 5 kilos.( )5)A. In a restaurant. B. By train. C. Last Sunday.( )6)A. At 5:00 p.m B. By bus C. Twice a week 二、短对话理解题答题技巧。1、注意肯定与否定,听懂谈话人的弦外之音( )1) A. This afternoon B. Tomorrow morning C. The day after tomorrow ( )2) A. To see the new play. B. To do some shopping. C. To

6、go to the bank.2、注意将人物与发生的时间、地点、事件等的匹配。( )1) A. some tea B. some coffee C. some juice( )2) A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.( )3) A. Jane B. Tony C. Lucy3、做简要笔录。听录音时快速,准确,简要地记下有关信息(包括数字,人名,地名等关键词),同时把可能正确的答案做上记号,以便核对时用,或者防止没听懂时作为猜测使用。但不要影响跟听速度,采用自己习惯的符号记录。( ) 1) A. Yellow. B. Green. C. Blue.( ) 2)

7、A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Tennis.( ) 3) A. 78665358. B. 87665853. C. 87665358.( ) 4) A.$18 B. $24 C. $304、注意数字题的答题技巧。 (难点)(注意时间,钱款,距离,年龄,人或物的数量等)听清数据,简要记下,听清问题,必要时加以运算。 ( ) 1) A. At 8:05B. At 8:10 C. At 8:15( )2) A. 7:40 B. 8:00 C. 7:20 ( ) 3)A.Three B. Four C. Five5、抓住关键,学会归纳和推测。一些试题要求猜测对话发生的时

8、间、地点、职业、人物之间的关系,或者是推断谈话主题,归纳总结等等,这时要抓住关键词,通过对话的具体情节和背景进行判断和推测。 ( ) 1) A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a cinema. ( )2) A. School life. B. Summer holiday. C. Shopping.三、长对话理解题答题技巧。听下面一段长对话,完成1、2小题。( ) 1. A. Beijing . B. Xian . C. Both A and B .( ) 2. A. Four days . B. Six days . C. Two day

9、s .听对话,完成3-5小题.( ) 3、 A. His mother B. His sister C. His father( ) 4、 A. A pair of glasses B. A sports shirt C. A pair of shoes( ) 5、 A. Blue B. Black C. White四、短文理解题答题技巧:听短文要注意听大意,要善于捕捉整体信息,切莫一个词一个词地听,也不要听一句就翻译一句,更不必因一个词或一个短语没听懂就停步不前,一定要带着短文后的要求和指令去听。听的短文通常是结构紧凑的故事。1、预习选项,化繁为简。2、预测问题: WH-问题 :what w

10、hy where when who H- 问题: how manymuchlong.3、注意选项中前后题的暗示。4、带着问题去听。听的时候抓住重点词、句。5、迅速勾出显而易见的答案。6、听的过程中在选项上做些笔录。7、先整体把握,理清线索,抓好前后联系,后分析推敲,最后确定较难的答案。体会文章的韵味。 听短文,根据短文内容回答问题 ( )1、A. Two B. Three C. One ( )2、A. Mr. Blacks brother B. Mr. Blacks classmate C. Mr. Blacks friend ( ) 3、A. Two holes B. One hole C.

11、 None ( )4、A. Sorry B. Happy C. Surprised ( )5、 A. He is clever B. He is foolish C. He is unhappy初中英语中考听力考试实战技巧1、调整心态。考生心理素质尤为重要,要有自信心,沉着冷静,静心收听,学会用音乐来调整自己的心态,把听力考试当成是一个作品去完成。2、及时预览。考前5分钟抓紧时间对听力题进行预览。侧重对后面11-20小题篇章理解题的预览。3、集中精力。善于思索,左右观察。做到眼观八路,耳听四方。4、勤作笔录。要求边听边记,边思考,边选择,出手要快,力争所有听力题第一遍能记下来,第二遍作为核对,

12、做到万无一失。5、抓住重点。在测试过程中要积极、主动,要有意识、有选择地去听,抓住重点地去听。6、果断选题。当机立断,不能反反复复,甚至影响后面的答题。切记不可因某个小题未听懂而患得患失,不可因一题失多题,造成一步跟不上,步步踏空的结果。确实没听出来的学会猜测,不能留空题。(附:初中英语中考听力训练录音材料与答案)一、情景反应1、听懂功能句。(B)(1 )How do you do?(A)(2 )How about going out for dinner this evening?(B)(3)Im going to Hong Kong this summer holiday.(C)(4 )Y

13、our dress looks very nice.(A)(5)What day is it today?(C)(6)Excuse me, is there a bookshop near here?(A)(7)My mother is ill in hospital.(B)(8)Dont play football in the street, Jim.(C)(9 )What does she look like?(B)( 10)What do you think of your English teacher? 2、注意问答之间的呼应。(B)( 1)Does he have a pen p

14、al?(A)( 2)When did you go to Beijing?3、注意疑问句的类型。(A)(1 )How long have you been there?(B)( 2)Would you like some coffee or tea ? (C)( 3)Whats the weather like in Wuhan in summer ?(A)( 4)How much is the new book?(C)(5 )When did you have your birthday party?(C)(6 )How often do you go to the gym?二、短对话理解1、(B)(1)W: Can I see you in my school this after


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